Infosys will never pay based on talent. Make sure you get good initial hike because you won't get anything more after that even after 3 or 4 years. If they find you are a valuable resource they want to retain you but at no extra cost.
Work Life balance is good. Less stressful environment. Nobody cares what you are doing as long as the job gets done.
Salary is in pennies compared to others in the industry. There are no appraisals and promotions take forever. Notice period is 3 months which makes switching difficult.
Even for people from top B schools, payment is too low.
No help from the Team members.
Lot of deductions in salary.
Continuously we need to monitor system for entire shift
12.30 pm to 9.30,,,pm almost 9 hrs shift.
More work no proper Team support.
24/7 Environment. Gulf projects horrible. Us projects are good.
Time wasted in team meetings
Less productivity
No ownership
Poor decision making on clients requirements
No hike
At job level 5, majority of roles are PMO work
Culture of dumping work on others is promoted, so team leads get alienated from their own team