Only good thing is you will get salary on time every end of the month. Sometimes you will feel like security of the job. Keep deducting insurance premiums from your salary, before join HCL first read all section in offer letter because there is AMPB - Annual Monthly Performance Bobus they do include your fixed salary and they provide every monthly include in fixed monthly/yearly the problems is when you resign this company they will deduct that amount from your FNF amount and will hold your salary until all due cleared, supposed your monthly AMPB is Rs.8000 then multiply into LWD of the month then it will be total amount, AMPB start every year from April to March. They offer during job like they give offer for enrollment for academy learning and before you enroll you have to sign Service Agreement for 2 years and you can not leave the company with service agreement and you wish to leave then you have to pay back 2 lakhs. They have two/three/six months of the notice and option for buyout if you with to not serve notice period but Manager's never approve/allowed and until your manager does not leave from the project and compnay HR will not help on anything. No night allowance given in HCL They can give any project roll no matter what profile is yours it depends on project availability they can give Service Desk work for on-call support. Manager's allways harassing their people mostly the manager came from Service Desk Management Salary - forget about that you will get hike every year , they do nothing increases, There is called quarterly performance review , they will give allways good rating all quarter but at the end of year like annual review they will mark down your review with out having any reason. I will simply say do not join this company if you have wish to grow otherwise here all your wished and ambition will stop.
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