The forest Development Corporation of maharashtra ltd is semi Govt company established in 1975.First fdcm policy was clear fell old forest and plantations of valuable teak and khair spacies were done. In clear felling old forest fdcm sold timber bamboo charcoal etc and got plenty of revenue to govt.In each division there were 6 to 7 ranges and each range every year clear felt up to 600 to 700 ha old forest.It was called firth crop. And after 10 years of plantation age firth mechanical thinnings were done and in this fdcm got pole of teak and got firewood.FDCM solid it and got revenue and after each five years second then third fourth fifth and subsequent thinnings were done and each thinning fdcm got revenue. In such work fdcm created valuable teak and khair plantations.UP to date each Division is spread over 30 40 000 of hactrs forest land. In this protection of plantation and forest land automatically was part of duty court cases.But state forest department is original property holder and forest land is on lease to fdcm.first staff was hired from forest departmt on deputation to fdcm. Then now fdcm has own staff. Divisional manager asset manager range officer foresters forest gourds and clericall staff is working now as per govt rules. Fdcm is in profit every year and is maharashtra govt corporation in profit.Now staff have to do work like old over wood removal ,plantations ,,auction of timber bamboo firewood ect forest work of forest under it in limited powers.Now MREGS works are carried out with regular work.etc etc....
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