Salary and benefits are better than the other schools in Raipur.
Principal and supervisors are biased they bully the teachers. Principal humiliates the teachers and creates toxic work place for them. The worst work place that I have ever experienced.
Toxic work culture. Supervisors are biased and they practice favouritism policy. No ethics can at all. Administration and management team don't listen to the employees complaints and give excuses to escape from the situation.
Heavy politics by old employees and supervisors are kinda biased. Overall stress level is very high and unnecessary paper work is there. You can't able to free yourself from the tasks for even few minutes.
Work pressure. Unnecessary documentation work.
Heavy politics. good and sincere employees fall prey to it
Policies change every now and then for management 's own benefits.
School Teacher,lecturer - Junior College in
Bangalore / Bengaluru
Other Department
• posted on 04 Jul 2019
for Salary and Benefits
CHI is an NGO. The satisfaction of working with and for underprivileged children is immense.
CHI is a good place with good camaraderie between teammates and scope for learning. There is no job security However, One gets to encounter favouritism, stress due to unnecessary documentation and long working hours.