...o improve and give PIP. Target Achievement: Good thing its just 70% achievement. Targets are not high but corresponding to your salary. PIP: I got PIP once. I improved my achievement. This is actually got after multiple meetings and only if target achievement is before 30% total target. There is 10 days - 15 days gap in between each PIP. 3 PIP is given. Additional Telephone Internet Allowance: INR 1000/- is given for internet allowance. Commissions & Incentives: There is very high commission which starts from 80%. Additional Incentives are there Assessment & Transparency: They assess our work weekly, monthly, once in three months review with graph. This helps us perform. Daily target achievement reports are shared with us to give us our performance measure. WFH Life: Have to be on virtual link as we are work from home. This is Comfortable as they don't give any pressure. We have to achieve targets and be responsible. Work Life Balance: If we work well during the day, we can really manage our personal life. 9am we start and 6.30pm we stop work. Also we get 2 hours break in between this work time. Team: Very friendly but they insist on achieving targets. From the management everyone treat you with respect and give you a comfortable work environment.
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