Totally cheated company, they are forced to doing job by own responsibility and any mistake deduction from salary, which one not give on time Jagdeep is total froud person, his language is very very horrible. They deduct lot of person pf and not Paid in pf account, and u asked they start to mental torcher and forced to resign and then your pf is wasted. Your voucher also not paid on time period and lot of deductions. Not given single rupee of advance for site expense. His hr person miss Pallavi also total false promises. Don't attend interview, and give original and bonds. After joing nobody supportive and total under mental financial pressure jobs. Duty hrs not fixed and only 200 rs for out Mumbai food allowance, means only 200 rs get per day now a day. Every month min 20% salary deduction is compulsory. So before join think total froud.
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