based on 2.1k Reviews
Proud winner of ABECA 2024 - AmbitionBox Employee Choice Awards
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Full Time
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Job pressure not much
no chance as direct staff
Full Time
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Company has very pathetic policy,People get demoted,some position closed,higher managers were kicked.All these they have done during pandamic which they call re org change.
Here in chennai majority of the population is south indian,and company says that they dont discriminate,Hiring is the most pathetic part,being an oil and gas giant they hire any one,it is also possible that some 5 yr experience will become team me they are some extraordinary they know nothing,All they have is some contacts If u know someone in shell which is on higher position u will get job for sure. Even full time bachelors is also not required,correspondence btech is also fine here. If u see some junior average employee in senior position then dont get frustrated,its only luck and contacts....Read More
Full Time
Construction Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work culture ,management is good
Not for early days of carrier
Work days: Monday to Saturday (Flexible Timings)
Full Time
Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good work culture
Overall good
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Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
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Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
No workload, work with full safety, good fooding & accommodation, good pay,overall very good career boosting company
Nothing to dislike
Work days: Monday to Saturday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Engineering & Manufacturing Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Overall Rating
Top trending discussions
Full Time
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
It's good management .. but not in India(stcb) ... Free food Skill development New technologies
Many things are there . 1. Everything is based on the manager we get. 2. No salry hike or appraisal 3. No freedom or respect .. if you are an contract employee 4. Lots of nepotism and monopoly in management 5. 5 times organisation reshaping happened in last 3 years.
Work days: Rotational Shift (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within City.
Full Time
Upstream Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work culture, Job satisfaction, good salary & leave policy
Nothing as of now
Work policy: 8 days in a month
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within Country.
Full Time
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Best company
Working office chennai itbis not good for North Indians
Work policy: 15 days in two months
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Flexible work policy Good Salary
Promotion delay
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Global work culture
Lack of asset exposure
Work policy: 2 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within Country, International Travel.
Full Time
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Job security
Salary and promotion
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Construction Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work life balance
Salary is not competitive compare to other industries.
Work policy: 8 days in month
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Business Intelligence & Analytics Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
No promotions, no hikes. Everything is stopping
Work policy: 2 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Operations, Maintenance & Support Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Shell Culture
No one cares about employees development and skill improvement.
Work policy: 2 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves International Travel.
Full Time
Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work culture , Work life balance
Nothing .
Full Time
Technology / IT Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
More CTC- So that you can contribute to the nation building by giving 60-70% of your CTC to the government in direct & indirect taxes, Best world class leaders- Top level management is the best for their own benefit. One can learn from them how to be selfish & squeeze the JG2 and below so that they can get more stocks & CTC (their performance is directly linked to the amount of blood they squeeze, the more your blood reduces the higher their performance bonus & package) Learn from Leaders - one can easily learn from leaders on how to be a double standard person. You can have all the cost cutting and restrictions for the actual work but when it comes to their travel & need they can do it any time as it's business critical to go from one location to another to shake hands with other folks in their location. But when you want to travel for a project purpose you can't because travel will emit a lot of CO2 which will destroy the nature & company needs to save cost so that their package can be increased. Makes you feel special & healthy - Top folks & County Chair Team will make you feel special by making you work extra in India and paying you just as much that one can barely buy peanuts ensuring that your health remains at optimum level so that you deliver all the tasks and their package, Bonus & stocks increases. Work from Home - Literally it means work from home a comfort that you have because one needs to work for 15-16 hrs to ensure that your contribution helps top level travel more, work less and enjoy more comfort in their pay package and benefits. Make you feel rich:- Pay structure is so wonderful that we you feel you are from the lineage of Ambani & Adani and you don't need money in your hand. I was so moved by this gesture I almost went to Antilia to stay with my family. Makes you believe in reincarnation- no matter which faith you belong to top management ensures they are not biased and you believe in reincarnation so that you can do your non office work in your next life. Healthier team - Management ensures that they run special events to pressurize the staff every year as reorg (fancy names like Reshape, Evolution etc..). As a result the top performers or the cream layer staff gets frustrated and moves out of the organization as a result the team is left with non cream staff (non performer) and hence healthy. We all know cream is not good for health & for company as well. Vocal for local - Indian management is so pro vocal for locals that they will never let them out of the country & ensure that they are so deeply routed for the country that they do not ask to go out of the country for a job. Brings Maturity - within 4-5 months of joining you'll realise how mature you have become as you'll be taught that you have to work harder and harder so that the bank balance and perks increase yours but of the top management. Cost effective - Indian management is so cost effective that even after giving peanuts they will find a way to reduce that next year which helps them to increase their by the same percentage they reduce for others. Cost management - A speciality of the company is to manage cost effectively. They will reduce the spent on required things but will spend lavishly on things which are not required e.g. coffee area renovation every 2 years, world class speakers and amplifier to play music in the cafeteria where you can forget the office tension while eating lunch from a provider who cares less. Non biased approach - Top management not biased at all for diversity. They will ensure that there is a diversity at top level even though the person hired at the role doesn't know anything but that's okay as one of the goals of the organisation is to be a top Diversity and inclusive organisation. Fair Management - top management in india is consistently fair and non biased to the organisation goal. Irrespective of being the low cost establishment globally Indian management always ensure that the staff in India consistently gets lesser benefits, perks, bonus, stocks and salary compare to other establishment across globe. Such a dedicated management is rarely seen...Read More
Mangement and thier style of work
Full Time
Engineering Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
For now nothing to say. Every benefits were stopped in the name of cost cutting.
Everything we heard about Shell is a expired thought. Already shell started loosing it's Unique culture. It has becoming a worst management model. It has become a normal industrial mindset of absorbing employees blood and not providing any benefits. Promotion takes minimum 6 years, And salary standards were only 40-50% compared to others and not 75%. Top level of management focus on how to destroy the shell culture and make own benefits....Read More
Work policy: 10 days / month from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Strict Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves Travel Within City.
Full Time
Technology / IT Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good policy for employees like paternity leave of 8 weeks, quiet period of 4 weeks
Absolutely no job security. Re-org and Layoff is very frequent. No job promotion as employees are focused on saving jobs. Hike is pathetic.
Work policy: 2 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
IT Infrastructure Services Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Shell was good when it moved its IT delivery and operations into India during 2015. But the culture has taken a dip post pandemic.
1. No vision at all from IT Executives. Shell hired staff and contractors left and right between 2020 - 21, and now have been firing people left and right since 2022. 2. No job security at all. There are frequent re-organisations. Sometimes, almost every year. Whenever there is re-organization there is lay off of staff. 3. Not merit based organization. You get retained in the company, not on the basis of merit but on the basis of people you know. There is no value for work you do and the outcome. 4. Human care is just on paper. There is absolutely no human care and it's just on paper and for show off. In essence, no leader or manager cares for staff's health and growth. 5. In the name of DE&I women staff get promotions, though not all deserving. Which certainly is having a long-term impact on leadership pipeline and vision of the company....Read More
Full Time
Product Management - Technology Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Large organisation / big brand Diverse business and people Good pay on paper Work life balance - depends on role or project to project
No vision in IT, leaders/managers are merely postman. Your growth and job security is 100% dependent on your leaders and 0% on work quality you deliver. I have seen absolute poor performers getting promoted and very good performers struggling to keep job during frequent reorgs. Lot of care / safety / people Dev only in powerpoint slides. They don’t act what they preach.
Work policy: 2 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Finance Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Work life balance and people around are something that's really nice. Work environment is good.
Difficult to identify the right fit for the job. Growth and learning is extremely slow. And now the job security is almost non-existent.
Work days: Monday to Friday
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Downstream Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
I think Shell is one of the best company in the world where you can upskill and improve yourself in every aspect. Company work culture and Policy for employee is very attractive. They really care for employee wellbeing and here Policy is not only on Paper. There is good work life balance in this company.
Salary structure they can improve. But they are giving good as per Market standard. But they can pay good salary to employees who deserve.
Work policy: 15 days in 2 months
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves International Travel.
Full Time
Software Development Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Good people and team mates.
No development of personal and career nature. Lots of pressure from buisness and related teams. No support from line or PM. Company mentality is you either get along with stress or leave. CEO is completely focused on generation of short term money doesn't care for Indian employees which is evident with past 2 year net salary decrease.
Work policy: 2 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
Back Office Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Most disgusting company to work .If anyone wanted to spoil own career,you can choose supposed to be hell
Everywhere thing .Toxic environment,useless Hr
Work policy: 3 days/week from office
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This is a desk job.
Full Time
IT Infrastructure Services Department
Overall Rating
Category Ratings
Skill development
Job security
Work satisfaction
Company culture
Work-life balance
Nothing as you have 0 job security. You could be fired any day any time and any moment. If you have two offers and another was is paying less also please go for the second one. If will give you money with 0 security and hire and fire culture.
Main thing is like you have to do networking with people to secure your job and too much politics. Work place is too much toxic and negativity around the floor.
Work days: Monday to Friday (Flexible Timings)
Work related travel: This job involves International Travel.
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AmbitionBox has 6 Shell reviews submitted by Shell employees. Read reviews on salaries, working hours, work culture, office environment, and more to know if Shell is the right company for you.Reliance Industries
Oil And Natural Gas Corporation
Indian Oil Corporation
Bharat Petroleum