200+ SDE-2 Interview Questions and Answers
Q101. Ninja and the Bulbs Challenge
Ninja owns an electronic shop and possesses 'N' bulbs. To verify the quality of the bulbs, Ninja performs a unique technique. After 'N' rounds of this process, bulbs that remain more
Determine the number of good quality bulbs remaining after 'N' rounds of a unique technique.
Start with all bulbs on in the first round
Toggle every 'i' bulb in 'i' round
Count the bulbs that remain on after 'N' rounds
Q102. Prime Group Problem Statement
Given two integers DAY_HOURS
, where DAY_HOURS
is the number of hours in a day, and the day is divided into PARTS
equal parts, identify the total instances of equivalent more
The task is to identify the total instances of equivalent prime groups given the number of hours in a day and the day divided into equal parts.
Identify prime hours in each part of the day
Find equivalent prime groups across different parts
Output the total number of equivalent prime groups
Q103. Validate Binary Search Tree (BST)
You are given a binary tree with 'N' integer nodes. Your task is to determine whether this binary tree is a Binary Search Tree (BST).
BST Definition:
A Binary Search Tree (BST) more
Validate if a given binary tree is a Binary Search Tree (BST) or not.
Check if the left subtree of a node contains only nodes with data less than the node's data
Check if the right subtree of a node contains only nodes with data greater than the node's data
Recursively check if both left and right subtrees are also binary search trees
Q104. Convert Sorted Array to BST Problem Statement
Given a sorted array of length N
, your task is to construct a balanced binary search tree (BST) from the array. If multiple balanced BSTs are possible, you can more
Construct a balanced binary search tree from a sorted array.
Create a recursive function to construct the BST by selecting the middle element as the root.
Recursively construct the left subtree with elements to the left of the middle element and the right subtree with elements to the right.
Ensure that the constructed tree is balanced by maintaining the height difference of left and right subtrees at most 1.
Q105. Find K Closest Elements
Given a sorted array 'A' of length 'N', and two integers 'K' and 'X', your task is to find 'K' integers from the array closest to 'X'. If two integers are at the same distance, prefer more
Given a sorted array, find K integers closest to X, preferring smaller ones in case of same distance.
Use binary search to find the closest element to X in the array.
Maintain two pointers to expand around the closest element to find K closest elements.
Compare distances and values to select the K closest elements, preferring smaller ones if distances are equal.
Q106. Minimum Jumps Problem Statement
Bob and his wife are in the famous 'Arcade' mall in the city of Berland. This mall has a unique way of moving between shops using trampolines. Each shop is laid out in a more
Find the minimum number of jumps Bob needs to make from shop 0 to reach the final shop, or return -1 if impossible.
Use a greedy approach to keep track of the farthest reachable shop from the current shop.
If at any point the current shop is not reachable, return -1.
Update the current farthest reachable shop as you iterate through the array.
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Q107. Minimum Number of Platforms Needed Problem Statement
You are given the arrival and departure times of N trains at a railway station for a particular day. Your task is to determine the minimum number of more
Determine the minimum number of platforms needed at a railway station based on arrival and departure times of trains.
Sort the arrival and departure times in ascending order.
Use two pointers to keep track of overlapping schedules.
Increment platform count when a new train arrives before the previous one departs.
Q108. LRU Cache Design Question
Design a data structure for a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache that supports the following operations:
1. get(key)
- Return the value of the key if it exists in the cache; otherwise, more
Design a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache data structure that supports get and put operations with capacity constraint.
Use a combination of hashmap and doubly linked list to implement the LRU cache.
Keep track of the least recently used item and evict it when the cache reaches its capacity.
Update the position of an item in the cache when it is accessed or updated.
Handle both get and put operations efficiently to maintain the LRU property.
Ensure the time complexity of get and more
SDE-2 Jobs
Q109. Maximum Length Pair Chain Problem Statement
You are provided with 'N' pairs of integers such that in any given pair (a, b), the first number is always smaller than the second number, i.e., a < b. A pair chain more
Given pairs of integers, find the length of the longest pair chain where each pair follows the given condition.
Sort the pairs based on the second element in ascending order.
Iterate through the sorted pairs and keep track of the maximum chain length.
Update the chain length if the current pair can be added to the chain.
Return the maximum chain length as the result.
Q110. Rain Water Trapping Problem Statement
Given an array/list ARR
of size N
, representing an elevation map where each element ARR[i]
denotes the elevation of the i-th
bar. Your task is to calculate and print the more
Calculate the total amount of rainwater that can be trapped between given elevations in an elevation map.
Use two-pointer approach to keep track of left and right boundaries.
Calculate the trapped water by finding the minimum of left_max and right_max for each bar.
Subtract the current bar's height from the minimum of left_max and right_max to get the trapped water.
Keep updating the left_max and right_max as you iterate through the array.
Q111. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
Given a binary tree of integers, return the level order traversal of the tree in a single line for each test case.
The input consists of multiple test cases as more
Return the level order traversal of a binary tree in a single line for each test case.
Use a queue to perform level order traversal of the binary tree
Print the nodes in level order traversal separated by a single space
Handle null nodes represented by '-1' in the input
Q112. Bipartite Graph Problem Statement
Determine if a given graph is bipartite. A graph is bipartite if its vertices can be divided into two independent sets, 'U' and 'V', such that every edge ('u', 'v') connects a more
Check if a given graph is bipartite by dividing its vertices into two independent sets.
Create two sets 'U' and 'V' to store vertices based on their connections
Use BFS or DFS to traverse the graph and assign vertices to sets
Check if any edge connects vertices within the same set, if yes, the graph is not bipartite
Q113. Maximum Size Rectangle Sub-matrix with All 1's Problem Statement
You are provided with an N * M
sized binary matrix 'MAT' where 'N' denotes the number of rows and 'M' denotes the number of columns. Your task more
Find the maximum area of a submatrix with all 1's in a binary matrix.
Iterate over the matrix and calculate the maximum area of submatrices with all 1's.
Use dynamic programming to efficiently solve the problem.
Consider the current cell and its top, left, and top-left diagonal neighbors to calculate the area.
Q114. N Queens Problem Statement
You are provided with an integer 'N'. For an 'N' x 'N' chessboard, determine how to position 'N' queens such that no queen can attack another queen on the chessboard.
A more
The N Queens problem involves placing N queens on an N x N chessboard so that no two queens can attack each other.
Use backtracking to explore all possible configurations of queen placements.
Keep track of rows, columns, and diagonals to ensure no two queens are attacking each other.
Print all valid configurations of queen placements.
Q115. Prime Time Again Problem Statement
You are given two integers DAY_HOURS
. The integer 'DAY_HOURS' represents the number of hours in a day, and the day can be divided into 'PARTS' equal parts. Your more
Find total instances of equivalent prime groups in a day divided into equal parts.
Iterate through each part of the day and check for prime pairs in different parts
Use a helper function to check if a number is prime
Ensure the day is evenly divided by parts and each prime group has hours from different parts
Q116. Rotting Oranges Problem Statement
You are given a grid containing oranges where each cell of the grid can contain one of the three integer values:
- 0 - representing an empty cell
- 1 - representing a fresh more
Find the minimum time required to rot all fresh oranges in a grid.
Use Breadth First Search (BFS) to simulate the rotting process
Track the time taken to rot all oranges and return it
If any fresh oranges remain after simulation, return -1
Handle edge cases like empty grid or no fresh oranges
Q117. Snake and Ladder Problem Statement
Given a 'Snake and Ladder' board with N rows and N columns, where positions are numbered from 1 to (N*N) starting from the bottom left, alternating direction each row, find more
Find the minimum number of dice throws required to reach the last cell on a 'Snake and Ladder' board.
Use Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm to find the shortest path from start to end cell.
Keep track of visited cells and the number of dice throws required to reach each cell.
Consider the presence of snakes and ladders while calculating the next possible moves.
Return the minimum number of dice throws to reach the last cell, or -1 if unreachable.
Q118. Valid Parenthesis Problem Statement
Given a string str
composed solely of the characters "{", "}", "(", ")", "[", and "]", determine whether the parentheses are balanced.
The first line contains an more
Check if given string of parentheses is balanced or not.
Use a stack to keep track of opening parentheses and pop when a closing parenthesis is encountered.
If stack is empty at the end and all parentheses are matched, the string is balanced.
If stack is not empty at the end or mismatched parentheses are encountered, the string is not balanced.
Q119. Bottom View of Binary Tree Problem Statement
Given a binary tree, the task is to print its bottom view from left to right. Assume the left and the right child nodes make a 45-degree angle with their parent more
The task is to print the bottom view of a binary tree from left to right.
Traverse the binary tree in level order and keep track of the horizontal distance of each node from the root.
For each horizontal distance, update the node value in a map to get the bottom view nodes.
Print the values of the map in sorted order of horizontal distance to get the bottom view sequence.
Q120. Edit Distance Problem Statement
Given two strings S
and T
with lengths N
and M
respectively, your task is to find the "Edit Distance" between these strings.
The Edit Distance is defined as the minimum number more
The task is to find the minimum number of operations required to convert one string into another using delete, replace, and insert operations.
Use dynamic programming to solve the problem efficiently.
Create a 2D array to store the minimum edit distance for substrings of the two input strings.
Iterate through the strings and update the array based on the operations needed for each character.
Return the value in the bottom right corner of the array as the minimum edit distance.
Q121. Count Subarrays with Sum Divisible by K
Given an array ARR
and an integer K
, your task is to count all subarrays whose sum is divisible by the given integer K
The first line of input contains an more
Count subarrays with sum divisible by K in an array.
Iterate through the array and keep track of prefix sum modulo K.
Use a hashmap to store the frequency of each prefix sum modulo K.
For each prefix sum, increment the count by the frequency of (prefix sum - K) modulo K in the hashmap.
Handle the case where prefix sum itself is divisible by K separately.
Return the total count of subarrays with sum divisible by K.
Q122. Distance Between Two Nodes in a Binary Tree
Given a binary tree and the values of two distinct nodes, determine the distance between these two nodes in the tree. The distance is defined as the minimum number more
Calculate the distance between two nodes in a binary tree.
Traverse the tree to find the paths from the root to each node
Find the lowest common ancestor of the two nodes
Calculate the distance by summing the distances from each node to the common ancestor
Q123. N Queens Problem
Given an integer N
, find all possible placements of N
queens on an N x N
chessboard such that no two queens threaten each other.
A queen can attack another queen if they are in more
The N Queens Problem involves finding all possible placements of N queens on an N x N chessboard without threatening each other.
Use backtracking algorithm to explore all possible configurations.
Keep track of rows, columns, and diagonals to ensure queens do not threaten each other.
Generate all valid configurations and print them out.
Q124. Find the Kth Row of Pascal's Triangle Problem Statement
Given a non-negative integer 'K', determine the Kth row of Pascal’s Triangle.
K = 2
1 1
K = 4
1 4 6 4 1 more
The task is to find the Kth row of Pascal's Triangle given a non-negative integer K.
Create an array to store the elements of the Kth row of Pascal's Triangle.
Use the formula C(n, k) = C(n-1, k-1) + C(n-1, k) to calculate the elements.
Return the array as the output.
Q125. Smallest Window Problem Statement
Given two strings S
and X
containing random characters, the task is to find the smallest substring in S
which contains all the characters present in X
The first line more
The task is to find the smallest substring in string S which contains all the characters present in string X.
Iterate through string S and keep track of characters in X using a hashmap
Use two pointers to maintain a sliding window with all characters from X
Update the window size and start index when a valid window is found
Q126. Minimum Number of Platforms Problem
Your task is to determine the minimum number of platforms required at a railway station so that no train has to wait.
Given two arrays:
- representing the more
The task is to determine the minimum number of platforms required at a railway station so that no train has to wait.
Sort the arrival and departure times arrays in ascending order.
Initialize two pointers, one for arrival and one for departure.
Increment the platform count when a train arrives and decrement when it departs.
Keep track of the maximum platform count needed.
Return the maximum platform count as the minimum number of platforms needed.
Q127. Minimum Operations Problem Statement
You are given an array 'ARR'
of size 'N'
consisting of positive integers. Your task is to determine the minimum number of operations required to make all elements in the more
Minimum number of operations to make all elements in the array equal by performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.
Iterate through the array to find the maximum and minimum values.
Calculate the difference between the maximum and minimum values.
The minimum number of operations needed is the difference between the maximum and minimum values.
Q128. Similar String Groups Problem Statement
Two strings S1
and S2
are considered similar if either S1
equals S2
or we can swap two letters of S1
at different positions so that it equals S2
The first line more
The problem involves determining the number of similar string groups in a given list of strings based on a specific criteria.
Iterate through each pair of strings in the list and check if they are similar based on the given criteria.
Use a hash set to keep track of visited strings to avoid counting duplicates in the same group.
Consider implementing a function to check if two strings are similar by allowing at most one swap of characters.
Count the number of distinct groups of more
Q129. Subarray With Given Sum Problem Statement
Given an array ARR
of N integers and an integer S, determine if there exists a contiguous subarray within the array with a sum equal to S. If such a subarray exists, more
Given an array of integers, find a subarray with a given sum S.
Use a sliding window approach to find the subarray with the given sum.
Keep track of the current sum and adjust the window based on the sum.
Return the start and end indices of the subarray if found, otherwise return [-1, -1].
Q130. Top View of a Binary Tree Problem Statement
You are given a Binary Tree of integers. Your task is to determine and return the top view of this binary tree.
The top view of a binary tree consists of all the more
The task is to determine and return the top view of a given Binary Tree of integers.
The top view of a binary tree consists of all the nodes visible when the tree is viewed from the top.
Identify the nodes that appear on the top when looking from above the tree.
Output the top view as a space-separated list of node values from left to right.
Q131. Pattern Matching Problem Statement
Given a pattern as a string and a set of words, determine if the pattern and the words list align in the same sequence.
T (number of test cases)
For each test case: more
The problem involves determining if a given pattern aligns with a list of words in the same sequence.
Iterate through the pattern and words list simultaneously to check for matching sequences.
Use a hashmap to store the mapping between characters in the pattern and words in the list.
Compare the mappings to determine if the pattern and words align in the same sequence.
Q132. Remove Consecutive Duplicates Problem Statement
Given a string S, your task is to recursively remove all consecutive duplicate characters from the string.
String S
Output string
- 1 < more
Recursively remove consecutive duplicate characters from a string.
Use recursion to check if the current character is the same as the next character, if so, skip the next character
Base case: if the string is empty or has only one character, return the string
Recursive case: if the current character is the same as the next character, call the function recursively with the string excluding the next character
Q133. First Missing Positive Problem Statement
You are provided with an integer array ARR
of length 'N'. Your objective is to determine the first missing positive integer using linear time and constant space. This more
Find the smallest missing positive integer in an array efficiently.
Iterate through the array and mark positive integers as visited using index as value
Iterate through the marked array to find the first missing positive integer
Handle negative numbers by ignoring them during marking process
Q134. Possible Words from a Phone Number: Problem Statement
Given a string S
composed of digits ranging from 2 to 9, determine all possible strings that can be created by mapping these digits to their corresponding more
Given a phone number string, generate all possible words by mapping digits to letters on a T9 keypad.
Create a mapping of digits to corresponding letters on a T9 keypad
Use recursion to generate all possible combinations of letters for the input phone number
Sort the generated strings in lexicographical order
Q135. Clone Linked List with Random Pointer
Your task is to create a deep copy of a linked list, where each node has two pointers: one that points to the next node in the list, and a 'random' pointer which can point more
Create a deep copy of a linked list with random pointers.
Iterate through the original linked list and create a new node for each node in the list.
Store the mapping of original nodes to their corresponding new nodes.
Update the next and random pointers of the new nodes based on the mapping.
Return the head of the newly created deep copied linked list.
Q136. Connect Nodes at Same Level Problem Statement
Given a binary tree, connect all adjacent nodes at the same level by populating each node's 'next' pointer to point to its next right node. If there is no next more
Connect adjacent nodes at the same level in a binary tree by populating each node's 'next' pointer.
Traverse the tree level by level using a queue.
For each node, connect it to the next node in the queue.
Set the 'next' pointer of the last node in each level to NULL.
Use constant extra space and do not alter the node structure.
Q137. Find the Duplicate Number Problem Statement
Given an integer array 'ARR' of size 'N' containing numbers from 0 to (N - 2). Each number appears at least once, and there is one number that appears twice. Your more
Find the duplicate number in an array of integers from 0 to (N-2).
Iterate through the array and keep track of the frequency of each number using a hashmap.
Return the number with a frequency greater than 1 as the duplicate number.
Q138. Reverse a Linked List Problem Statement
You are given a Singly Linked List of integers. Your task is to reverse the Linked List by changing the links between nodes.
The first line of input contains a more
Reverse a given singly linked list by changing the links between nodes.
Iterate through the linked list and reverse the links between nodes
Use three pointers to keep track of the current, previous, and next nodes
Update the links between nodes to reverse the list
Return the head of the reversed linked list
Q139. Add First and Second Half Problem Statement
You are provided with a Singly Linked List having 'N' nodes, where each node contains a single digit.
Your task is to return a node 'X', which serves as the head of more
Return a node representing the head of a new Linked List with the sum of the 1st and 2nd half of the given Linked List.
Split the Linked List into two halves
Reverse the 2nd half of the Linked List
Add the corresponding digits from both halves while considering carry
Create a new Linked List with the sum digits
Q140. Count and Say Sequence Problem
The 'Count and Say' sequence is a series of strings in which each consecutive term is generated by describing the previous term. The sequence begins with '1'.
Your task is to more
Implement a function to determine the 'Count and Say' sequence after N iterations.
Create a function that takes a positive integer N as input
Generate the 'Count and Say' sequence for N iterations
Return an array of strings representing the sequence after each iteration
Q141. Circular Queue Problem Description
Implement a circular queue based on given 'Q' queries. Each query falls into one of the two types specified:
1 'X': Insert the element 'X' at the end of the nth more
Implement a circular queue based on given queries to insert and remove elements.
Create a circular queue of size N to store elements.
For query type 1, insert element X at the end of the nth queue.
For query type 2, remove and return the element at the front of the nth queue.
Return true if insertion is successful, false otherwise.
Return -1 if the queue is empty during dequeue operation.
Design a bookmyshow system
Design a system to book and manage movie tickets
Consider features like seat selection, payment, and ticket cancellation
Include user authentication and authorization
Implement a database to store movie and theater information
Consider scalability and performance of the system
Design a system like Pastebin for sharing text snippets
Use a web application framework like Django or Flask for the backend
Store text snippets in a database with unique URLs for each snippet
Implement user authentication and permissions for private and public sharing
Include features like syntax highlighting, expiration dates, and password protection
Optimize for fast and efficient text retrieval and storage
Q144. Minimum Operation Needed to Convert to the Given String
You are given two strings str1
and str2
. Determine the minimum number of operations required to transform str1
into str2
An operation is more
Determine the minimum number of operations needed to transform one string into another by moving characters to the end.
Iterate through each character in str1 and check if it matches the first character in str2. If it does, calculate the number of operations needed to move it to the end.
If no match is found for the first character in str2, return -1 as transformation is not possible.
Repeat the process for each test case and output the minimum number of operations needed for more
Q145. Power of Two Problem Statement
Determine whether a given integer N
is a power of two. Return true
if it is, otherwise return false
An integer 'N' is considered a power of two if it can be more
Check if a given integer is a power of two or not.
Check if the given integer is greater than 0.
Check if the given integer has only one set bit (i.e., it is a power of 2).
Return true if the above conditions are met, else return false.
Approach to low-level system design involves understanding requirements, breaking down components, defining interfaces, and optimizing performance.
Understand the requirements and constraints of the system
Break down the system into smaller components/modules
Define clear interfaces between components for communication
Optimize performance by considering data structures, algorithms, and resource utilization
Q147. Running Median Problem
Given a stream of integers, calculate and print the median after each new integer is added to the stream.
Output only the integer part of the median.
N = 5
Stream = [2, 3, more
Calculate and print the median after each new integer is added to the stream.
Use a min heap to store the larger half of the numbers and a max heap to store the smaller half of the numbers.
Keep the two heaps balanced by ensuring the size difference is at most 1.
If the total number of elements is odd, the median is the top element of the larger heap. If even, it's the average of the tops of both heaps.
Tilt the container until the liquid reaches the edge, then pour out half of it.
Tilt the container slowly until the liquid reaches the edge
Once the liquid is at the edge, pour out half of it
This method works because the liquid will naturally settle at the lowest point, allowing you to estimate the halfway mark
Diamond Problem is a common issue in multiple inheritance in C++ where a class inherits from two classes that have a common base class.
Diamond Problem occurs when a class inherits from two classes that have a common base class, leading to ambiguity in accessing members.
It can be resolved in C++ using virtual inheritance, where the common base class is inherited virtually to avoid duplicate copies of base class members.
Example: class A is inherited by classes B and C, and more
Q150. Closest Palindrome Problem Statement
You are given a string 'S' that represents a number. Your task is to find the closest palindromic number to this integer represented by 'S'. The closest number is defined more
Find the closest palindromic number to a given integer represented by a string.
Convert the string to an integer and iterate to find the closest palindromic number.
Check for palindromic numbers by reversing the digits and comparing with the original number.
Handle cases where multiple closest palindromic numbers exist by choosing the smaller one.
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