Tata 1mg
About Tata 1mg
1mg.com brings to you an online platform, which can be accessed for all your health needs. We are trying to make healthcare a hassle-free experience for you. Get your allopathic, ayurvedic, homeopathic medicines, vitamins & nutrition supplements and other health-related products delivered at home. Lab tests? That too in the comfort of your home. Doctor consult? Yes, we got that covered too. We provide accurate, authoritative & trustworthy information on medicines and help people use their medicines effectively and safely. We get medicines and other health products delivered at home in 1000+ cities across India from licensed and verified pharmacies.
We also provide diagnostic services from certified labs and online doctor consults at any time, from anywhere.
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Tata 1mg Job Openings
Tata 1mg Brands and Subsidiaries
Lfs Healthcare
Tata 1mg Salaries
Team Lead
Assistant Team Leader
Quality Control Pharmacist
Senior Pharmacist
Deputy Manager
Software Engineer
Scientific Officer
Senior Team Leader
Tata 1mg Interview Questions
Awards & Recognitions
Presence at Prominent Places
Care starts at home
9 years of countless milestones
Be a Responsible Voice
Be your own CEO
Done is better than perfect
Team before individual
Accountability with empathy
Endless Celebrations
Tata 1mg Perks & Benefits
No end to Learnings
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion -A Onederful world
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