Nomura is a global financial services group with an integrated network spanning approximately 30 countries and regions. By connecting markets East & West, Nomura services the needs of individuals, institutions, corporates and governments through its three business divisions: Wealth Management, Investment Management, and Wholesale (Global Markets and Investment Banking). Founded in 1925, the firm is built on a tradition of disciplined entrepreneurship, serving clients with creative solutions and considered thought leadership. For further information about Nomura, visit
Role & Responsibilities:
Job Description IAG Analysts aligned to the Japan team analyse f inancial and market data of companies and w ork on assignments such as creating company prof iles, industry specif ic slides, company valuations, execution of debt and equity of ferings and M&A Assignments w ill involve detailed f inancial and/or market analyses, company and industry research and f inancial statement analyses Analysts w ill be expected to w ork very closely and in a coordinated manner w ith their colleagues in Japan specif ically and other Nomura of f ices around the globe in general
Key Skills: Ability to w ork w ell in multi-cultural teams as w ell as the w illingness and capability to perform ef f iciently under time constraints are absolutely essential Strong preference w ill be given to candidates w ith prof iciency in Japanese language (Cleared Level N5 of JLPT exams at the minimum) Strong desire to excel, high degree of motivation and w illing to take leadership and responsibility for projects Business or Finance major; accounting coursew ork is a signif icant advantage. Strong quantitative skills and an ability to produce consistently high-quality, accurate w ork Excellent oral & w ritten communication skills Presentation skills