1. Should possess good presentation skill for one to one or group presentations. 2. Should good in analytics to analyze the business in the region and to formulate strategies for growth 3. Should have good relationship skill to understand and maintain good rapport with all related business associates. 4. Should be good in conflict management and emotional intelligence. 5. Must possess good writing skill to prepare various reports and monitoring the sales. 6. Should be well verse in PPT, Excel and word applications. 7. Need to develop social media tools and contents as and when necessary. 8. Should prepare market intelligence and competitors analysis on products and pricing. 9. Coordinate complaints raised by customers, members and Stockist to proper department and follow up and follow through for the solution and advice to concerns and problems elevated. 10.To constantly equip with knowledge, developing communication skills, always on the lookout for sharpening the training skills and keeping a positive attitude adorned with a smiling face.