As a Front Office Manager, you are the professional managerof the entire customer oriented service process. You ensure smooth functioningof front office and back office sections. You set the standards for customersupport. You see every contact with the customers as a professional challengeand feel responsible for the customer problems until they have been resolved.You are competent and trustworthy and treat customers with respect and like apartner. Even during conflicts, you always value the customer. In doing so, youare a competent interface between the customer and the workshop and make asubstantial contribution towards the economic success of the entire field ofAfter Sales. Competencies Social and interpersonal competence
- You are able to solve various problems flexibly,independently, and reliably and thus are set apart by a high resistance tostress and an ability to resolve conflicts.
- You are extremely loyal to company and brand. Asa result you come across as authentic and responsible.
- You show a lot of initiative. You are persuasive.And are able to make decisions on your own.
- You professionally implement all Mercedes-Benzspecifications on customer oriented conduct.
- You know main CSI drivers and your role in this.
- You are willing to make compromises, but canalso openly address and constructively solve conflicts with customers andcolleagues.
- You are very empathetic, able to respond toothers, focus on what customers want, and always try to understand thecustomerproblem and take it into consideration.
- You are reliable and keep all agreements madewith customers.
- You are very thorough, are prepared for customerappointments, and ensure that all the work has been done completely andcorrectly.
- You actively approach customers, thus showingexcellent communication skills.
- You are able to motivate your colleagues toimplement high standards of customer service. Method and process competence
- You are good at planning and organizing. Youpossess organizational and personal management skills
Youcomplete your tasks independently and responsibly.
- You are familiar with the necessary processesand contact-persons for all relevant customer support departments and externalservice providers. Business competence
Youthink and act with good business sense. In doing so, you are able to apply yourbusiness knowledge related to internal processes and the market. Specialist competence
- You have a good knowledge of the brand,products, and Group.
- You possess good knowledge of all activitiesrelated to customer reception, customer relation management and car deliverysystem.
- You possess excellent communication andnetworking skills.
- You show high language proficiency of Englishand regional language.