What is the meaning of yr name and why is the meaning of yr name

My name is kumkum
Kumkum meaning is red turmeric powder

My name is tarun
Tarun meaning is young and youth

The meaning of my name is music because my name is kirthana

My name is vikash Mishra vikash mean devlopment

My name is Madhankumar is a god name and humble and smile

I am selvaraj. Meaning of selvaraj money branch only name meaning

yr means year, 12 months completion only one year

I am bharathi. Meaning of bharathi Goddess of knowledge and education

My name is rati and the meaning of my name is love

My name is shivani and meaning of my name smile , god gift

My name is Priyanka and the meaning of my name smile God gift

My name is Priyanka Sharma and the meaning of my name smile and a god

My name is Debasmita and the meaning of my name is smile of a God.

I am Abhay, it means fearless.

My name durga . It's a god name

khalid the meaning of the word. God's sword

khalid the meaning of the word. God's sword

khalid the meaning of the word. God's sword

khalid the meaning of the word. God's sword

It's a baby's girls named and is of origin India

Vishakha meaning star, with many branches.
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