Minimum Time in Wormhole Network
Determine the minimum time required to travel from a starting point to a destination point in a two-dimensional coordinate system, considering both direct movement and the use of wormholes.
You are given a starting point (sx, sy) and a destination point (dx, dy). The spacecraft can move only in the X (left or right) or Y (up or down) direction. The time taken to move from one point (x1, y1) to another point (x2, y2) is calculated as |x2 - x1| + |y2 - y1| seconds.
Additionally, there are N wormholes in the system. Using a wormhole allows you to travel from its entry point to its exit point in a specified amount of time. Your task is to find the minimum time required to reach the destination, using direct movement and/or wormholes.
The first line contains 4 space-separated integers sx, sy, dx, and dy representing the source and destination points.
The second line contains an integer N, the number of wormholes.
Each of the next N lines contains five space-separated integers: the starting point (x1, y1), the exit point (x2, y2) of the wormhole, and the time taken to use the wormhole.
Print the minimum time required to travel from the source to the destination point.
sx = 0, sy = 0, dx = 10, dy = 10
N = 1
Wormhole: (2, 2) to (8, 8) with time 1
The optimal path may include using the wormhole if it reduces the total travel time.
- 1 <= Coordinates <= 105
- 1 <= N <= 200
- 1 <= Wormhole Time <= 105
- Time Limit: 1 sec
Find the minimum time to travel from a starting point to a destination point using direct movement and wormholes.
Calculate the time taken for direct movement from source to destination.
Consider using more
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