Minimum Removals Problem Statement
Given an integer array ARR
of size N
and an integer K
, determine the minimum number of elements that need to be removed so that the difference between the maximum and minimum elements of the remaining array is less than or equal to K
N = 4
ARR = [5, 10, 2]
K = 3
The initial difference is 10 - 2 = 8, which is greater than K (3). By removing 10, the difference becomes 5 - 2 = 3, which is ≤ K.
1 ≤ T ≤ 100
1 ≤ N ≤ 5000
0 ≤ K ≤ 105
-105 ≤ ARR[i] ≤ 105
- Time Limit: 1 second
Input Format:
The first line contains an integerT
- the number of test cases.
For each test case, the first line has two integers,N
The second line containsN
space-separated integers, the elements ofARR
Output Format:
For each test case, print the minimum number of elements to remove to achieve the condition. Output results on separate lines for each test case.
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