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30+ PayPal Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Updated 5 Feb 2024
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Q1. Cycle Detection in a Singly Linked List

Determine if a given singly linked list of integers forms a cycle or not.

A cycle in a linked list occurs when a node's next points back to a previous node in the list. more


Detect if a singly linked list forms a cycle by checking if a node's next points back to a previous node.

  • Traverse the linked list using two pointers, one moving one step at a time and the other moving two steps at a time.

  • If the two pointers meet at any point, it indicates the presence of a cycle in the linked list.

  • If one of the pointers reaches the end of the list (null), it means there is no cycle.

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Q2. Cycle Detection in Undirected Graph Problem Statement

You are provided with an undirected graph containing 'N' vertices and 'M' edges. The vertices are numbered from 1 to 'N'. Your objective is to determine more


Detect cycles in an undirected graph with given vertices and edges.

  • Use Depth First Search (DFS) to traverse the graph and detect cycles.

  • Maintain a visited array to keep track of visited vertices and a parent array to keep track of the parent of each vertex.

  • If while traversing, you encounter a visited vertex that is not the parent of the current vertex, then a cycle exists.

  • Consider edge cases like disconnected graphs and self-loops.

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Q3. Merge Sort Problem Statement

You are given a sequence of numbers, ARR. Your task is to return a sorted sequence of ARR in non-descending order using the Merge Sort algorithm.


The Merge Sort more


Implement Merge Sort algorithm to sort a sequence of numbers in non-descending order.

  • Implement the Merge Sort algorithm using a Divide and Conquer approach

  • Recursively divide the input array into two halves until the size of each array is 1

  • Merge the sorted halves to produce a completely sorted array

  • Ensure the output is in non-descending order

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Q4. Palindrome Partitioning II Problem Statement

Given a string ‘str’, find the minimum number of partitions needed such that every segment of the string is a palindrome.

The task is to make cuts in the string to more


Find the minimum number of partitions needed in a string such that every segment is a palindrome.

  • Iterate through the string and check for palindromes at each possible partition point.

  • Use dynamic programming to keep track of the minimum cuts needed.

  • Consider edge cases where the string is already a palindrome or consists of different characters only.

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Q5. Maximum Difference Problem Statement

Given an array ARR of N elements, your task is to find the maximum difference between any two elements in ARR.

If the maximum difference is even, print EVEN; if it is odd, more


Find the maximum difference between any two elements in an array and determine if it is even or odd.

  • Iterate through the array to find the maximum and minimum elements

  • Calculate the difference between the maximum and minimum elements

  • Check if the difference is even or odd and return the result

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Q6. DFS Traversal Problem Statement

Given an undirected and disconnected graph G(V, E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges, the connections between vertices are provided in the 'GRAPH' more


DFS traversal problem on an undirected and disconnected graph to find connected components.

  • Perform Depth First Search (DFS) on each vertex to find connected components

  • Use a visited array to keep track of visited vertices

  • Print the number of connected components and list vertices in ascending order for each component

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Q7. What is hashing and how can it be implemented?

Hashing is a process of converting input data into a fixed-size string of bytes using a hash function.

  • Hashing is used to securely store passwords by converting them into a hash value before storing in a database.

  • Hashing is used in data structures like hash tables to quickly retrieve data based on a key.

  • Common hash functions include MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256.

  • Hashing can be implemented in programming languages like Python using libraries like hashlib.

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Q8. find the and return if the given file path existing in the given file hierarcy(file system).


Check if a given file path exists in the file system hierarchy and return the result.

  • Use file system APIs to check if the given file path exists in the hierarchy.

  • Traverse the file system hierarchy starting from the root directory to find the given file path.

  • Return true if the file path exists, false otherwise.

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Q9. How is MongoDB scalable?


MongoDB is scalable due to its ability to horizontally partition data across multiple servers.

  • MongoDB uses sharding to distribute data across multiple servers.

  • Sharding allows for horizontal scaling by adding more servers to the cluster.

  • MongoDB also supports replica sets for high availability and fault tolerance.

  • Indexes can be created on any field in a MongoDB document, allowing for efficient querying of large datasets.

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Q10. Kth Largest Element Problem

Given an array containing N distinct positive integers and a number K, determine the Kth largest element in the array.


N = 6, K = 3, array = [2, 1, 5, 6, 3, 8] more

Find the Kth largest element in an array of distinct positive integers.

  • Sort the array in non-increasing order and return the Kth element.

  • Handle multiple test cases efficiently.

  • Ensure all elements in the array are distinct.

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Q11. Delete a Node from a Linked List

You are provided with a linked list of integers. Your task is to implement a function that deletes a node located at a specified position 'POS'.


The first line contains more

Implement a function to delete a node from a linked list at a specified position.

  • Traverse the linked list to find the node at the specified position.

  • Update the pointers of the previous and next nodes to skip the node to be deleted.

  • Handle edge cases such as deleting the head or tail of the linked list.

  • Ensure to free the memory of the deleted node to avoid memory leaks.

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Q12. Reverse the String Problem Statement

You are given a string STR which contains alphabets, numbers, and special characters. Your task is to reverse the string.


STR = "abcde"
"edcba" more


Reverse a given string containing alphabets, numbers, and special characters.

  • Iterate through the string from the end to the beginning and append each character to a new string.

  • Use built-in functions like reverse() or slicing to reverse the string.

  • Handle special characters and numbers while reversing the string.

  • Ensure to consider the constraints on the input string length and number of test cases.

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Q13. One Away Transformation Problem

Given two strings, A and B, determine whether A can be transformed into B by performing at most one of the following operations (including zero operations):

1. Delete a more

Determine if one string can be transformed into another by performing at most one operation (insert, delete, replace).

  • Iterate through both strings simultaneously and check for differences.

  • Handle cases where a character needs to be inserted, deleted, or replaced.

  • Keep track of the number of operations performed and ensure it does not exceed one.

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Q14. In how many attempts can you find a defective ball among 10 given balls using a two-pan balance scale?

You can find a defective ball among 10 given balls in 2 attempts using a two-pan balance scale.

  • Divide the 10 balls into two groups of 5 each.

  • Weigh the two groups on the balance scale.

  • If one group is heavier, it contains the defective ball. If they are equal, the defective ball is in the remaining 5 balls.

  • Divide the group of 5 balls with the defective one into two groups of 2 and 3 balls.

  • Weigh the two groups on the balance scale.

  • If one group is heavier, it contains the more

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Q15. Remove Duplicates from String Problem Statement

You are provided a string STR of length N, consisting solely of lowercase English letters.

Your task is to remove all duplicate occurrences of characters in the more


Remove duplicate occurrences of characters in a given string.

  • Use a hash set to keep track of characters seen so far.

  • Iterate through the string and add non-duplicate characters to a new string.

  • Return the new string without duplicate characters.

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Q16. Can you explain the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?

OOP is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects, which can contain data in the form of fields and code in the form of procedures.

  • OOP focuses on creating objects that interact with each other to solve problems.

  • Key concepts include encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

  • Encapsulation involves bundling data and methods that operate on the data into a single unit.

  • Inheritance allows classes to inherit attributes and methods from other classes.

  • Polymorphism more

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Q17. Dijkstra's Shortest Path Problem

Given an undirected graph with ‘V’ vertices (labeled 0, 1, ... , V-1) and ‘E’ edges, where each edge has a weight representing the distance between two connected nodes (X, Y). more


Dijkstra's algorithm is used to find the shortest path from a source node to all other nodes in a graph with weighted edges.

  • Implement Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path distances from the source node to all other nodes.

  • Use a priority queue to efficiently select the next node with the shortest distance.

  • Update the distances of neighboring nodes based on the current node's distance and edge weights.

  • Handle disconnected vertices by assigning a large value (e.g., more

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Q18. How many A4 sheets are sold in India per day?


It is impossible to accurately determine the number of A4 sheets sold in India per day.

  • There is no centralized data on the sales of A4 sheets in India.

  • The number of A4 sheets sold can vary greatly depending on the region and industry.

  • Factors such as digitalization and environmental concerns may also impact sales.

  • Estimates or projections may be available from specific companies or industries.

  • Market research firms may have data on the overall paper market in India.

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Q19. Write an SQL query to find the nth highest salary.

SQL query to find the nth highest salary

  • Use the ORDER BY clause to sort salaries in descending order

  • Use the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to skip the first n-1 highest salaries

  • Combine the above steps in a single query to find the nth highest salary

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Q20. Design a Cinema Ticket Reservation System.

Design a Cinema Ticket Reservation System

  • Use a database to store movie information, showtimes, and seat availability

  • Allow users to search for movies, select showtimes, and choose seats

  • Implement a payment system for ticket purchases

  • Send confirmation emails with QR codes for ticket validation

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Q21. What are virtual functions?

Virtual functions are functions in a base class that are overridden in derived classes to achieve runtime polymorphism.

  • Virtual functions are declared in a base class with the 'virtual' keyword.

  • They are overridden in derived classes using the 'override' keyword.

  • They allow a function to be called based on the runtime type of an object.

  • Virtual functions enable dynamic binding and late binding in C++.

  • Example: virtual void display() = 0; in base class and void display() override { more

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Q22. What is the difference between Stack and Heap in the context of Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS)?

Stack is used for static memory allocation and stores local variables, while Heap is used for dynamic memory allocation and stores objects.

  • Stack is faster than Heap as it has a fixed size and memory allocation is done at compile time.

  • Heap is slower than Stack as memory allocation is done at runtime and requires more complex management.

  • Stack memory is limited and typically smaller in size, while Heap memory is larger and can grow as needed.

  • Objects in OOP are typically stored more

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Q23. You have two hourglasses, one measuring 7 minutes and the other measuring 11 minutes. How can you measure exactly 15 minutes using only these hourglasses?

To measure exactly 15 minutes using two hourglasses of 7 and 11 minutes, start both hourglasses together and then flip the 7-minute hourglass when it runs out.

  • Start both hourglasses at the same time.

  • When the 7-minute hourglass runs out, flip it immediately.

  • When the 11-minute hourglass runs out, 4 minutes will have passed on the 7-minute hourglass. This gives a total of 15 minutes.

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Q24. A recursive program to print numbers in ascending order


A recursive program to print numbers in ascending order

  • Use a recursive function that takes a starting number and an ending number as parameters

  • Print the starting number and recursively call the function with starting number + 1 and the same ending number

  • Base case: stop recursion when starting number is greater than ending number

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Q25. Write a query to find the nth highest salary from a database.

Query to find the nth highest salary from a database

  • Use the ORDER BY clause to sort salaries in descending order

  • Use the LIMIT clause to select the nth highest salary

  • Consider handling cases where there may be ties for the nth highest salary

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Q26. What is the difference between malloc and new?

malloc is a function in C for dynamic memory allocation, while new is an operator in C++ for dynamic memory allocation and object creation.

  • malloc is a function in C, while new is an operator in C++.

  • malloc returns a void pointer, while new returns a pointer to the type being allocated.

  • malloc does not call constructors, while new calls constructors for object initialization.

  • malloc requires manual memory deallocation with free, while new automatically calls the destructor and more

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Q27. What is the difference between C and C++?

C is a procedural programming language while C++ is an object-oriented programming language with features like classes and inheritance.

  • C is a procedural programming language, while C++ is a multi-paradigm language with support for object-oriented programming.

  • C does not support classes and objects, while C++ does.

  • C does not have features like inheritance and polymorphism, which are present in C++.

  • C is a subset of C++, meaning that C++ includes all of C's features and adds new more

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Q28. What is a virtual function?

A virtual function is a function in a base class that is declared using the keyword 'virtual' and can be overridden by a function with the same signature in a derived class.

  • Virtual functions allow for dynamic polymorphism in C++

  • They are used in inheritance to achieve runtime polymorphism

  • Example: virtual void display() = 0; in a base class and void display() override in a derived class

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Q29. Any suggestions for Paypal or Ebay website?

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Q30. Projects in CS


Projects in computer science involve developing software applications, algorithms, databases, and systems to solve various problems.

  • Developing software applications for specific purposes

  • Creating algorithms to optimize processes or solve complex problems

  • Designing databases to store and manage large amounts of data

  • Building systems to automate tasks or improve efficiency

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