Optum Global Solutions
Aurum Medcom Interview Questions and Answers
Given a string 'S' of length 'L', return the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
Suppose given input is "abacb", then the length ...read more
You are given an array 'A' of length 'N' consisting only of integers. You are also given three integers 'X', 'Y' and 'SUM'. Count the number of pairs ('i', 'j') where 'i' < 'j' such that ('A[i]' * 'X...read more
What is meant by ACID properties in DBMS?
What is an Index? Explain its different types.
Explain different levels of data abstraction in a DBMS.
Q7. Difference between interface and abstract class
Interface is a contract with no implementation, while abstract class can have some implementation.
Interface cannot have any implementation, only method signatures.
Abstract class can have both abstract methods and concrete methods.
A class can implement multiple interfaces but can only inherit from one abstract class.
Interfaces are used to achieve multiple inheritance in Java.
Example: interface Shape { void draw(); } abstract class Shape { abstract void draw(); }
Q8. Find the kth element in an array
Find the kth element in an array
Use array indexing to access the kth element
Remember that array indices start from 0
Handle cases where k is out of bounds of the array
Q9. Reverse a string
Reverse a given string
Use a loop to iterate through the characters of the string
Append each character to a new string in reverse order
Return the reversed string
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