You see the number of people cancelling the order increasing. Cancel window 24 hours. What would you do?

I would analyze the reasons for the increase in cancellations and take appropriate actions to address them.
Conduct a survey to understand the reasons for cancellation
Analyze the cancellation data to i...read more

Will find out the reason for the cancellation from every customer and will try to fulfill there needs on the products with the permission from my higher officials

firstly i will confirm that why you cancel the order then find out solution.

Customer conwanc why are cancelled and your problem settsfiy

Iam Informing HR Department

I would first ask the customer the reason of cancellation and then I would give them some
Coupons and tell them that after the order is conformed then you will get some more coupons on your next order...read more

In my knowledge some are not sure when they are applying any kind of job and interviews and after see this issue

most probably ,order get cancelled due to late delivery at every organization

May be the some deffect in the product or with the permission of senior i can take review from the consumer by personal details.

First, it's necessary to identify the problem.
Think and discuss about the problem with seniors and kaligs.
Find out the solution
And finally apply.

This is an RCA question. I would do a PESTEL analysis - check if there is any change in policy, any promotions like BBS is being run by Nykaa, any pattern observed in return requests - product/brand/p...read more

We shows Same product, same quality, shows less price and less quality

First, identify the root cause for the cancellation.
Follow and discuss potential causes as per the PESTEL framework.
Once the issue is identified, then you can suggest one or more solutions for the s...read more

What is the region of cancellation? and need to improve on that

I will put this question over Naukri.com & Linkedin so that i can best solution of this problem without any cost.

Clarify the Q. 2. Brainstorm explanations. 3. Evaluate probability of explanations. 4. Sum & recommend most viable

I Will Give The small Amount Offer For limmited period's and Huge amount of users came means I will Withdraw that offer

Check the equivalent/altrenative product present in the market and check the quantiy, quality and pricing and relaunch the product after making the required changes.

Change the way the product has been launced/presented on the screen.
Review its pricing.

Extend the duration of return window depending upon the product type and market need.

I will call the people to know the reason for cancelation

First , I will find the reason of cancelling , the product and then discuss this problem , with senior of company ...
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