NeoSOFT Angular Developer Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. 1. Difference between var, const, let?Difference between var, const, let? 2. Features of ES6? 3. What is Closure in Javascript?
Answers to common questions asked in an Angular Developer interview.
var, const, and let are used to declare variables in JavaScript
var has function scope, while let and const have block scope
const is used to declare variables that cannot be reassigned
let is used to declare variables that can be reassigned
ES6 introduced new features like arrow functions, template literals, and destructuring
Closure is a function that has access to variables in its outer scope, even after the ou...read more
Q2. What was the Reason for switch?
Switched to Angular for its robustness and scalability.
Angular offers better performance and scalability compared to other frameworks.
Angular's modular architecture allows for easy maintenance and updates.
Angular's extensive documentation and community support make it a reliable choice.
Switching to Angular also allowed for better integration with other technologies.
Overall, the decision to switch to Angular was based on its ability to meet our project's needs and future growt...read more
Q3. what is angular? what is SPA?
Angular is a popular front-end framework for building web applications. SPA stands for Single Page Application.
Angular is a front-end framework developed by Google for building dynamic web applications.
It uses TypeScript for building applications with components, services, and modules.
SPA is a web application that loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates the content as the user interacts with the app.
SPA provides a more seamless user experience by avoiding full page r...read more
Q4. What is lazy loading?
Lazy loading is a technique in web development where resources are loaded only when needed, improving performance.
Lazy loading helps reduce initial load time by loading resources on demand
It is commonly used in Angular for loading modules, components, or routes asynchronously
Lazy loading can improve user experience by speeding up page load times
Q5. what is rxjs? in deep?
RxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables to handle asynchronous data streams.
RxJS stands for Reactive Extensions for JavaScript.
It allows you to work with asynchronous data streams and handle events.
Operators like map, filter, and mergeMap are used to manipulate and combine streams.
Subscriptions are used to listen to and react to changes in the data streams.
Example: Using RxJS to make HTTP requests in Angular applications.
Q6. difference between ?? and ?:
?? is the nullish coalescing operator, while ? is the optional chaining operator in Angular.
?? is used to provide a default value when a variable is null or undefined.
? is used to safely access nested properties of an object without causing errors.
Example: const name = person?.name; // safe access to 'name' property of 'person' object
Interview Process at NeoSOFT Angular Developer

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