Dice throw
You are given D dice, each having F faces numbered 1 to F, both inclusive. The task is to find the possible number of ways to roll the dice together such that the sum of face-up numbers equal the given target S.
Note :
As the answer can be large, return your answer modulo 10^9 + 7.
Follow Up :
Can you solve this using not more than O(S) extra space?
Input format :
The first line of input contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases.
The first and the only line of every test case contains 3 integers D, F and S representing the number of dices, the number of faces on each die and the target sum respectively.
Output format :
For each test case, print the number of ways to get the sum S in a separate line.
Note :
You do not need to print anything, it has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
Constraints :
1 <= T <= 5
1 <= D, F <= 50
1 <= S <= 10^3
Time limit: 1 sec
I used dp to solve this problem with the Number of dice directly used as row index and the sum is directly used as the column index. In the end, I returned the last element of dp table.
Brute force
- The idea is to use recursion to reduce the big problem into several small subproblems.
- We will call a helper function that returns us the number of combinations that sum upto S and store it ...read more
Let’s understand by an example
Suppose we have 3 dice each with 6 faces and we have to find the number of ways to achieve the sum 8.
The below figure shows some of the recursive calls are ...read more
- The idea is to create a 2-D DP with row size D+1 and column size S+1.
- Initially all the elements of the DP table will be 0.
- Now, the value DP[i][j] means the possible number of combinations with i di...read more
Optimized DP
- The idea is to create a 1-D DP of size S+1.
- Initially, all the elements of the DP table will be 0.
- We can make only S = 0 with 0 dice, so dp[0] = 1,
- The detailed algorithm to fill the DP tabl...read more
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