what is the meaning of M in M20,M25,M30 grade of concrete?

M stands for mix design of concrete and the number after it represents the compressive strength of concrete after 28 days of curing.
M represents mix design of concrete
Number after M represents compres...read more

M meaning mix design

M standard for mix disign of concrete and number it represents of compressive strength of concrete after 28 days.

- It's means compressive strength of after 28 days ,M20-20N/mm2M25-25N/mm2M30-30N/mm2

Sir ,it's most quality concrete , it's use build a buildings , Canal and etc ..
And M20 concrete use pillars and side wall and slaps
And M25 Concrete use Garndry and in tunnel bed and slaps etc ..
M30 c...read more

Stands for mix design of concrete and the number after 27 days

M stands for mix design of concrete and the number after it represents the compressive strength of concrete after 27 days of curing.
M represents mix design of concrete
Number after M represents compres...read more

M stands for mix design of concrete and the number after it represents the compressive strength of concrete after 28 days of curing. M represents mix design of concrete Number after M represents compr...read more

Mix (cement:sand:aggragate)28day water curing concrete strength 20N/mm²,25N/mm²,30N/mm²

Compression strength of concrete in 28 days

Miling Material concrete gerd

M represents mix design of concrete
Number after M represents compressive strength after 28 days of curing
Higher the number, higher the strength of concrete
M20 - 20 N/mm², M25 - 25 N/mm², M30 - 30 N/mm...read more

M represent the Mix Design of Concrete and Number indicates the Maximum Compressive strength of concrete after 28days of curing

mix design of concrete

The M20 Grade Concrete comes in a mix ratio of 1:1.5:3 .1 cement.1.5 sand and three aggregate. TheM20 stands for the mixture of aggregate, sand, and cement ...
M25: 3625psi
M30: 4350psi
Grade (Mpa): Grad...read more

M means mix design of concrete and after that number represents the compressive strength

Civil site used rcc. Column M20/M25 concrete name.

concrete grade design

M represent mix design of concrete
And the number is for comprehensive strength of 28 days curing.

M20- 1:1.5:3
M - mix design
M20,M25,M30- unit (N/mm2)

M is the representative the grade of concrete.

M meaning mix degain

Here M indicate mix and number 20, 25 and 30 etc are compressive strength of concrete sample (150*150*150) after 28 days in N/mm².

M-20 1:1.5:3 M-25 1:1:2 M-30 1:0.75:1.5 concret mix design cemet sand aggrerate

M is standa for Mix
And 20,25,30 is the strength in newton

M code word of Mix design.

M is represent of Mix

M means nominal mix, 20,25,30 means compressive strength

M-Mix 20,30,25 are compressive strength at 28 days, 20n/mm2, 30n/mm2, 25n/mm2
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