Explain water absorption test.

Water absorption test is a measure of the amount of water absorbed by a material under specified conditions.
The test is used to determine the porosity and permeability of a material.
It involves immers...read more

The water absorption test are the type of test
The test is used to determine the porosity and permeability of a material.
It involves immersing the material in water for a specified period of time and t...read more

water-absorption test A test to determine the moisture content of soil as a percentage of its dry weight (British Standard 1377, 1967). The sample is weighed, dried in an oven, then reweighed under st...read more

Concrete obsers the water causes strength

Water absorption is used to determine the amount of water absorbed under specified conditions. Factors affecting water absorptioninclude: type of plastic, additives used, temperature and length of exp...read more

Concrete obsers the water causes strength

Its typical for me i have no much deep knowledge about.

concrete obserbs the water causes strength

concrete obserbs the water because it have pore in that structure.
concrete obsers the water causes strength.
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