Me - Yes Sir, Many do the jobs of designing of protocols, they work on algorithms. HR - You don't know anything about networking, you just know the technology, you don't have deep knowledge. Technical Person - (Still sitting silently). HR - What could you put on the table so that I can offer this job to you? Me - I can tell you about my projects. HR - Do you even understand English? Or should I say it to you in Hindi? Me - I do Sir. HR - So "What could you put on the table so that I can offer this job to you?" Me - I can tell you about my experience during my project. HR - (Irritated) Your projects doesn't mean sh*t to me. What is this, you have done in CDAC (this was under Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Government of India) and this is some IT. Me - It's IIT XYZ (This project is also funded by Government of India). HR - What's the time span of this? 2 months? Me - Yes Sir.
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