You are given two strings S and X containing random characters. Your task is to find the smallest substring in S which contains all the characters present in X.
Let S = “abdd” and X = “bd”.
The windows in S which contain all the characters in X are: 'abdd', 'abd', 'bdd', 'bd'.
Out of these, the smallest substring in S which contains all the characters present in X is 'bd'.
All the other substring have a length larger than 'bd'.
Input format:
The very first line of input contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases.
The first line of every test case contains the string S.
The second line of every test case contains the string X.
Output format:
For each test case, print the smallest window in S which contains all the characters present in X, in a separate line.
There is always a valid window in S which contains all the characters of X.
You do not need to print anything, it has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
In case of multiple answers, print only the substring that occurs first.
For example: for the string S = 'cbbbc' and X = 'bc', there are 2 possible answers i.e. 'cb' and 'bc', your code should print 'cb'.
1 <= T <= 10
1 <= |S|, |X| <= 10^5
Here, |S| denotes the length of string S and |X| denotes the length of string X.
Time Limit: 1 sec
Approach 1 (Brute Force) :
1) Generate all substrings of string1.
2) For each substring, check whether the substring contains all characters of string2.
3) Finally, print the smallest substring more
A simple and intuitive approach could be to generate all the possible substrings of string S and choose the smallest substring which contains all the characters present in X.
This can be more
In this approach, we use the concept of two pointers along with a hashtable. The two pointers - start and end, represent the current substring (window) which is in more
Input: string = “this is a test string”, pattern = “tist”
Output: Minimum window is “t stri”
Explanation: “t stri” contains all the characters of pattern.
Input: string = “geeksforgeeks”, pattern = “ more
Input: string = “this is a test string”, pattern = “tist”
Output: Minimum window is “t stri”
Explanation: “t stri” contains all the characters of pattern.
Input: string = “geeksforgeeks”, pattern = “ more
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