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Equinox Labs Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 5 Feb 2024

Q1. What is culture media


Culture media is a substance used to grow and cultivate microorganisms in a laboratory setting.

  • Culture media provides the necessary nutrients and conditions for microorganisms to grow and reproduce.

  • It can be in the form of liquid or solid media, depending on the type of microorganism being cultured.

  • Different types of culture media are used for specific purposes, such as selective media to isolate specific microorganisms or differential media to distinguish between different more

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Q2. What are water analysis test


Water analysis tests are used to determine the quality and safety of drinking water.

  • Tests for physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters are conducted

  • Physical tests include color, odor, and turbidity

  • Chemical tests include pH, dissolved oxygen, and chlorine levels

  • Microbiological tests include the presence of bacteria, viruses, and parasites

  • Examples of water analysis tests include Total Coliform Rule (TCR) and Lead and Copper Rule (LCR)

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Q3. Describe Culture media


Culture media is a substance used to grow and cultivate microorganisms in a laboratory setting.

  • Culture media provides the necessary nutrients and conditions for microorganisms to grow and reproduce.

  • It can be solid (agar plates), liquid (broth), or semi-solid (agar slants).

  • Different types of culture media are used depending on the specific requirements of the microorganism being studied.

  • Selective media contain additives that inhibit the growth of certain microorganisms while more

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Q4. Few microbes found in water


Microbes found in water can include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa.

  • Water can contain harmful bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella.

  • Viruses like norovirus and hepatitis A can also be present in water.

  • Fungi like Aspergillus and Candida can grow in water sources.

  • Protozoa like Giardia and Cryptosporidium can cause waterborne illnesses.

  • Water treatment processes can help remove or kill these microbes.

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Q5. Points about autoclave


Autoclave is a device used to sterilize equipment and supplies using high pressure and temperature.

  • Autoclaves use steam to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.

  • They are commonly used in medical and laboratory settings.

  • Autoclaves can sterilize items such as surgical instruments, glassware, and media.

  • The temperature and pressure settings vary depending on the item being sterilized.

  • Proper maintenance and validation of autoclaves is crucial to ensure effective more

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Q6. Waht is calibration


Calibration is the process of adjusting or verifying the accuracy of measuring instruments or equipment.

  • Calibration ensures that measurements taken by instruments are accurate and reliable.

  • It involves comparing the measurements of an instrument to a known standard.

  • Calibration may involve adjusting the instrument to bring it in line with the standard.

  • Regular calibration is necessary to maintain the accuracy of instruments over time.

  • Examples of instruments that require more

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