Write a trigger to update contact when accounts phone changed.

Trigger to update contact when accounts phone changed
Create a trigger on Account object
Query for related Contacts
Update Contact phone field with Account phone field value

trigger UpdatePhone on Account (after update) {
Map<Id,Account> accToPhoneMap = new Map<Id,Account>();
for(Account acc : Trigger.new){
if(acc.Phone != trigger.oldMap.get(acc.Id).Phone){
List<Contact> relatedContact = [Select Id,Name,AccountId, Phone from Contact WHERE AccountId IN :accToPhoneMap.keySet()];
for(Contact con : relatedContact){
con.Phone = accToPhoneMap.get(con.AccountId).Phone;

trigger createContact on Account (before update) {
MAP<Id,Integer> oldMap=new MAP<Id, Integer>();
List<Contact> condetails =NEW List<Contact>();
For(Account acc:trigger.old){
oldMap.put(acc.Id, ...read more

trigger updatedcontact on Account (After Insert){
List<Account> acclist = new List<Account>();
List<Contact Conlist = new List<Contact>();
for(Account acc : trigger.new)
if(acc.Phone != trigger.old...read more

trigger updatedcontact on Account (After Insert){
List<Account> acclist = new List<Account>();
List<Contact Conlist = new List<Contact>();
for(Account acc : trigger.new)
if(acc.Phone != trigger.old...read more
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