Suppose there is a room in the office and X people enter room throughout the day, Y people leave throughout the day [continuously people are entering the room, some are staying there, and rest are going out] .. so tell me the code to calculate how many people are there in that room at the EOD..?
Code to calculate the number of people in a room at EOD given X people enter and Y people leave throughout the day.
Use a variable to keep track of the number of people in the room at any given time. more
Code to calculate number of people in a room at EOD given X enter and Y leave throughout the day.
Create a variable to keep track of the current number of people in the room
Increment the variable by X more
def calculate_people_at_eod(people_enter, people_leave):
current_people_count = 0
# Assuming the length of people_enter and people_leave lists are the same
for i in range(len(people_enter)): more
Create a variable to keep track of the current number of people in the room
Increment the variable by X every time someone enters the room
Decrement the variable by Y every time someone leaves the room more
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