Wt is pharmacy? Which type of chemicals we are used in pharmaceutical company?

Pharmacy derived from Greek word Pharmakon means medicine Preparation and dispensing of medicinal drugs


Acetone,hydrochloric acid, acetic anhydride,benzyl chloride,diethyl ether

Pharmacy derived from the Greek word "PHARMAKON" means Medicine Or drug. Which is preparation of medicine and drugs.
Most chemicals used in pharmaceutical company include hydrochloric acid, Acetone, a...read more

hydrochloric acid, acetic anhydride, benzyl chloride,

hydrochloric acid, acetic anhydride, benzyl chloride,

The art, practice, or profession of preparing, preserving, compounding, and dispensing medical drugs. : a place where medicines are compounded or dispensed. And The most common chemicals used in the p...read more

Pharamacry is science which is used in preparation of drug. the most commonly used chemicals in pharma companies are acetone, benzyl chloride, Hydro chloric acid, acetic anihydride,

Science that involves in preparation and standardization of drugs. the most commonly used chemicals used in pharmacy are Acetone, Hydrochloric acid, Benzyl chloride, Acetic anhydride, diethylether.

It is a chemical, pharmacy is chlorine. It is used the synthesis of drug

Any substance that is used to prevent, diagnosis,treat or relieve the symptoms of disease and abnormal condition,
In pharmaceutical company based on department wise they used different type chemicals f...read more
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