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10+ Sportskeeda Interview Questions and Answers

Updated 31 Jan 2025
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Q1. What is the Look and Say sequence, and how can a program be written to generate the next number in this sequence?


Look and Say sequence is a sequence of numbers where each term is formed by describing the previous term.

  • Start with the number 1

  • Read off the digits of the previous number, counting the number of digits in groups of the same digit

  • For example, starting with 1, the sequence would be: 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, ...

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Q2. What is the process for writing a Bash script to read and parse a CSV file and print the last character of each line?


The process for writing a Bash script to read and parse a CSV file and print the last character of each line involves using a combination of commands and loops.

  • Use the 'while read' loop to read each line of the CSV file

  • Use 'awk' command to extract the last character of each line

  • Print the last character using 'echo' command

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Q3. What is the SQL query to perform a join on two tables and calculate the aggregate sum using the product ID?


SQL query to perform a join on two tables and calculate aggregate sum using product ID.

  • Use JOIN keyword to combine two tables based on a related column (e.g. product ID)

  • Use GROUP BY clause to group the results by product ID

  • Use SUM() function to calculate the aggregate sum of a column (e.g. price)

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Q4. What is the SQL query to join two tables and use aggregate functions such as SUM and AVG with GROUP BY?


SQL query to join two tables, use aggregate functions like SUM and AVG with GROUP BY

  • Use JOIN keyword to combine two tables based on a common column

  • Use GROUP BY clause to group the results based on a specific column

  • Use aggregate functions like SUM() and AVG() to calculate totals and averages within each group

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Q5. What are the principles of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)?


CI/CD is a software development practice where code changes are automatically built, tested, and deployed frequently.

  • Continuous Integration (CI) involves automatically integrating code changes into a shared repository multiple times a day.

  • Continuous Deployment (CD) involves automatically deploying code changes to production after passing automated tests.

  • CI/CD helps in detecting and fixing integration errors early, ensuring code quality, and enabling faster delivery of more

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Q6. What version control tools do you use, and can you explain how you utilize them?


I primarily use Git for version control, utilizing branches, commits, and merges for collaboration and tracking changes.

  • Primary version control tool is Git

  • Utilize branches for different features or fixes

  • Regularly commit changes with descriptive messages

  • Merge branches to integrate changes

  • Use tools like GitHub or Bitbucket for collaboration

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Q7. What is the Bash command to suppress all output and errors?


The Bash command to suppress all output and errors is 'command > /dev/null 2>&1'

  • Use '>' to redirect standard output to /dev/null

  • Use '2>&1' to redirect standard error to standard output

  • Combine both to suppress all output and errors: 'command > /dev/null 2>&1'

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Q8. Would it be acceptable to work shift timings from 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM considering that the client is based in New Zealand?


Yes, it would be acceptable to work shift timings from 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM for a client based in New Zealand.

  • Working from 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM would align with the standard working hours in New Zealand due to the time zone difference.

  • This shift timing would allow for better communication and collaboration with the client in New Zealand.

  • It is important to ensure that the team is able to adjust to the early start time and maintain productivity throughout the day.

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Q9. Etl pipeline procedure examples


ETL pipeline procedures involve extracting data from various sources, transforming it, and loading it into a target database.

  • Extract data from source systems using tools like Informatica, Talend, or Apache Nifi

  • Transform data by cleaning, filtering, aggregating, and enriching it using SQL, Python, or Spark

  • Load the transformed data into a target database such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Redshift

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Q10. Custom ordering in sql


Custom ordering in SQL allows you to specify the order in which results are returned.

  • Use ORDER BY clause in SQL to specify custom ordering

  • You can order by multiple columns and specify ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) order

  • Example: SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY column_name ASC;

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Q11. Clustering depth in snowflake


Clustering depth in Snowflake refers to the number of levels in the clustering key hierarchy.

  • Clustering depth determines the granularity of data organization within Snowflake tables.

  • A higher clustering depth means more levels in the clustering key hierarchy, allowing for more specific data organization.

  • Clustering depth can impact query performance and storage efficiency in Snowflake.

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