Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai

Madurai, Tamil Nadu

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Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Dec 2024

34 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Verbal test: 10 MinutesI am very strong in English , and Email writing was a piece of cake for me. In-fact in Indiageeks , all the possible verbal ability questions are already posted , and the very same questions will be asked in this section

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude test: 80 minutesI Thought I never knew how to solve aptitude.I NEVER PREPARED for aptitude also.I was sure that I was not going to clear the round and I thought I would think while the test was conducted.Aptitude does not strictly require any preparation, however in the internet a set of 50 questions are being circulated , and my friends who studied that found it very helpful while attending aptitude.The aptitude can be easily cracked all that is needed is an open mind and confidence that you can solve it.It tests only your basic thinking ability.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Interview:TCS recruiters will first verify your 10th , 12th and college marksheets .In our college there were around 40 interview panels . A panel will have three persons.In my opinion one person in the pannel was a technical person and the other two were HR people.Once I entered they asked me whether I had breakfast.I said yes.Thyen they asked for my strengths and weaknesses.I said my strengths were1)Confidence
3)OutspokennessMy weaknesses were
1)Bad handwriting
2)Odd sleep cycle
3)Food HabitsThey asked about my favourite food, which hotel is the best etc…..Then they asked questions purely based on resume , project , programming languages entered in resume,Paper presentation.I got a piece of paper and started to explain everything to them.Then they asked me questions on linux commands.At the end they questioned me for my poor CGPA. I said I had concentrated on emerging trends in the IT industry and so I wasn’t able to completely concentrate on studies.Finally they asked me whether I had any questions, I asked about timings of office , dress code etc…I was confident about my performance.Finally the results were read out, 386 students  were placed in our college.

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Rumours and false news:1)There will be dummy questions in the aptitude test,that question will not have correct answer. All questions have answers and you can answer all of them.2)There is an panel called Dummy panel , where all the candidates will be rejected. People have been selected in all panels.3) If you have more points in campus commune , you will have more priority-FALSE! nothing of that sort happensAll you need is SELF BELIEF

College Name: TCE,Madurai
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: VerbalThis is a very simple round. You will be given a set of phrases and you need to form a mail. All you need to have in mind in this round is the minimum word count(it will be given in the instructions), see to that all the phrases are used , and be careful with the spelling and grammar. The question given to me was….Write a mail to the Manager Alex requesting for a meeting…..sign your email as Susan. Outline:meeting – Wednesday afternoon-seek clarifications-Multi  Vendor  Integration –project – activities – status – person left – abruptly – availability- top priority.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interview (Tech + HR)For this round just be cool and relaxed. There were three people in the panel for me…but it depends….some had even four people..According to me, questions were mostly on your area of interest especially if its RDBMS, questions are only on that (I guess those people are good at it),so just be careful in mentioning your area of interest. The questions are…What do you think about DBMS?What is the DBMS tool that you have worked in..?What is a primary key and foreign key..??What is the difference between primary and unique key..??What is a trigger..??What is a stored procedure?What is the difference between stored procedure and trigger..??What is indexing?What is an identity column?What are the OOPs concept which you know..??What is the difference between an interface and abstract class..??Some questions on the project which I did..!!Why do you want a job..not interested in higher studies..??Are you ok if you are placed in North India..??Are you ok about the shifts..??Most of the questions are based on your resume…so be good at it…if you have no idea about the answer..tell them that you do not know…Be careful , it may even be a stress interview, they may try to argue with you for every answer you give but don’t leave your confident with your views…All the best everyone…

College Name: TCE,Madurai
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: All the aptitude questions can be solved even without formula  .So never get down from the ladder if you don’t know the formula based solution.Verbal part is easy. Practice writing formal letters. If you end up writing letter without any mistakes, you can pass this without any difficulty.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Coming to the Interview Part,For me, it was first an HR round, and then I went through technical questions.Be prepared to face any kind of questions. They don’t look whether you answer correctly or not. They only notice your way of approach, your way of reacting, your attitude Matters Be thorough with your resume. They shoot up questions only from that.The interview process for CS/IT is 80% technical. So get to know your area of interest. They don’t eliminate you if you are mediocre in technical. They want people who are bold enough to answer questions even if they don’t have any sound knowledge in that area.The ice breaking question which they asked me first is: Tell me about your hobbies? You are good at writing? I answered yes. They gave me a topic “sudden augment in technology” .I spoke about it for 5 minutes. Then they asked me to conclude in 1 line.Technical questions:These were all from my Area of interest.What is DBMS?Why we go for DBMS?What are DDL, DML, and TCL?Why it is called DDL commands?Why it is called DML commands?What is Stored Procedures?Why it is called Stored Procedures?What is index?Types of indexes?What is Clustered index and non-clustered index?What is clustering?ACID properties?DIFF between PL/SQL and SQLWhat are Triggers?Is trigger a stored procedure?What is Normalization?Apply ACID properties in 1NFDiff Types of Constraints?Diff between Primary key and unique?How many NULL values can unique key hold?Mentions OOPS conceptWhat are abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism?Explain your project?Draw E-R diagram for your project.Explain the ModulesAbout Server side, client side validation.Why validation is important?
Tips: For Interview Preparation :1. Cracking the IT Interview2. Java-Complete Reference3.  Exploring C4. The C programming LanguageEVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR A DARING HEART . It’s not a hard nut to crack   ALL THE BEST

College Name: TCE,Madurai
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 20 May 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: First round details :1.The first round was group discussion. A group had 10 members among which 4 were eliminated on an average. To clear this round one needs to be good in communication and express his point boldly atleast 3 times. Second round was aptitude.
Books and websites used to clear first round Youtube for GD, RS Agarwal for Aptitude, Verbal

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Hollywood vs Kollywood

Round: Test
Experience: Read AMCAT PATTERNThere were 4 modules technical,aptitude,logical,verbal.Among 56 only 16 were selected for next round by aptitude test. I don’t remember the total time for each module so I have given the average time for each aptitude module.
1.Technical:Questions were from data structures, OS, Networks. I don’t remember the total time but each     question had 1.2 mins to answer on average.2.Aptitude:This round had simple arithmetic questions like whats value of 5C3, number systems,blood relationship  etc. Each question had 1 min to answer on an average.3.Logical:This round had questions need to be answered in a logical order like arriving at conclusions from many statements.Each question had less that 1 min on an average.4.Verbal: Here it had words to be filled grammatically correct, comprehension, synonyms, antonyms etc. Here 16 questions to be answered in 13 minutes.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 3. Technical interview:Before attending this round we had essay writing(topic “Power of press media”) and no elimination based on this. But the Technical HR asked me to read this asked my views.Questions were from areas of interest.My area of interest was OOP, RDBMS, Networks. I was asked to write query for retrieving number of records from a table, differentiate between OOP and Object based programming, difference between method overloading and method overloading etc. My advice is a person should have through knowledge in area of interest. The interview went for 25 minutes with brief discussions on OOP and DBMS topics. 6 among 16 were eliminated in this round. The bond details were also informed in this round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 4. HR Interview:People who attended this round were not eliminated. This round went on for just 2 minutes staring with self introduction, some questions on my schooling and it was ‘jolly round’ . No technical questions.
All people who attended HR were selected.

General Tips: Advice to aspirants:Please be bold in GD and talk atleast 3 points. In aptitude since there was no -ve marking attend all questions and be quick in calculation. For Technical Interview be through in your areas of interest
College Name: Thiagarajar college of engineering,madurai
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