Terna Engineering College, Mumbai

Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

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Terna Engineering College, Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 24 Dec 2024

28 interviews found

user image pooja chavan

posted on 25 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written round consists of Analytical Test and Verbal Ability Test. TCS has various criteria for skipping Analytical Test. If you are a geek ( in top five of a few stream like CSE/IT/ECE/EE/Mechanical ) then you will be allowed toskip the Analytical round. Also if you have at least 75% aggregate in 10th and 12th  and a minimum percentage marks in college ( This is set by TCS and varies from college to college, May be 8.5 pointer or 7.90 or as desired by TCS )   then you can skip analytical round. TCS is continuously changing its placement process so prepare for the worst and do not pretend that you can skip the analytical round even if you are a geek.
Tips: try to solve as many questions possible first attack the ones you are aware.. dont worry or panic if u cant answer the firt few if u r well prepared u shud know the answers for maxm questions. just maintain your calm n then solve all the questions

Round: Group Activity
Experience: our topic was REALITY SHOWS
Tips: be well prepared for some commom group discussion topics like POLITICS, TELEVISIONS, USE OF CELL PHONES IN COLLEGE CAMPUS, CORPORATE LIFE, etc .. all da besti hop this helps !! :)

Round: HR Interview
Experience: was comparatively easy n of short duration than the writen test hahha :D
Tips: being 99.9% honest will help u..also think positive & dont worry about the interview result..

General Tips: TCS is the largest software company of India. It is the most admired company of India. Being an employee of TCS is what many dream. And getting into TCS is quite easy also. All that you need is your desire and work towards it.
Skill Tips: u can refer cacking the IT interview book to know more
Skills: basics of C, basics of java, basics of computer networks, latest technologies, C++ basics
Motivation: WORK HARD !!
Funny Moments: yet to happen !! recently gt placed :)
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user image MADHURA DHOLE

posted on 25 Mar 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written round consists of Analytical Test and Verbal Ability Test. TCS has various criteria for skipping Analytical Test. If you are a geek ( in top five of a few stream like CSE/IT/ECE/EE/Mechanical ) then you will be allowed toskip the Analytical round. Also if you have at least 75% aggregate in 10th and 12th  and a minimum percentage marks in college ( This is set by TCS and varies from college to college, May be 8.5 pointer or 7.90 or as desired by TCS )   then you can skip analytical round. TCS is continuously changing its placement process so prepare for the worst and do not pretend that you can skip the analytical round even if you are a geek.If you are taking only verbal part then you will get ten minutes time and within this time frame you need to write an email based on the given scenario.
Tips: keep calm & carry on ..first  attend da questions wich u r 100% sure about. then think abt the rest paper.. be well prepared n confident before attempting the paper it wil definetly help u clear it wid flying colors.. all da best all

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: clear all ur basic concepts .. cause that is goin to help cracking the interview. & also be confident but not over confident
Tips: refer seniors & also the web if u have small queries .. ambitionbox is there to help you.. solve as many apti papers possible

Round: Group Activity
Experience: our topic was reality shows
Tips: be well prepared fo selective topics like politics, reality shows, tv-boon or curse.. use of cell phnz etcbe confident n well prepared for dis as well

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: here they chek our confiddence n how do we react on there questions.. we shud maintain calm n a ssmall smile while answering every questions
Tips: be confident work on ur dressing n vocal abilities coz prsonallity matterswear a smile always

General Tips: be confident about yourself. n also b well prepared
Motivation: TCS is the largest software company of India. It is the most admired company of India. Being an employee of TCS is what many dream. And getting into TCS is quite easy also. All that you need is your desire and work towards it.
Funny Moments: yet to join.. recently got placed :)
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posted on 19 Mar 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Verbal section was a easy section,It comprised of Comprehension,Spotting errors,Synonyms,Antonyms,Relationship between two given words,Rearranging the sentences.Logical reasoning the second section in which problems on data interpretation,blood relations,syllogism,where there with little bit difficulty.third section was of quant we usual  think it's easy but this was a tough one! with standard problems,percentage,profit loss,speed distance time.....etc.
Tips: While,attempting verbal part always give most appropriate answers.Options may be more confusing and closer one but you have to select the correct one!!!!! Always check for sectional cutoff and if its there then try to attempt each section properly if not then concentrate on section in which you are strong....refer to sites such as IndiaBIX, M4maths, freshersworld for aptitude questions
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 75

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: GD was not a round included for Capgemini placement test,Pearson versant english test was there once you clear your apti but due to technical faults GD was the round taken.There was a group of 10 people and we were given topic and 5 mins for preparation then GD was started.I was the second one to speak on the topic,I was in the favour of MNC because I really feel that for freshers Indian IT company is not very great start.Rather if one starts with MNC then it gets a brand name associated with them and also global exposure for one.And also Indian IT sectors are largely collaborating with the MNCs so for fresher MNC is a good start than Indian IT company.
Tips: I will suggest you to understand the topic well,jot down the points you want to say and then always initiate for the GD do not argue,just humbly disagree to the topic,do not get personal in it...as soon as you start the supervisor judges you so do not hesitate and just put your points confidently only your English is judged by this...
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: As I entered they  checked me from top to bottom means how formally you are dressed and shoes,then asked for my resume and started to see and verify each and everything written in it is true and genuine.And both TR and HR interview was taken simultaneously.My interview was the quicker one they just started with name then all above mentioned questions....
Tips: Go properly dressed with shoes polished,do not panic or try to recollect what you  have prepared just be genuine.Write resume neatly and study it well they scan it and ask most questions from it...

Round: Pearson versant English test
Experience: This test consist of two sections firstly the telephonic round in which we were provided with one toll free number and  unique test-id then it was for about 20 mins we talked on telephone.The questions asked were on basic english,like  repeat the sentences,correct the jumbled sentences,complete the sentences,answer in yes or no.Second test was a computer based test for 60 mins in which complete the sentences synonyms,copying the passage,email writing ,listen and write,were few of the questions directed.this test is taken mainly to check your english and writing skills.
Tips: Be clear and loud enough in telephonic test,and search placement papers of every company you sit for.

General Tips: "Try try you will succeed" always believe on this saying and keep giving tests if you failed in one!!
Motivation: Capgemini is one of good MNC its under top 10 best IT companies also its symbol spade which represented free enivronment to work and moto "People matter,results count".motivated me to join it!
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Programming based question on datastructure and logical
  • Q2. Questions related intrest and company

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: it was good experience while giving answer , because i knew the most of answer and answered confidently...
Tips: makes the basic concept clear and be confident on what u say....

Round: HR Interview
Experience: answered confidently .... she offered me the job....
Tips: its all about your confidence and communication skills....

Skills: web technology, java
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user image Sheetal D Kharat

posted on 14 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Test contains 45 question having Maths(approx. 30 questions) , verbal & non-verbal , logical reasoning Qustions. 
1 hr to solve it.  And no negative marking .Easy aptitude test for me cause i hav given almost 8 apti tests before it. Most of the questions from R.S. Agarwal (Quantitative Aptitude)Book. we total 40 to 50 peoples given the test(All branch students eligibal for test above 60 % aggregate)
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 45

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Out of 40-50 peoples appeared for aptitude test 12 students were eligibal for technical interview. Interview was in the Company . The interviewer ask the questions from the answers i am giving to his previous question .And trying to confuse me.
but after understanding my programming to his question and some logical answers to his qusetions he stops confusing  me. And go on saying 'You r correct or you r near to answer,think little bit more about it'.
Tips: Be confident , If u don't  know answer say that "i didn't brush up that topic". Don't go on interviwer's expression, they(expressions) always distract u.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: After 50-55 minutes of technical interview , we had HR interview.It was easy Interview,  all the 5 candidates have these same set of questions ,so we prepared the answers and all 5 got selected in company.

General Tips: Do aptitude test practice online more
Don't add things that u dont know in resume
(for freshers :keep resume exactly of 2 pages and simple,don't use different font  styles and size much)
Skills: Java programming, c++, sql(DBMS), Html
Motivation: It is college campus placement only, But The Representator of company(each) gives the motivation to all candiates mostly
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user image Nilima More

posted on 14 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude test is simple as much it based on basic programs,technical terms.make sure that you attempt all sections.
Tips: 1.Revised all basic programs like sorting,stack,linked list.
2.Attempt every question.
Total Questions: 2 hr

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Its awesome experience when you know all the questions already.actually it was my 10 company..n 5 th technical interview.
Tips: I would want you to be confident as they look for your confidence.

Round: Puzzle Interview
Tips: Dont quit here..this is the elimination round.atleast answer 2 puzzles out off 4.

General Tips: Concentrate on basic concepts Of java,dbms,dsa.
be coconfident.
Skills: Communication skill
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2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude test was not so hard and it was written test. No negative marking. Almost all questions were from R S Aggrawal. There were 45 questions and the time limit was 1 hour. Topics were Time and distance, work, alligation, profit and loss, percentage etc. Result declared on that evening. I scored 26 marks. Out 42 students 14 were for shortlisted for technical round.
Tips: Only Practice..Practice..Practice!!!
Develop basic concepts. Try to understand formulae..
Duration: 1 Hr minute
Total Questions: 45

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user image aakshi dhar

posted on 14 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: i was really very nervous before appearing for the test but it went quite smooth for me.
Tips: u should focus on r s aggrawal for developing ur basics .after that go for previous year tcs aptitude exams but before appearing for the test u must give a mock test which is available on nextstep.tcs.com so that u know the exact pattern of the examination.all the best to those appearing for tcs .
Total Questions: 80

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: this was the most difficult part as i being an electronics and telecommunication student was very nervous abt the computer subject but i managed to do well.
Tips: be confident nd have a fair knowledge about your project .

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It was an amazing experience as i was pretty confident nd sir was very impressed by me because of my talents and achievements in the past.so it was very good.
Tips: BE CONFIDENT AND POSITIVE.try to ans their questions to the point

Skill Tips: think before speaking.
Skills: Basic Knowledge, Confidence, 1)communication
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