Terna Engineering College, Mumbai

Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

Your seniors at Terna Engineering College, Mumbai were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Terna Engineering College, Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 24 Dec 2024

28 interviews found

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Less than 2 weeks
No, I didn't receive an offer

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed before Feb 2023.

2 Interview Rounds


Aptitude Test Round

Qunats logical verbal and conditions based question


Coding Test Round

Simple mcq based on cs subject

Interview Preparation Tips

Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Please prepare well before going
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user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Jun 2023

Interview experience
Difficulty level
Less than 2 weeks
Yes, I joined the company

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed before Jun 2022.

5 Interview Rounds


Resume Shortlist Round

Pro Tip by AmbitionBox:
Keep your resume crisp and to the point. A recruiter looks at your resume for an average of 6 seconds, make sure to leave the best impression.
View all Resume tips

Aptitude Test Round

There were around 30 MCQs with 1 hour of deadline.


Group Discussion Round

It was a very traditional Group Discussion. One has to be very factual and confident.


Technical Round (1 Question)

  • Q1. General questions around the business that one had applied for

One-on-one Round (1 Question)

  • Q1. Both general and technical questions around resume and academics
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user image Atul Patil

posted on 21 Jul 2022

I applied via Campus Placement and was interviewed in Jan 2022.

3 Interview Rounds


Aptitude Test Round

VA,Quant,Essay writing


Coding Test Round

2 codes one easy nd other difficult one


HR Round (1 Question)

Interview Preparation Tips

Topics to prepare for Wipro Project Engineer interview:
  • Python
  • C
Interview preparation tips for other job seekers - Just have confidence in u and your answers
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user image Siddhesh Anant Sarvankar

posted on 31 Mar 2015

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Be confident on your answer
Tips: Study about final project

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user image Siddhesh Sawant

posted on 29 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Be confident but dont be over confident
Tips: solve as many papers u can to crack dis test
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Be clear about ur thots.
Tips: Try to speak more & relevant to the topic.
Duration: 15 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: being honest will help u clear this round
Tips: Be UP to DATE..

General Tips: Develop coding skills& logics also understand the basic math formulaes
Motivation: If u can Dream IT , U can Definetly Achieve IT.. :)
Funny Moments: :D
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude was quite easy.. it was written test n der was no negative marking. almost all questions wer from R.S.AGARWAL. it was a one hr test. topics wer time & distance , alligation , profit &loss, percentage etc. Result was declared on that evening itself. i scored 26 marks. out of 42 students only 14 wer selected for technical round.
Tips: Practice the solved sums from any book u refer.. also refer FAQ's..
Duration: 60 minutes
Total Questions: 45

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Develop basic skills, try to understand formulaes

General Tips: 1: Be Confident.
2: Keep Smiling.
3: Do not be Panic.
4: Remember they are here to hire you but not reject you.
5: Do not loose hope.
6: Believe at yourself.
7: Start preparing early.
8: Do demo interviews with your friend.
Skill Tips: NA
Skills: basic programming skills, Logical Reasoning
Motivation: Every body joins a comapny for making a software or earning money. But I was always motivated to MAKE MONEY. I have taken this job because they have very extensive work in Share Market and they have lots of MBA from IIM's, Lots of CAs, CS. Thats why i have choosen Edelweiss. I have rejected epic System USA for this profile.
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user image Rohit Naik

posted on 28 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: If you are taking examination of both analytical and verbal part then you will get 10 minutes for verbal part first and then 80 minutes for analytical part. Even if you solve verbal part in less than 10 minutes the remaining time will not be added to your analytical part. Analytical part consists of 30 questions need to be solved within 80 minutes. You can easily navigate the question and exam environment is same as in TCS Open See Same. You will have an on screen calculator. You can also carry a calculator in examination hall. My suggestion is to carry your own calculator because on screen calculator will only waste your time.
Tips: You can refer Quantitative Aptitude by Arun Sharma : This is the book for a CAT aspirants. Believe me if you solve LOD 1 and LOD 2, you can easily crack the analytical round. This is the sole book I used while preparing for TCS. Here you will get each concept explained beautifully. Read all the theory and solve example problems also. Do not rely on Quantitative Aptitude by R. S. AGARWAL
Duration: 90 minutes
Total Questions: 50

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I do not remember all the questions they asked me, but a few are as above. i hope it helps :)
Tips: In technical round you will be asked simple conceptual questions. Never ever show how smart you are because interviewer is smarter than you. Keep calm and be confident. If you do not know answer of any question, simply say no and do not proceed with half answers or wrong answer because they will trap you in your own answer.  In this round you will be asked question mostly from your CV. If you are a CSE/IT guy then never ever rely only on your CV. It entirely depends on the interviewer mind. If they do not see your resume then you will be asked question from any topic related to CSE/IT branch. So the idea is to prepare well for the subject and topic you have mentioned in your CV and also keep sound knowledge of other CSE/IT subjects.  This is what happened in my P. I. . They reviewed my resume but not even a single technical questions they asked related to the subjects or topics mentioned in my resume. So guys/gals be prepared and have a basic knowledge of important CSE/IT subjects ( Data Structure, DBMS, C/C++, JAVA, Operating Systems,  Software Engineering etc.) .   They do not go in depth of any subject and ask only basic questions.

General Tips: Keep trying ! :)
Skill Tips: NA
Skills: C programming basics, JAVA , DB, C++, OS basics
Motivation: TCS is the largest software company of India. It is the most admired company of India. Being an employee of TCS is what many dream. And getting into TCS is quite easy also. All that you need is your desire and work towards it.
Funny Moments: Yet to happen
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posted on 28 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Its a great pleasure to share my experience of Campus Recruitment with you all. Being in Top 5 in the department, I was exempted from the quantitative test section in the Aptitude. In the Analytical section, we have to write an official letter based on a given topic.A particular time limit is there with the maximum number of errors permitted.Practice is the key to clear this round.
Tips: Improving grammatical skills and practicing will help a lot.
Duration: 10 minutes
Total Questions: 1

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was in the first batch for the technical interview. I entered the room with a smile on my face in order to reduce my nervousness and to have a positive approach. I was offered a seat. The interviewer went through my Resume and asked me about my academic achievements and about my final year project.He also asked few technical quesions regarding academic subjects. I gave fair answers to all the quesions without loosing confidence and maintaining proper eye contact.Later on, I was informed that I have cleared the TR Round.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Within 10 minutes after the technical round, I was informed that I have cleared the TR Round and have to appear for the HR Round immediately. I was going to face the Regional HR Head of the company. I was a bit nervous but at the same time slightly confident after the TR Round. I entered the room with the interviewers permission and was offered a seat. He went through my Resume and asked me about my hobbies and my family.Then he asked me a question which turned out be a key for the success of that interview. He asked me,"If your sister is going to get married,then what are the three qualities you will look for in that person". I immediately replied,"First of all, Respect for women,then Honesty and third one is friendly behaviour". And he was done with the interview.He offered me a handshake and with those warm greetings, I left the room. Later, I was informed that I was a part of a truely global IT giant....TCS !

General Tips: Improve communication skills and be confident.
Skills: confidence , communication skills, technical knowledge
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: i had good academic record over all but still my luck dint help mi to get placed thru college campus...since mostly IT companies came to recruit in our college.. i had to work hard after faceing soo many rejections.. was almst ddepressed.. bt my parents supported n told mi to gain more skills to get placed in core companies rather than IT..so i joined an embedded skills developmnt class in my home town pune & that changed my lifee.. well additional skills looks good on the resume.. & i was called for the interview..
Tips: cracking interview was pretty easy since i knew wats the profile offered to me..  the job requirements.. & i had pepared for the same.. n answered questions confidently in ersonal interview..

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: be confident n always put a smile aftr evry question.. try to b short n sweet.. speak to the point.n try to be accurate .
Tips: THINK POSIIVE N KIP CALM olso neva lose hope as sed earlier.. i m sure dis wud help :)

General Tips: keep working hard n never lose hope
Skill Tips: be proud of urself n kip practicing more n more
Skills: basic programming skills, ability to deal diplomatically, positive thinking
Motivation: if u r from non it fields always first try fr a job in ur field.. cz it wil b easy to crack n kip IT on last in ur priority list.. all da very best guyss...
Funny Moments: ohh der r lots more.. evryday is funn here... hahaha kip smiling always
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user image vinita koli

posted on 25 Mar 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written round consists of Analytical Test and Verbal Ability Test. TCS has various criteria for skipping Analytical Test. If you are a geek ( in top five of a few stream like CSE/IT/ECE/EE/Mechanical ) then you will be allowed to skip the Analytical round. Also if you have at least 75% aggregate in 10th and 12th  and a minimum percentage marks in college ( This is set by TCS and varies from college to college, May be 8.5 pointer or 7.90 or as desired by TCS )   then you can skip analytical round. TCS is continuously changing its placement process so prepare for the worst and do not pretend that you can skip the analytical round even if you are a geek.
Tips: prepare for basics of C , C++, JAVA, OOPS, DB etc splly if u r frm non it branch..

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: try to speak more than evrybody else, be accurate n olso be honest
Tips: speak honestly n clearly.. speak to the point i mean related to the tpic.. try to be fluent.. n understandable to the staffalso try to grasp the attention of observer
Duration: 60mins minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: being honest will help for suree.. you can also ask for any queries if u have in mind.. be completely cool and also sound professional.. i hope dis helps .. alll da bst !!!
Tips: be well preparedd ..

General Tips: clear ur basic concepts specially if u r frm non it back ground
Skill Tips: share your queries with teachers, clear ur basic concepts, talk to seniors, ambitionbox.com is olwaz der to help u in any stage..
Skills: basic programming skills, desire for programmng, logical thinking, ability to deal with people diplomatically
Motivation: think positive always !!! i m sure dis will help u boost ur confidence
Funny Moments: yet to comee :)
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