National Institute of Technology, Surathkal

Mangalore, Karnataka

What if you can't knock at your National Institute of Technology, Surathkal seniors' door for advice? Read their placement interview questions and crack your next interview. 🏆

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National Institute of Technology, Surathkal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 20 Jan 2025

274 interviews found

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: Be prepared to answer questions like why flipkart? , why shouldn't I hire you? , why did you choose cs?, which is your proudest moment.
Choose wisely the questions you attempt.
Skill Tips: Solve the course lab questions on your own. Pick a site that suits you and practice there. Read about the company before you go for interviews. If the interviewer asks you to ask a question use that opportunity to learn more about the company. AmbitionBox helps in getting familiar with the type of questions that the company asks.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image VISHAL RAJ

posted on 3 Dec 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The complete selection procedure consisted of 1 online round and 4 face to face interviews. First online round had 10 MCQs with negative marking followed by 3 quality programming questions.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: In technical rounds, none were straight forward question and you can expect complex problems of DP and Greedy concepts. They also asked me to solve some real time problems given large data and all.

Experience: Managerial round consisted of few very basic questions followed by my expectations from company, profile I seek etc

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The HR round was also kind of similar. He first described his experience at Walmart and then asked me about my interests, family etc.

General Tips: If you want to get a good one, you need to practice. Good companies basically emphasizes much on Data Structures, Algorithms and OS concepts. So one must be very good at it.
But those concepts help once you reach the interview round which is generally after an online round. In the first online round, most of the questions are from C/C++ aptitude and then few are of general aptitude. One must be very quick at solving these problems. For practicing them, one can refer geeksforgeeks for C/C++ aptitude and some CAT book to see basics of probability, permutation and combination, Work/time concepts.
For data structures and Algorithm, first solve the book by Narsimha Karumanchi but don't try to see the solution directly. Try as much as you can before seeing the solution as it won't be a waste of time. It will further clarify much of your concepts.
After completing the book, start solving DS part of geeksforgeeks. Try to cover as much questions of trees and linked lists as possible. Also cover classical problems of Dynamic programming and greedy algorithms.
Apart from being good at designing algorithms for problems, one must be able to write a working code for it in either of C/C++/Java. This is very important because most of the good companies introduces 2-3 programming questions in the first round itself. Even in interview, they ask to write the program on paper. Hence, try to practice coding too along with studying the above referenced materials.
It felt awesome when I got selected for Walmart Labs. The interviews were really the best one I faced. I was quite chilled out during the interviews as I already had an offer from Amazon. That may be the reason I was able to solve some of the really good questions. Overall, the experience was quite challenging and amazing.
Skill Tips: For data structures : First go through "Data Structures and Algorithms made Easy" by Narsimha Karumanchi.
For improving coding skills, try to program few random questions of trees and linked list while studying there concepts. Then practice some questions from sites like codechef or codeforces and also try to participate in the competitions that take place on these sites.
For Operating Systems, just go through the book written by "S Galvin" and try to clear concepts of memory management part.
Apart from these main topics, just have a glance at these few topics:-
Database : Basic Queries, Indexing, Transaction.
OOP : Definition with understanding of four features of OOPs.

College Name: NIT Surathkal
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The selection procedure consisted of one online round followed by 4 face to face interviews.
1st round consisted of 20 MCQs of C/C++ and general aptitude. They shortlisted only 11 B.Techs after first round. Then we had 4 separate interviews out of which one was Bar Raiser round (which is most important).

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Each interview was of around an hour. They mainly emphasized on data structure part. I got a lot of questions from tree and linked list and few were based on Operating System's concepts. For most of the questions, they asked me to come up with more than one approach and also they introduced many variations in between. After the discussion of approach, I was supposed to write the complete code on paper.Each round was kind of elimination round and the Bar Raiser round was most important of all.

General Tips: For improving coding skills, first code basic searching, sorting and graph algorithms.Then try to program few random questions of trees and linked list while studying there concepts. Then practice some questions from sites like codechef or codeforces and also try to participate in the competitions that take place on these sites.For Operating Systems, just go through the book written by "S Galvin" and try to clear concepts of memory management part.
Apart from these main topics, just have a glance at these few topics:
Database : Basic Queries, Indexing, Transaction
OOP : Definition with understanding of four features of OOPs.Among non-technical stuffs, practice some famous puzzles (just Google it).
After all these done, just keep on solving interviews questions being updated regularly at geeksforgeeks
Overall Experience was very good and challenging as it was the very first day of placement and our interviews went till 4 in the morning. So when the result came, we were very excited.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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posted on 3 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: PRE- placement
Experience: 1. The company collects resume from the placement department a few weeks before they come here and shortlist people on the basis of their resume and the projects that they have done.
2. Sometimes the cut-off at the time of test may be higher than the cut-offs of the people short-listed on the basis of resume.

Round: Test
Experience: They conducted a written-test consisting of logical aptitude, quantitative aptitude and the concepts of data structures and algorithms. There was a bonus questions for ten marks on application of OS concepts.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical interview consisted of problems on data structures and algorithms, Operating systems and Databases and whatever projects that have been mentioned in the resume.
Around 70 were shortlisted for written test from which the number came down to 22 for interviews and finally three of us got the offer with elimination at each stage of interviews.

General Tips: Placement season teaches you lot of things and many life-time experiences and the key thing during placement season is to have patience and wait for your chance. You will get what you is right for you when the right time comes so don’t lose hopes and be consistent. Luck is a big factor in placements and you will definitely have your day.
1. Prepare your resume well for each and every of the points you put there and give more than enough time in writing your resume. The presentation of your resume is equally important as the contents of the resume.
2. Attend the pre-placement talk sincerely for the companies you are interested in and ask questions in during that. It shows you are interested in the company and may help in later stages of your interviews.
3. Your dressing sense in during the PPTs is also noted by the company HR’s.
4. Knowing implementation of what you know is very important as most companies look for implementation and the most important thing during any interview will be your “Approach” towards the question asked as that’s where they judge you.
For CS
1. Be thorough with the concepts which you know and accept readily if you don’t know which is better than them telling you the same.
2. Be honest and know properly whatever you have written in your resume.
3. The HR person who comes for recruitment every year is very experienced person and he keeps a close watch on candidates even outside the interview rooms on the D-Day. Be aware for the same.
Skill Tips: 1. I had done MIT algorithms lectures at the end of my second year and those lectures were very useful at all the stages of my B.Tech. Apart from that I referred “Coding Interview Questions book by Narsimha Karumanchi” for quick revision of OS and DBMS concepts.
2. The coursera video lectures of Algorithms (part I and II from stanford), Computer Networks and of Databases are equally good and very useful in general for all companies.
3. For apti preparation I didn’t feel any need of extra preparation.
4. C-Apti questions are very important as well as coding skills being good in which will get you many early chances of being interviewed and getting a job.
5. I had looked into puzzles by Shakuntala Devi and the Brain Teasers on

For me on that day I had five back to back interviews on the D-day of which two were for Futures First and three were for Credit Suisse and the experience was more than rewarding at the end. I started getting call for Futures First interview when I was writing my Credit Suisse written paper and I didn’t know how the day is going to be for me. But believe me when they announce your name in the Rooms of Placement Department, which is the best feeling you can get when someone calls your name.

College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Chaithanya B S

posted on 3 Dec 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Screening by an online round containing programming and multiple choice questions. Selected candidates (25 approx.) had four technical interviews wherein approx. 5 candidates were eliminated in each round. 4 students were offered a job.
Tips: Online Programming Contests in spoj,Codechef,topcoder,Codeforces, Hackerrank,Hackerearth, Project Euler.

General Tips: Make sure the interviewer knows what you're thinking as you solve the problem. Don't just come up with the final answer. Prepare on algorithms and Data structures.
It was very exhausting as the interviews went up to 3 a.m in the morning. It was compensated by very interesting and new questions.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Vivek TV

posted on 2 Dec 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude Round (general for all oracle sections like systems, gcs, AD, ST).Followed by technical and HR round.

General Tips: Great experience with interview panel. I was suffering from severe throat infection and voice was not coming out properly. They dint care about all that and checked my skills and selected me. And also they have invited us for breakfast in Taaj the very next day. Feel its awesome company and great work culture.
Programming : Tree, Btree, Tries ..
Operating System: Memory Management
Networks: OSI model
DBMS : basics. they dint ask me any.
showcase your interest in big data, servers and passion for technology.
Skill Tips: Don't expect direct questions from geeksforgeeks. To me they asked my favourite subject but from other friends i got to know that whatever you say they will come to Operating System, Virtualisation, C programming. My advice is to cover Operating System in depth and have idea about virtualization.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Anuj P K Jain

posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Online Assessment Test (Quantitative, logical reasoning, C-aptitude and Coding Questions
(2 question) were their.

General Tips: 1) Have a look at your Resume. Just make sure you know what you have mentioned in it.
2) Go through your Internships and Academic Projects carefully as sometimes Interview are only based on them.
3) Presentation is more important than knowledge. Even if you know all the questions but are not able to deliver/express in from of interview than your knowledge is of no use.
4) No need to take tension how the interviewer will behave with you. They also know your mental state and they initially try to make you comfortable with them. So relax and keep calm.
Since 72 students were shortlisted for interviews, So it was quite challenging to make a way for yourself.For me it was exhausting because I was the last one to be interview in my slot. I was called at around 9:30 am at T&P but I had my interview at 4:30 pm. Till then I was really bored , exhausted and also I was loosing my calm.
Skill Tips: Books:-
Data structure and Algorithms: Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy in Java By Narasimha Karumanchi.
For subjects like OS,Networks,DBMS I referred google.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image R.Kaushik

posted on 2 Dec 2015

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Skill Tips: Be good at C++. Keep your CGPA high
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Apoorva Chandra S

posted on 2 Dec 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This round was technical + HR interview.

General Tips: Exhausting, primarily because of the long waiting periods between interviews. But rewarding, when the interview goes well.
Skill Tips: Data Structures made easy by Narasimha Karumanchi.
Stay calm, be cool, Getting worried gets you nowhere.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Mayank Pahadia

posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: The questions asked by this company were tough. The interview experience was good and you get to learn. Don't panic and answer confidently. If you don't know the answer don't say some random answer, just say I don't know but I would like to learn.
Questions were challenging. They weren't picked directly from geeksforgeeks or some other website. The guys taking your interview know stuff so don't try to fool them. Its a great learning experience, enjoy it till you can
Skill Tips: C books, C++ books,
Revise concepts for OS, DBMS, Computer Networks
Focus on Puzzles more.
Questions won't be as direct as other companies.

College Name: NIT Surathkal
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