National Institute of Technology, Surathkal

Mangalore, Karnataka

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National Institute of Technology, Surathkal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 20 Jan 2025

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user image Arjun Raghunath

posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Written round separate for Hardware and Software profiles for an hour each. You could write only one. Maybe around 100 from EC/EE attended the test as there was a pointer cutoff of 8.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 8 people selected from the Hardware profile.

General Tips: The overall experience was rewarding at the end of it, but it was an exhausting process. All the waiting about for your interviews and results will drain your mental energy. I had a four hour wait in the TNP for my name to be called for the tech interview (I was the last to be interviewed). Even though it helps that you can ask from the previous candidates about what transpired in their interview, the wait can get really tiring. Also, be sure that as the afternoon progresses, even the panelists get tired of successive interviews, so there is an added challenge to make sure to be noticed. The one advantage of late Tech and HR rounds was that I had to wait for a very less time for the results. But at last after getting the offer, nothing matters much.
For the test, there will be a variety of questions over the entire scope of digital electronics. Expect STA, CMOS Implementation, Comp. Arch. basics, Memory models (we had a cache latency question), sequential circuits and synchronization, and even a question on C coding. So go into the test with a thorough revision of the 4 courses: DSD, MP, VLSID and DECA. The C question will be a comparatively easy one.
For the technical interview, "We've already tested your basic technical skills in the test. We want to know more about what you've worked on." was the first statement from the interviewer. So be prepared to explain any of your projects listed in your resume in detail. It helps if you have some project related to Computer Architecture to speak on. Of course there will be one or two technical questions after to probe the depth of your knowledge.
Skill Tips: 1) No aptitude preparation at all. This wan't required also as nVIDIA is a core Electronics company.
2) Preparation for written test : Review of all digital electronics and related courses taken during three years of ECE (VLSID, DSD, MP, DECA).
3) Nothing of analog electronics or linear systems asked in the test. Exclude such preparation if you want to write the nVIDIA Hardware test.
4) Have at least one Computer Architecture related project in your resume and be ready to speak on it.
5) Knowledge of VHDL/Verilog is a huge plus.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Sharath NS

posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Online Test(around 130 students):General Aptitude,C-Aptitude,Technical Section(ECE).

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Technical Interview 1 (18 students): In this interview I was asked about basic analog electronics,fliters based on OpAmps and frequency response of RLC circuits.I was also asked to explain about my intern projects in this round.
3.Technical Interview 2 (8 students): This round covered basics of Digital System Design and realizing boolean expressions using MOSFET'S (basic VLSI)

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This round was just a formality to ensure that I am truly interested in the company.

General Tips: "1.Always explain each step while giving your answer. Your approach is more important than the final answer itself.
2. Know your basics in electronics well. This will help you to solve any question.
3. Be confident throughout the interview.
4. Highlight any important project in your resume especially those related to electronics."
Focus on reviewing your basics in Digital System Design, Circuit Theory and Linear Integrated Circuits. Also spend some time on studying the basics of VLSI.
Go through concepts of trees, linked lists, sorting and complexity of algorithms which will help in the online test.
Skill Tips: 1.For general aptitude the book 'Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal' should be helpful.
2.For C-Aptitude 'Let us C' by Yashwanth P Kanetkar helped me to revise the basics of C programming and the book 'Data Structures in C' by AM Padma Reddy helped for understanding the basics of linked lists and trees.
3. For the technical questions going through any basic analog and digital electronics book will suffice.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Supreeth Prajwal

posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The first round was a written round. The paper had three sections: Aptitude , C and DSP.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: 14-15 people were shortlisted for the second round (Technical Interview round). Questions were asked on topics like Digital System Design, DECA and VLSI (Sequence detector questions, FSM based questions and MOSFET based questions)

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 3 people were shortlisted for the HR round. The general trend is that, you make it to the HR round, You have almost grabbed the Intern :) . Usual questions like "why Qalcomm?", "What is special about you?", "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" etc. were asked.

General Tips: For interns: Be thorough with DECA, MOSFETS and DSD. These are the areas on which Qualcomm's work focuses on. It will be a plus point if you know VLSI.
For fresh grads: You need to be thorough with VLSI design in addition to the above mentioned topics.
Skill Tips: I went through DECA notes. No need of any extra preparation if you are thorough with basic concepts in DSD and DECA.
1) Prepare your Resume properly. I was asked about each and every project that I had mentioned in my Resume. If you fumble about anything on your resume, it will dampen your prospects of moving forward.
2) For internship selection, there will be 1 technical interview round and 1 HR round whereas for Fresh grads selection : there will be 2 technical interview rounds and 1 HR round
The overall recruitment procedure was Exhausting. It lasted for an entire day.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Poluri Jayaprakashreddy

posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: First round is a online test containing 10 verbal, 10 logical ,20 numerical aptitude questions total 40 question and duration is for 45 minutes

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 39 people got shortlisted for round 2. Round 2 is like hr interview all u need to do is speak and be confident

Round: puzzles round
Experience: 25 got shortlisted for round 3. Round has puzzles and gestimation questions. You need to clearly explain Guestimation question.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: 13 got shortlisted for final round. Its again Hr interview by all the company members. Out of 13 few were asked puzzles. Finally 10 people were selected.

General Tips: Placement experience was amazing. Interviews were really good . They just wanna check whether your confident about what you speak or not. Those people were really friendly so no need to be tensed.
Don't freak out looking at the new puzzle try thing new to solve it. Be confident about your self and what ever you tell them.Which ever quote u make about your self be ready with example and what you have learned from that example
Skill Tips: No book preparation is required. U need to be good at solving puzzles and explain what ever your doing. During test last section i.e., numerical will have few lengthy questions so don't waste your time on one question.
For Guestimation u have to make appropriate guess and explain them why that guess , how does things change in different environments
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Harshavardhan

posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

General Tips: Resume should be true not enticing. A catchy project title may get you an interview but the basics will get you the job. Good communication skills never desert you in times of need unlike your technical skills. Hone it and you'll go places.
It was pretty standard according to me. Very helpful panel. Again speaking well helps.
Skill Tips: Basic aptitude Club activities sufficed for me. Lot of questions on your projects.
Interest in programming helps, be it hardware programming like microcontroller projects or the software projects.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Shah Ankit Parag

posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: ARM had come for recruiting 3rd Year ECE, EEE and CS branches in our college as a part of their internship program. 90 Minute test was conducted to short list the potential candidates for the interview call. The test consisted of 2 parts - Aptitude and Branch wise section. The Aptitude was allotted 30 minutes and rest for the other section.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Interview were conducted after clearing the 90 minutes test. Logical and Project related questions were asked in the interview. One advice is not to panic in the interview and explain in detail as to what you are thinking.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: After the technical interview was followed up with an HR round where Common questions were asked. After clearing the selection phase begun the internship duration for which I was eagerly waiting for... During the Internship we were informed about their selection process for conversion to a full time employee. A interview was scheduled in the last week of internship to access our performance and test technical knowledge.

General Tips: 1) Knowledge about the company profile is essential.
2) Understand what the company expects from the profile
3) Work out Aptitude as it will be asked by most companies.
4) Get to know the company. Reading their Wikipedia page is a must...
5) Cover all essential topics as mentioned in the placement website according to the profile you wish to appear for.
Since the pre placement offer was extended and it was amongst the companies that I would wish to work for, my experience was satisfying.
Skill Tips: 1) Placement Websites.
2) Quora Really!!! It helps in finding out about the common errors made by students in interviews and experiences are put up by students so that you can get more details on the requirement of a company.
3) Online sources for coding.
4) Sources like How to crack a coding interview.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude test conducted by hirepro, around 300+ people wrote test as it was open to all branches.

Round: assessment test
Experience: Assessment at Bangalore office:For this round 9 people were selected,and called to Bangalore office, the assessment is done throught the day,it involves case study,group task,presentation, fact finding round and at the end of day there is 1 more HR interview. 4 of us got placement offer.

General Tips: 1.Getting through first round is difficult , make your aptitude as strong as possible.
2.Start preparation as soon as possible, and go through placementgyan it's really helpful.
3.And be clear about what kind of company you want.
4.Try to keep your interview as interactive as possible.
5.There is no need for any preparation for assessment center.
It's rewarding but you should be patient.If you are not shortlisted try and give best in next company.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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posted on 2 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The selection procedure involved one round of written mcq test followed by one round of technical interview and finally one HR interview.
MCQ test was mostly normal aptitude questions and few electronics and c aptitude.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: For the technical interview most of the students were asked mainly on bit operations and manipulations. For me since i told them i am interested in digital electronics he started with basic digital electronics questions on muxes, nand, flip flops and then he moved to bit questions and finally ended up asking the mathematical proof for a number being divisible by 3.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Students were shortlisted right after their tech interviews and those who were through were given a questionnaire with usual HR questions like why we should hire you, some ideas you have championed, and so on. HR will then go through your answers and then you will be called for your final interview on how interested are you, about your higher studies plan and few questions based on how you answered the questionnaire.
Tips: Both interviewers are comforting and keep us relaxed. For the HR interview just be yourself and be honest.

General Tips: Have an idea on which field you want to work on like analog,digital design, vlsi etc.
Be thorough with the concepts of whatever interests you have. It really helps sometimes when they know you are good at what you know even though the profile might not be exactly same as your field.
Start your apti preps early so when a company comes you can prepare for its profile. And most importantly brush up your DSA and coding skills. Even after 3 years in EC , DSA and c apti is what gets you through the first round of tests. And Always try to attend only the companies you are comfortable with. Be good with your aptitude and also c aptitude as i was told during my interview i had to improve c skills. If you have done embedded course be thorough with your projects and embedded basics (as it might be of their interest). Also be prepared with digital electronics and digital design. (not sure how much helpful it will be but be prepared).
It was my second time having interview and was far better than my first one. Both technical and HR interviews were comforting and relaxed. Except for a little delay in starting interviews as per allotted time there wasn't any issues with my placement process.
Skill Tips: As a matter of fact i had prepared a lot of digital electronics(Anand kumar, Wakerly, and indiabix for online ques) and digital system design (Roth) expecting lot of questions from those.
For the aptitude preps R S Aggarwal is really helpful and a good book to start with. If you find the questions to be easy you can also go through book by Arun sharma.
For c concepts narasimha karumanchi(for linked list, DSA, recursion etc) .
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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user image Santosh Prasad

posted on 1 Dec 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The selections process started with a presentation by the company where they introduced you to the environment of the company. It was followed by a written subjective test which basically tested your programming skills. Questions were based on arrays, classes and OOP concepts. Last part of the paper was an essay asking about the city you live. Total 3 questions were asked which had to answered in 25 minutes time. Total no. of students appeared for the test was around 30.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: After the test only 5 students were shortlisted for interview. Interview for each candidate began with a technical round where they asked us to pick one programming language we are comfortable with. I picked C++. They asked me very basic concepts example Function overloading, Operator overloading, 2-D array concepts other OOP concepts.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: It went very smooth for me. They asked me what I know about the company. Though i couldn't remembered much I told them two points and then smiled. Then they asked me to tell me about myself and our NITK campus. I answered that aptly. Then they started asking serious questions i.e. if I want to go for higher studies, why am I not joining ARMY (I told them my father is in armed forces). Then they asked me if I want to work in Chennai or Bangalore, I told them Bangalore and also the reason behind it. After that, it was a casual interaction and I became quite sure about my selection.

General Tips: I think one thing which matters the most is your self-confidence. Hard-work and dedication are very important of-course but it is your confidence that separates you from other individuals. Also for most of the interviews they do not ask very big concepts, they will assess you on basic concepts, how much you know about the subject. So, be it any language, have your basic concept clear first and while giving interviews speak confidently.
This was my first campus interview I got selected and I cleared it. So yes, I was in a little shock and surprise to clear the interview.
Also one thing I forgot to mention was that the pointer cut-off for this company was 7.5 while I had only 7.11. Still I got selected. It does not matters much how much pointer you have. What matters at last is how much thorough you are with the subject. Well till morning I was not even sure if I am sitting for this company and by I got placed.
Skill Tips: Though there are huge resources of materials lying online and market, don’t run in all directions. Choose one book and an online source and start preparing it.
In my case I studied Sumita Arora for C++ and it proved to be quite beneficial for me. Also solve aptitude questions for programming available online like It provides a lot of help in understanding and applying your concepts and also for time limit.
For aptitude question the best book available is "Quantitative aptitude by Arun Sharma".
For C++ language focus mainly on OOPS concepts, its features and basic building blocks like arrays, pointers etc.

College Name: NIT Surathkal
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posted on 1 Dec 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was allowed for all the students even thought after keeping the cut off as 6.5. There was a less turnout to the company. There was an aptitude test for ece/eee ( there was java test for cse/mca). There was sectional cutoff. For aptitude they gave 50 questions for 1:10 min. The cutoff is 60% in aptitude. It is quite easier and a little grip on aptitude will do the trick (aptitude includes verbal too). There was only 7 students who got shortlisted from ece/eee.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The main criteria for this company is your 10th and 12th maths marks. They asked me to explain my summer and final year project. Some basic HR questions like What motivates you, How do u see yourself in this company. It is so simple that you need not fear at all.

General Tips: If your 10th and 12th standard maths grades are superb then you are almost in to the company. They wont ask anything on core and software. They just ask projects. Its the simplest interview i have ever faced. So keep calm and be confident.
The overall experience was quite easy. It selection process started at 11am and i got offer at 4 pm. The interviewer was friendly.
Skill Tips: It was not aiming at all for this company. A firm grip on aptitude skills is enough if you are from ece/eee. If you are from cse/mca your java skills should be good to cross the cutoff. Just practice aptitude from any book you find.
Don't panic at all. As this was my 7th interview i was not at all nervous. Every one in the campus will get placed for sure. Just wait for the time to come. Keep preparing for the companies daily and always have a good grip on your projects. It will be asked in every company all most.
College Name: NIT Surathkal
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