National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal

Warangal, Telangana

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National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal Placement Interview Questions

Updated 9 Jan 2025

17 interviews found

Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 9 Apr 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: In all, there were 6 different sections.In section-1, there were 15 c questions.all consist of showing some output.
in section-2, it was analytical with some direction type questions, some small puzzles. In section 3, it was completely c++ error or out put questionIn section 4, the question were on the basis of networking, o.s., compilers,some other tech. questions. In section 5, it was data structure and algorithm questions. In section-6, we had to write one short letter to the customer about his problems.All were of objective type questions consisting of 4-5 options. if now the basics it is quite simple.
Duration: 175 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: There were two technical rounds.In the first, they asked me the internal working of entire unix o.s, compilation phases what will be the output after the call to ./a.out command in unix. They asked me 4-5 c programs like- Will it be power of 2 in o(n),o(1) complexity.simple linked list prog. If you are given an array then the multiple of the entire array in o(n) time.. means a[1..10], then a[1] should consist of multiplication from a[2] to a[10].. so on., what is the significance of return(3) in c.... some fork...exec... command quest.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: In the second round they have asked me about general problems..1) how many games will be played in Wimbledon consisting of 128 players... then i wanted the ranking from 1-128 in log(n) time.. i suggested max-heap...2) You are given a text file consisting of millions of words how to find repeated words... i suggested hashing.... 3)Show the working of winzip software4) how to increase the efficiency of a unknown program which takes greater time to execute comp. to other same program?5)how to find whether there is a memory leak in a program.In all the technical round was good.
Tips: You can easily do it with a little reading.If you know the answer just take some time as if you are thinking,  this will build an impression on them.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: HR round was fantastic . They only wanted to play with us.
Tips: Just keep your head still and cool and answer them in gentle way and keep smiling every time.

General Tips: Have faith in yourself and leave the rest to God.Be patient. There is no need to worry if you drop some starting jobs.Always think positive.Be energetic
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 27 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The Technical Part of the written test was divided into 4 sections - Programming Ability, Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems and Networking Concepts, and another section on a Programming Language (choice of C, C++, Java). The Quantitative and Reasoning questions were mostly simple questions like interpretation of bar graphs etc. The tougher part was the technical section.
Duration: 137 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I had two rounds of technical interviews. Both the rounds lasted around 10 minutes each. The questions were mainly related to my research projects and my research paper(in Data Mining) in particular. I was asked in-depth questions regarding the implementation part of my research paper. Other than that, I was asked basic questions in Data Structures and Operating Systems. On the whole, I felt my research work played a crucial role in my technical interviews.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The interviewers in the technical rounds were very polite and they tried to bring forth the best in me.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: My HR interview was the longest and toughest interview. It was a bit more strenuous as interviewers tried to see how I would react under pressure. It lasted for around 40 minutes. I was asked various questions about my career goals- "Why HP?","What would I do if IBM offered me a similar job?", etc. I was also asked to talk about the core values and principles that were important to me as a person and how a job at Hewlett- Packard would enable me to realize them. I answered the questions candidly and confidently, and justified everything I said with rational arguments.
Tips: In the HR interview, be straightforward and answer confidently.Study the basics of Data Structures and Operating Systems thoroughly. But,be prepared with other important subjects like Systems Programming, Compilers, Database Management Systems, and Networking also. In the technical interviews, try to focus on your strengths(like research projects, internships and any other academicachievements).

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 22 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Out of 50 people who appeared for the test,  only 5 people were shortlisted- 2 from cse and 3 from ece.
SEC 1: 20 questions on quantitative ability. It consisted of questions on cubes, logical reasoning, sets, venn diagrams, 'statement 1 is correct or statement 2 or both'  type of questionsSEC 2: There were questions on data structures and file commands like rewind,fseek etc..SEC 3: There were 15 questions on operating system concepts, unix commands and networkingSEC 4: There were questions on overloading,object oriented programming, pure virtual function, inheritance, pointers.
Duration: 120 minutes
Total Questions: 75

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They asked me lots of questions on c, pointers, questions like what is volatile, register, extern, macro, inline function, typedef, enum and static const char* const*char difference.Proper knowledge of c is very essential.Then they asked data structures questions. Those were very easy.Then they asked me bytecode in java how and where it is used, java virtual machine functionality, why it is platform independent, padding in structures....then they asked about real time operating systems...unix and real time what is the difference, what is the scheduling algorithm used in unix and windows, in which operating system priority scheduling is used...what is memory leak, when do we get segmentation fault...what is semaphore, ptherad mutex, what is leakymemory, fork system call how is address space copied, what is 3 way handshake protocol, ipsec, digital signature, rsa, public key cryptography, If you have100 mb RAM, how will u write a program so that the system crashes? Just allocate with malloc size greater than 100.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: General questions were asked. Like, where r u from? Why do u want to join HP?What achievements have u done to prove that you are good at coding...i don't know why companies ask this question...I guess they are looking for someachievements...Then he asked me where my dad works and general HR questions.
Tips: Communication skills is essential.

General Tips: If you are interested only in package only then don't sit for HP. You might get a higher package in a new company but the problem is that it might not send you an offer letter or make you sit on the bench just giving you salary, which automatically increases the chances of sacking u.
I got my first normal job around august when the placements initially started but then after a long time of wait. I sat for about 12 to 13 interviews and got rejected in all of them.So please do not lose hope. Wait for right opportunities  and grab yourchance and do not get frustrated.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
Motivation: HP has a brand name. The work profile for me is R&D in Image Processing. Though the pay package is less, if you perform well, you will definitely get a hike.
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 10 Mar 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Test was conducted by a consultancy, so they gave all possible types of questions about C,DS,OS,networking.
Duration: 130 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They interviewed me about 2 hours which includes two technical rounds and one HR round.
They asked different questions related to c like 'where will the returned value go from the main', about segmentation faults and regarding segmentation, virtual memory, recursion and they asked me to write a program for towers of hanoi,and a few definitions from c++ like inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction .
Tips: Maintain smile on your face throughout the interview.
Just keep your head cool. be thorough with C,C++ and DS.
ECE students be in touch with CAO concepts and C questions.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: They asked me about myself and my family and my recent achievements.
They gave 60 cards related to different aspects of life and asked me to choose any five with which i can sustain.

College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 23 Feb 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There were five sections in the written section. The first section consisted of c algorithms, second section was of quant type (pretty easy), the third section had a mix of c and data structures questions, the fourth section comprised of questions from os and networking and in the fifth section students were given a choice between c,c++,java. I opted for c, the questions in this section were of very high standard. Then there was an English section in which we had to write a letter.
Duration: 150 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: They shortlisted around 23 students for the technical interview. Depending on your performance they kept shortlisting students in the interview itself.
My first interview was pretty easy. It comprised of questions from c, oops
and codes were asked from ds. The interview lasted for around 45 minutes but was a pretty easy one .

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Once I was shortlisted for the second interview, i had a difficult time facing the second interview. The interviewer kept asking questions from networking to which i had no clue as we are taught networking only in 4-1. Then a few questions were asked from os (semaphore,deadlock,fifo,critical section,thread), then a few questions from cao as i had stated that it was my favourite subject. The interview duration was around 30 minutes.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: In the HR interview i was asked 3-4 puzzles (pretty easy..practice some from
any puzzles book). Then they asked me questions regarding my strengths, weaknesses, passion, why hp should hire you?, and so on..pretty cliche stuff. The interview lasted for around one hour.
Tips: Once u get through the technical rounds you get pretty sure that you have landed the job, but we should never commit the mistake of taking hr interview lightly.
The only thing that matters in HR interview is to be confident in your answers and never to back out on any previous answers that you have given.

General Tips: Be thorough with your concepts in c,c++,ds ,os and networking.c must be your strong point in order to clear the aptitude. Choose another subject to be your favourite and make sure you are thorough in that subject.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: in the technical written test, there was a paper on C programming. it had general C questions which were of the type>find the output,error etc there was another paper of Data Structures which had some theory type question and some output finding questions there was a paper on Operating System which had 20 questions. all were theory type questions the entire paper was objective type paper.
Total Questions: 150

General Tips: I was confident in the entire procedure and that made a difference. I answered every question with confidence even where i may have had doubts. In the end i got through and it made a difference. also another thing i would like to add is that the written test was conducted by some external agency on behalf of suggestion is that prepare C and OS well. and be confident while facing the interviews. clearing the written is the difficult part but once the written is cleared, it all depends on how well you can communicate your ideas to the interviewer.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: All questions r easy but we should be firm with the C & C++ basics bcoz remaining questions will be done by all.
Total Questions: 90

Round: Group Discussion
Duration: 15 minutes

General Tips: No need much preparation yaar......
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Aptitude test has some data interpretation questions and some on class 10 level maths. technical has questions on basic C and some on data structures. queues and trees were asked mainly.

Round: Interview
Experience: they asked me to write codes on trees and strings. Favourite subject was asked and question s were asked on that. In my case it was CAO and in that memory is important. Some OS concepts were asked.

Round: Interview
Experience: Tell me about yourself was the first question. Then they asked on whether you want to go for higher studies. Then they asked questions as to why we should take you and in how many companies before HP you have applied. rest was pretty okay only.

General Tips: It was a very tensed situation before the interview but not to panic is the key to this. All went pretty good and so i was expecting the selection as mainly i scored good in apti and interviews.have confidence in yourself. stick to your basics. practice quant and dI questions thouroughly as it will the first step. make one subject to be your strong point and attract the interviewers attention towards it. all the best.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Feb 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 1)quantitative was from rs aggarwal like work,percentage,trains,interest etc. 2)english was general 3)c section was easy "test ur c skills" types questions were there . 4)electronics was very easy. 5)digital comm was also easy.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: first 2 min to think and then the gd started. i spoke well in gd and was giving chance to others also.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: CAO memory segmentation,cache,questions from 8086 microprocessors (basic questions) DS traversal of tree(code),BST(code),explain any one sorting algorithm. c++ polymorphism,virtual function,function overloading(code).

General Tips: crack the apti well and rest of the process is just a cake walk.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 12 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: 1)quantitative was from rs aggarwal like work,percentage,trains,interest etc. 2)english was general 3)c section was easy "test ur c skills" types questions were there . 4)electronics was very easy. 5)digital comm was also easy.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: first 2 min to think and then the gd started. i spoke well in gd and was giving chance to others also.
Duration: 20 minutes

Round: Interview
Experience: CAO memory segmentation,cache,questions from 8086 microprocessors (basic questions) DS traversal of tree(code),BST(code),explain any one sorting algorithm. c++ polymorphism,virtual function,function overloading(code).

Round: Interview
Experience: 1)why hp? 2)what if seimens come and offer u 10 lakhs?? 3)are u comfortable with travelling? 4)any questions?

General Tips: crack the apti well and rest of the process is just a cake walk.
College Name: NIT WARANGAL
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