Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad

Hyderabad, Telangana

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Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad Placement Interview Questions

Updated 22 Sep 2024

228 interviews found

Interview Questions


posted on 26 Dec 2015

I applied via Referral

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Other Interview
Experience: Basically, chill stuff!! No stress!! No technical questions apart from some work
experience related stuff, which you might anyway know.
Lasted about 12-15 minutes.
Tips: Please go atleast half hour early for the interview….all
panels are running way ahead!!

College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)
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posted on 26 Dec 2015

I applied via Referral

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Other Interview
Experience: I guess, the single most factor why I could not make it to this company is because I told
them I don’t follow the markets. For any guy going for an equity analyst position, this is
a blunder which he shud never commit.
Second goof up was when they told me that there might be limited opportunities to move
ahead in equity research. Again I made a big mistake by telling them that if getting into
senior analyst’s position is a function of vacancies and not a function of individual’s
talent then I would want to get into fixed income. Never tell them that you will move into
some other division. Always say that “come wat may I will stick to equity research”.
Third and the final blunder was when I told them that I don’t have a portfolio of my own.
I guess for an active enthusiast who wants to make a career in equities it is a must to have
atleast a fake portfolio before the interview.

College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)
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Interview Questions


posted on 26 Dec 2015

I applied via Referral

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: At the end of the interview and after further shortlist, I was given feedback that I needed
to show more enthusiasm towards this job. They look for people who are enthusiastic
about this job and do not expect you to answer all technical question

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: Largely technical though was expected to be behavioral

College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)
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Interview Questions


posted on 26 Dec 2015

I applied via Referral

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: It was not a stress interview though all questions were pertaining to ER, valuation and
financial analysis. In some technical q’s, he digged deeper into the topic.
Tips: (i) Be prepared for ANY kind of technical q’s – mostly on Corp Fin, Valuation and
Accounting (the others had quite different questions than what I was asked).
(ii) Know your resume in and out (both prior work-ex and any academic / fin-related
projects that you may undertake).
(iii) Tracking 2 / 3 stocks may not really give one any edge (I did not do it though it may
be of help. For some interviewers, it could look like an oversell. However,it would be
prudent to be prepared just in case one is asked this question.). Be sure to track a couple
of sectors (be thorough with the sector that you came from) and the economy.

College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)
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posted on 26 Dec 2015

I applied via Referral

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I think the company was looking for:
• Leadership skills
• Domain experience
• Profile
• Attitude
• Aptitude/problem solving skills
• Enthusiasm/passion
• Any other factors that may be important
Profile, Clarity in thought, Enthusiasm, Problem solving skills,
Pleasant Personality, etc.
- The way you present the details in your resume can play a crucial
role in getting you a call from HSBC.
- Luckily and thank heavens that CGPA does NOT play a part in
shortlisting for HSBC – Thank God for small mercies!
- The selection procedure for all divisions of HSBC including I-Bank
is similar.
- All shortlisted candidates would have to undergo a psychometric
test, which is a variation of Conjoint Analysis for getting to know
your work preferences!
Tips: - Prepare for a usual general interview questions like Why HSBC, Why
Banking, Run me through the resume, etc.?
- Be prepared with one area of interest in Banking – Most people here
had said corporate banking and something specific in that – I had
said Dividend Policy.
- Be extremely thorough with all sorts of possible questions on your
Resume – I was asked questions on BPO!

Skills: Dynamic Personality, Problem Solving Skills, Enthusiasm, Aptitude, Attitude, Domain Knowledge, Leadership Skills
College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)
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user image Rajkumar Gopalan

posted on 25 Dec 2015

I applied via Referral

1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The initial interview was via teleconference. They had shortlisted 5 of us and each of
us was interviewed for about 30 mins by a panel of two people – one was Luca
Ferrari (Partner/ MD) and the other was an associate from India. This interview was
purely personal. They ask you about your background and they go through your
resume with reasonable thoroughness and fix on some interesting aspect of it. I had a
lot of questions on my tennis career. They mainly check whether you have the
necessary communication and presentation skills and whether you are a team player. I
would suggest that you stress on your team skills. That is one of the main things that
they look for. Other questions were – “most significant achievement”, “why
iBanking”, “why GS” and the decisions that you had made that led you to ISB.
Tips: On resume:
I showed my resume to different people and got as many inputs from them as
I could. I tried to portray whatever little I’ve done in a way that would be
appropriate for each respective company. I also talked a lot about my extra
curricular activities since both consulting firms and iBanks like candidates
with diverse backgrounds and loads of extra curricular activities.
Foe e.g. I did a project with Stern Stewart. For consulting companies I talked
more about the strategic aspects of the project and for iBanks I talked more
about the financial and valuation aspects of the project.
• Communication skills
I taught at Purdue for two years so that was a big help. Working at PwC also
helped a bit. Didn’t do specific by way of preparation.
• Mock interview practice
Went through quite a few interviews during the placement season since I
seemed to be getting shortlisted everywhere and then dinked. That helped a
lot. I would definitely recommend going through mock interviews, preferably,
with someone who knows something about the interview structure, the types
of questions asked and the industry.
• Collecting information of company / role
I had to do a lot of preparation for Goldman Sachs since I didn’t know too
much about the company or the industry before coming here. The goldman
website is a good place to start. I also went through as many books on
IBanking that I could find. The vault and wetfeet guides on goldman sachs
and on investment banking were also extremely helpful. There’s also a
popular book on Goldman Sachs called “Goldman Sachs: the culture of
success”. It’s a must read for anyone interviewing with them.
• Technical / subject / functional preparations
I did a lot of preparation on valuation – the different methods of valuing
companies. Going through a few examples on this also helps. The electives
course – “cases in corporate financial strategy” helped quite a bit. I’m also told that the course on “capital raising strategies in corporations” also is very
helpful through I didn’t take the course.
Preparations on the global markets and economics of different regions is also
very important. I had a number of questions on the US markets, the Europe
markets and the emerging markets including India. The bank of America
website publishes a weekly report on the global equity and debt markets,
which was very helpful. I also talked to people who were familiar with the
stock markets to get an understanding of what had been going on.
I also did a lot of preparation on the major M&A deals and IPOs that had
occurred in the last couple of years, both in India and abroad. You have to
know both the strategic rationale behind the deal and the financial aspects of
• PPT’s stage
They’ll tell you a bit about the company but you can get better information
from the website and the guides on goldman sachs and on investment banking

Skill Tips: Recommended reading:
Monkey business, den of thieves, barbarians at the gates, Goldman Sachs: the culture of
success, Vault and wetfeet guides on investment banking, vault and wetfeet guides on GS,
GS website, bank of America website to get their weekly global capital markets report,
economic times website to get to know the latest IPOs and m&a deals happening around
the world and then do research on each one.
College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)
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user image Viraj Mahadeva

posted on 25 Dec 2015

I applied via Referral

2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Tips: DO YOUR RESEARCH – company website, annual reports, quarterly conference
calls, analyst report.
• Study Corp. Fin and FRA (mainly), brush up on Econ, CCFS, Capital Raising.
• Big on Culture – READ THE BOOK “Culture of Success” (LRC has copy)
• Speak to people current and ex-employees of Goldman (the firm, culture,
interview process, growth areas)
• Practice mock interviews – we had one first round at ISB, six 40 minute one on
one interviews in London, followed by 3 30 minute 2 on one interviews the same
day. (Equal split between personal/fit interviews and technical interviews. One
current affairs interview, one entire interview on details of a deal – Technical
Section question 5).

Round: HR Interview
Tips: Huge on teamwork – LIKE LEADING BY CONSENSUS.
• Read Wetfeet, Vault Goldman Profiles.
• Client and firm first priority – over personal/wife/girlfriend.
• 14 principles of Goldman Sachs – KNOW THEM ALL.
• Sell yourself – especially your strengths that are applicable to this line of
• Goldman employees not arrogant, soft spoken, treat you as an equal in the
interview. Came out of there with more respect for them than when I went in.
• You will work your @ss off, so don’t have any reservations about that. I was told
that as an Associate I would be required to come in Saturdays and Sundays….
The first 6 months as an Associate – will be the most hardworking person in firm.
• Don’t EVER ask them about pay, bonuses etc. They will compensate you well.
• Have insightful questions for them at the end of the interview. Have ENOUGH of
them. You will have many interviews, with interviewers comparing notes later,
you don’t want to be asking them all the same questions.

College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)
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user image Deepak Chembath

posted on 24 Dec 2015

I applied via Walk-in

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

  • Q1. The interview started with the case. The case was primarily around understanding and making inferences from exhibits
  • Q2. I was required to make a presentation with recommendations based on case that was given.

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: So the case started with an exhibit that showed compensation figures for salesmen by geography for a Logistics company (My core domain pre-ISB) and He asked me to draw inferences. First of all he asked me if I see any issue by just looking at the data. I gave a warning that I’m going to make some statements which ideally need to be by further supporting data. I noticed that the compensation was good in states like Massachusetts and New York but not so good in states like Pennsylvania. So he asked me to give probable reasons. I said things like targets vs. geography misalignment, motivation issues, training issues and few other issues that I don’t think I can ever recollect. So he asked me what other data I want. I asked for targets vs. geography data. He showed me some data and I noticed that it was pretty much same everywhere. I said that I can make a broad inference that sales targets were not set properly. To confirm I asked for employee satisfaction data. He didn’t have it. He then gave me a non-standardized balance sheet which had all the information messed up or as ratios etc and asked me to calculate the Net Profit. I very quickly calculated the answer and spurted out a number. The moment I told it I realized that I had messed up the numbers. I announced this myself and asked that I be allowed to do it again. He just smiled and I redid it. At this point I thought that I'm out of the process but I sure did come up with the right answer☺.
Frankly I didn’t get any feeling like I cracked the case etc. But I went with an attitude that ZS would not find me the consulting types (Based on a previously unsuccessful consulting interview). So I was totally chill and nonchalant about the whole thing.
I was trying to do everything fast because somehow I wanted to get done with this. That is not the right way to go about things.
Tips: They were not silly enough to reject me just because I made a calculation error. So the idea is to chill and be aware of what’s going on.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: They actually used a timer and ensured that I get just exactly 45 minutes☺. I used the SWOT, 4P’s, 3C’s and some fundae I learnt in the Advertising and Consumer Behavior courses and peppered in some prior knowledge I had on cable TV services in the US.
I was given a white sheet and markers. I drew up a SWOT on one side and then put up a set of recommendations on the other in crisp points. Then I explained how I analyzed the case in a structured fashion. There were lots of questions once I presented but I always went back to the structure used and so it went well.
Tips: After a not so stellar first round I went to the quad and slept. So I was really fresh for this interview. I think a fresh mind really helps. So as far as possible try to get enough rest between interviews.

Skills: Case Solving Ability, Case Analysis
College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)
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user image Abhay Mehrotra

posted on 24 Dec 2015

I applied via Walk-in

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

  • Q1. I was given some actual Sales data and corresponding incentive plan for 4 different geographies in US. The question was quite open-ended as I was asked to draw more
  • Q2. The second question was on a new set of data. This was about an Air Mail company which has carried out some research to estimate various segment of customers more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: First Case: I said there are three sets of observations that can be made from the data – by looking at the Sales data in isolation, by looking at Incentive plan data alone and by combining the two.Sales Data Analysis - Highlighted a trend (High vs. Low) in sales data across different geographies and rank ordered them - certain geographies were underperforming against the other. He asked me what could be the reason? I said this could be because of varying level of demand (patient profiles) for the drug in different states (targets across states were the same). He then asked me for the solution? I said targets should be set after taking buy-in from sales manager (local knowledge) for particular state. He was not very convinced with this argument (he felt this happens in firms) and then I gave an example of how targets were set by the corporate office in my previous org. Another observation was that out of 15 odd data points, there were only 3 which exceeded the target. Incentive Plan – Bonus payout was split into 4 tiers of performance. Out of this, 2 tiers were giving same % bonus. I highlighted that Combining the two – Made couple of more observations. At the end he asked me what kind of Incentive plan will you suggest for this company. I said that sales data looks normally distributed to me and therefore I will probably recommend a IC plan that is normally distributed. He looked satisfied with this answer ☺Second Case: It took me 5 minutes to just understand what the graph stood for (though I was constantly chatting with the interviewer). But then with Interviewer’s help I made some sense out of it and made a recommendation which offcourse the interviewer didn’t like much ☺. Then he gave me some hints and based on that I changed my recommendation. I think I could have done better here
Tips: ZS interviews are very atypical of what we understand of case interviews. We are use to practicing case interviews in a framework approach. However, in the first case interview, while the emphasis was clearly on testing analytic strength of an individual, the mode was a little different. But if one can apply some framework to it (but don’t force fit please), it’s definitely a plus.

Skills: Case Solving Ability, Case Analysis
College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)
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user image Shyaam Prasad P S

posted on 24 Dec 2015

I applied via Walk-in

1 Interview Round

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Imagine you are consulting a large client located in (a) USA (b) India. The client wants to know if and how should some parts of the business be outsourced. more

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: I asked her the industry in which the client operated and the rationale behind the outsourcing consideration – Cost and efficiency. (a) USA – Perform a cost-benefit analysis of outsourcing and offshoring separately. Three factors – Culture difference (I told her the differences in outlook towards outsourcing among US, Europe and say, Australian firms.), potential employee backlash and so on.
Business risk (security and quality) – I cited the recent BPO fraudulent transactions, Dell’s experience with call centers etc. Identification of “non core” activities to outsource. (I am not sure what exactly the differences between an Indian and a US client that I cited were!) Execution Vendor selection (I would look at quality approvals (CMM levels etc), track record (within the client’s industry to be more specific) and references from other firms. Outsource components that are least risky – for instance, stable IT systems for pure maintenance and thru stages to BPO and possibly KPO. Multi-sourcing options (though I confessed I didn’t know much about the way in which deals are structured in multi-sourcing arrangements) Finally, based on the above analyses, options including body-shopping, selling off the “outsourced” division etc. need to be considered.
Tips: Be thorough with all aspects of your CV

Skills: Case Solving Ability, Case Analysis
College Name: Indian School Of Business (ISB)
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