Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 22 Dec 2024

6 interviews found

user image shubham gupta

posted on 17 Apr 2016

9 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. How to assigning the new task to employees based on their past performance
  • Q2. Some Probability problems
  • Q3. Some basic HR questions
  • Q4. Write a 10 digit largest number with some constraint (I didn’t remember the exact constraint but it’s a standard question)
  • Q5. Guesstimate the number of viewers to a sports blog
  • Q6. Guesstimate how much a thief, who operate on shopping can earn in a year
  • Q7. The probability of a car passes the highway in a subset time if the probability of a car passing in one hour given

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: There were 3 Job profiles open of opera solutions (Solution Analyst, Analytics Specialist, and Software Engineer). Students are asked to sign just for one profile. There was a test for analytics and software profile and direct interview for solution profile (Consultant profile).
Tips: Spend enough time before choosing the profiles. Spoke to senior who had a similar job and figure out your best suitable profile and prepare accordingly.

Round: Test
Experience: Opera solution conducts workshop for shortlisted candidates. In the workshop, they mostly tell about technical part behind big data management such as Mainframe and Hadoop. After the workshop, the test was conducted. The test had two sections, the first section contains objective questions around 20-25 (I did not remember the exact number). Objective questions were of aptitude type (moderate level of difficulty). The second section contains 5-6 subjective questions, mainly focus on probability again the moderate level of difficulty. 30 students were shortlisted for next round (interview round).
Tips: Start preparing as early you can. Practice problem daily does not wait for last few day. The main point of practice is to develop a habit of increasing accuracy and speed which is the crucial points of aptitude test.
For probability practice, there are online website and blogs you can take help from them. I have listed down some which are used. You should have some prior practice before setting for test otherwise, it would be difficult to do well in the test as some questions are tricky and difficult to solve in the first time.
For aptitude practice, you can refer TIME material, I think that is sufficient.


Duration: 60 min minutes
Total Questions: 20+5

Round: Guesstimate Interview
Experience: The interviewer first goes through my resume and ask some basic question, not in depth. Then he asked me some puzzle (similar type of question asked in the subjective paper but with a high level of difficulty) and one guesstimate.
My interview last for 10-15 mins, the interviewer is very helpful and always try to calm and comfort me.
The interviewer gave me feedback and point out some area on which I can quickly look it for further interview.

Tips: I have assigned a buddy, IIT graduate having the same specialization. (Opera solutions follow buddy program similar of other consultant company). I personally found out buddy program very useful, you should contact your buddy or at least talk to him ones. The information you get from a buddy is very helpful of preparing for an interview. You get some aspect on which domain you need to work.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Next round was the telephonic interview with a senior analyst. The interviewer asked me some question from my resume especially on the technical project which involves some mathematics tool.
Then he asked some probability problems which are very tough.

Tips: The interviewer was interested in your approach only, how you’re tackling the problem. How much wide can you think? The interviewer is also ready to help you and try to figure out your strength. So be calm and speak with confidence.

Round: Stress Interview
Experience: The interviewer asked me some question from my resume in depth.
He asked one guesstimate and one probability question.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: The interviewer started with questions like why this company, which other companies did I appeared for.
He asked me some quick calculation problems.

General Tips: Resume: Spend sufficient time on the resume as I was the initial step of shortlisting.
You be able to speak at any point in your resume in detail, hence you must be sure of what you are writing in it.

Puzzle: Practice Daily

Guesstimate: Practice with your sincere friends
Skills: Ability To Make Quick Calculations, Puzzle Solving Capability, Knowledge Of Your Resume Points, Guesstimation Cases, Probability And Statistics
College Name: IIT Bombay
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 7 Apr 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Didn't read any material saw resumes of my friends who pass out last year to see how to organize my points. Prepare my resume and refine it with the help of my friends several times

Round: HR Interview
Experience: One HR round

Round: Guesstimate Interview
Experience: One guesstimate interview

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: Simpler case studies

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: Suppose you are a consultant and CEO of mahindra and MAhindra comes to you and ask if he can launch a airlines just as Vijay Malaya did.. What would you say .. (give proper reasons )
Tips: a) Prepare Case studies properly.b) Remember every point in your resume.. You should be in a position to explain clearly to a layman every project, andevery point in your resume..c) Don't lie on your resume.d) Try solving some puzzles for companies coming for finance or analytic job

College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 7 Apr 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: With help from seniors resumes. I did not attend PPTs. I didn't think too much about the job, since it was a backup option for me.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The McKinsey website. Individually, though I suppose preparing in groups will be better. Written test, follo wed by interviews of the shortlisted people. 12-13 poeople were recruited finally.

Skill Tips: A senior told me this, and it actually worked.. when you're done with the interview, a simple Thank You, have a nice day goes a long way.
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 25 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: General Tips Overall, any particular mistake that you committed during the whole process? For case interviews, I gave fewer options for a particular problem…told them only what I thought could be the problem. After getting the feedback, I guess they were looking for a person who could suggest all possible options, prioritize them and then tell them reasons for choosing/ rejecting a particular option. Any key tips for interview-day, viz. dressing, etiquette… ? Dress properly and smartly Be very confident Don’t think too much about not being able to get through the company Take your own pen and paper; keep spare copies of resume in a folder Be energetic and enthusiastic. Did you apply off-campus? Where? What was the procedure? Any memories? Yes, I did and got an offer from Deutsche Bank, India. The company had offered me during campus placements, but I had refused because I wanted to explore more options. As they had already interviewed me, a call after off campus started, did the job.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: 3 cases in all, 2 went well, think the second interviewer was a little unhappy.  
Case 1: Estimate the worth of Mahindra and Mahindra  
Case 2: What would you do to open a mall (the first of its kind) in Kota 
Case 3: About some drug dealer importing drugs from abroad. What all problems can it face if he switches over to an Indian manufacturer.
Tips: Suggest all possibilities, speak relevant but more than the interviewer. Dominate the discussion. Tell him/her all directions you can think in. Be yourself during the whole process; don't be unnecessarily humble/ polite to the recruiters.

College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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user image Anonymous

posted on 16 Feb 2015

3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I started preparing my resume somewhere around August end. I spoke to a few seniors about it and read quite a few resumes, especially of those seniors who either had a profile similar to mine or had secured jobs in fields of my interest, eg. Consulting, finance, etc. I also attended the Resume Writing Workshop conducted by McKinsey and Co. on campus and cleared a few doubts there.
Tips: I would advise you guys to start preparing your resumes well in advance, it is not something to be kept for the last minute. Being the first form of acquaintance between you and a firm, it is a highly important document and the way you highlight your strong points and attributes can go a long way in shortlisting you from amongst the hundreds of resumes that they have to scan. Also, it is important that you be able to speak on any point in your resume in detail, hence you must be sure of what you are writing in it.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: The procedure of selection for Opera Solutions was a set of 4 interviews, each having a case study and some HR questions. The initial shortlist had around 22 candidates, after the first 2 interviews around 10 candidates were selected for the final rounds. Finally 3 candidates were made offers.  There were no GDs, only case interviews. The first interview had a case involving a music company which scouts for amateur talent and launches them. They want to enter India and want you to analyse the market and suggest if its feasible or not. The interviewer gave a lot of data related to market share of pop music, bollywood, devotional music, etc and it suggested that the market share of the genre related to the company is very little. However I think what worked best was that I also pointed out certain solutions which could make it feasible, such as merging with another company in a genre where the given company has core competencies in. I think this was the high point of the interview which I atleast would like to believe compensated for a later interview that I did not do well in. Another interview had a case where a pharmaceutical company in the US wants to enter India. A set of constraints and data was given and I was asked to calculate if it should actually setup a manufacturing facility in India or manufacture in the US and transport to India. I did not do well in this one, I wasn’t being able to come up with a figure. Both the interviews had an HR component where I was asked about my strengths and weaknesses, about Mood Indigo and my academic record. I was asked to describe myself. I was also asked to talk about my co-intern’s project in ITC (she was also interviewing with Opera). In a subsequent interview after the shortlist, I was asked to estimate the market for Maruti cars, domestic air travel. They weren't expecting too much detail, the interviewer was more interested in the approach. point.
Tips: I attended most of the initial PPTs. One does get a good understanding of what a firm does and where exactly do you fit into it, you also understand what they are looking for and what is the extent of their operations. I must admit though that I found my interaction with seniors, especially those working in those firms was more informative and fruitful. They can give clarity in certain grey areas that companies might stay non-committal on.ending across links/documents would help us compile a single point resource) . I prepared for case studies from the material I took from seniors, most of which is available on the LAN. For case studies I prepared with a friend and sometimes in groups of 3. I think this method is better than individual preparation because the other person can point out where you are going wrong, you get a different perspective and at the same time you can prepare in a fashion where one interviews the other and vice versa, so you get slightly comfortable with how an actual interview might feel like. It is however important to ensure that the person you are preparing with is competent and complementary to your skill sets, so that you can improve upon aspects where you might be lacking in.

General Tips: Case studies and HR questions. One should be very comfortable with points mentioned in the resume and should be able to talk at length about any . I guess it'd just be shifting a little from being myself if you know what I mean. A lot of seniors would give you a lot of fundae, but at the end one must remember that unless one is comfortable with a certain way of speaking or certain method of solving cases, it wont look genuine. For example, one need not thrash out every single detail of a case before beginning to solve it, sometimes the interviewer might get impatient or might think you are trying to buy time to think by asking unnecessary details. So if you are the kind of a person who can intuitively draw good conclusions at the outset so as to decide which direction to proceed in and hence which questions to ask, you can surely go ahead and do that, you need not also ask questions that you know are not required. Case interviews are very feel-good interviews, even if you make a mistake you will be guided back on track by the interviewer, hence I personally would recommend that you stick more to your general approach to solving cases (if you know it is a good one and works of course) and not try to change too much just because a certain senior did it in a different way.
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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Interview Questions

user image Anonymous

posted on 15 Feb 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: I went through a few templates & took help from some seniors. I prepared a few drafts and then later made improvements. IT might be a good idea to prepare well in advance and get your resumes reviewed from seniors in the companies you are applying. As probably you'll get to hear a lot, focus more on what you have achieved rather than just stating what all you have done. Keep it simple and short. And don't add anything you are not comfortable talking about in an interview. I know many capable people who didn't get short listed for Mck/BCG just because they didn't think resume was a big deal. I attended most of the PPTs. They are informative, but don't always help you decide what you want, the best part are the pizzas of course. Talk to seniors in the companies that you are interested in but remember these seniors are now employees of the company and will usually not say a single bad word about the job. Apart from seniors, try talking to people who will give your interests priority over the company (cousins, close friends).

Round: HR Interview
Experience: There was an initial shortlist of about 25 and a waiting list of 20 based on resumes. After the first round of interviews (one interview each), about 10 candidates were short listed. After the second round of interviews (2 interviews each), 3 final offers were made. All interviews were both case study and HR. A few questions based on the resume, the normal HR questions and a couple of them. Interview revolved around the normal HR questions, then he asked me something about which Indian company do I admire the most and why. To be honest I wasn't really prepared for this one. Next was a case of sort. He asked me that if I was the director of IIT Bombay and it was a private institute, what steps I would take to generate funds and make it a profitable institution. I think my answer revolved around generating funds from alumni, getting research grants from big companies, raising fees but providing adequate loans and repayment options, allowing shops inside campus, raising funds through placements.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: The interviewer was asking everybody the same case, as he said he wanted to measure everybody on the same platform. I don't recall the case very precisely but since it was the same for everyone, I am sure somebody else must have written it in their interview experience.

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: The third interview started with questions like why consulting, which other companies did I appear for, how did I fare, what went wrong etc. They also wanted to know if I had appeared for CAT or GRE. Then we moved onto the other HR questions about my aspirations, immediate plans etc. The case that I got was particularly interesting. The case was how to increase the revenue of my dads manufacturing unit (my dad has a hosiery manufacturing unit) by 5 fold in 3 years. This was also easy since I had all the facts that I needed before I even started. I didn't have to ask the interviewer for any clarifications or dig for any facts. So I started with increasing working hours to 2 shifts of 8 hours each. Then I would increase exports by exporting to Europe and US by manufacturing in summers and for African and South American nations in winters. Australia would not be a market as all the raw material mostly comes from Australia and it would be hard to compete with the Australian domestic manufacturers. Then an year or so later, I would look to launch my own brands and work a franchise model as I didn't have much experience with the retail business. Launching my own brand would bring much better margins. I also discussed the possibility of attracting brands like GAP, ZARA, C&A yet not available in India and manufacturing for the domestic market. I also discussed the possibility of entering the other segments of garment market as I had the required contacts & reputation in the market. All I had to do was set up new manufacturing facilities. The case was again followed with a couple of HR questions.

General Tips: Take things more seriously than we tend to in IIT Bombay. Especially for those preparing for tech and i-banks, study hard..
College Name: IIT BOMBAY
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