Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

Your seniors at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur were your true well-wishers, they shared their placement interview questions for you. 🙏

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur Placement Interview Questions

Updated 8 Dec 2024

3 interviews found

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5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. To advise an Indian Airline company on a new policy which will increase their revenue
  • Q2. Estimate the total revenue of the cabs on Lucknow Airport

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: The aptitude test was conducted just after the PPT. It was a fairly simple multiple choice written test with three sections: Quant,Data and Verbal.
Tips: One of my friend who was preparing for CAT 2015 told me that majority of the questions were lifted from previous year's CAT papers. So it won't hurt to prepare from them if you are aiming for this company.
Duration: 40 minutes
Total Questions: 30

Round: Guesstimate Interview
Experience: Company released a shortlist of around 68 candidates based on the aptitude test. All 68 candidates were interviewed on Day 1 of the placement process. We were allocated buddies from the companies who gave us an idea of what the interview process will look like.

Interview Experience:
The problem statement given to me was ambiguous and the interviewer seemed very grumpy. I tried to clarify as much as I could, and kept thinking aloud. I started by writing a simple formula for my estimation. I followed the normal approach as you will for any guesstimate. The answer that I got was not even near to what you would expect, but I told him that I might have overestimated some of the numbers because of which I am getting the wrong answer.
Tips: 1. Stay calm and give your best: Just after the interview, I panicked as I thought they won't shortlist me for the next round as I goofed up on the final answer of the guesstimate. However, because my approach was right, they selected me for the next round .

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: The case study was very simple, and after clarifying the question and providing a rough structure to the case, the interviewer provided me with all the data even before asking for any.
What he tested was:
1. Basic Structuring of the case
2. Accurate calculations based on the data that was provided
After the calculations, he asked me for the synthesis on the case and recommendations.
Just after this, he asked me to analyze my strengths and weaknesses. As I was done answering this question ,he extended me an offer on the spot and I was not required to go for the third round. :)
Tips: 1. The case study is very very simple, just make sure that you structure the case well and do not make any mistakes on calculations.

General Tips: 1. Stay Calm and prepare well : I started my preparation on 25th December, and prepared case studies and a lot of guesstimates for the next 5 days
2. Do not look where other students are getting shortlisted: I was the first one who was extended an offer on Day 1 Slot 2, whereas all the other hotshots(OPCs,Core Team) etc were still struggling with their first rounds.
3. Prepare dedicatedly: For Indus Insights, simple guesstimates and simple case studies will suffice.
Skills: Ability To Make Quick Calculations, Aptitude
College Name: IIT Kanpur
Motivation: 1. Consulting profile
2. Great opportunity to interact with clients across different verticals.
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3 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Test (Quant, Logical Reasoning)

Round: Interview
Experience: Round 1: I was asked to calculate the number of tyres sold in India annually. I started out in an organized manner, categorizing the vehicles using tyres, narrowing down on the basis of usage of each in the urban and rural sector. I did come up with a reasonably accurate figure. Thereafter, was also asked to list down the various sources of revenue for the airport authorities. At the end of the interview, the interviewer seemed quite satisfied.

Round 2: To estimate the number of traffic lights in Delhi. This time I started out giving three different methods to solve the problem. The bad part was that I was not allowed to make use of any standard data (Population of Delhi/ Population density/Area etc). After all my approaches were considered non satisfactory, I tried plugging the loopholes but the interviewer was clearly not satisfied. What was worse, unlike round 1, my calculations were by and large rough and I was asked to submit my calculations.

Round: Interview
Experience: Round 1: Basic introduction of all that I had done during my stay at IITK

Round 2: None

General Tips: At any point of time, be confident and ALWAYS have neat and clear calculations. You never know when you’d be asked to submit your calculations.
College Name: IIT KANPUR
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1 Interview Round

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I was not placed in this company but would like to share my experience.

They asked me a guesstimate and wanted to calculate number of tyres used in india annually. I wasn't comfortable with guesstimates as my preparation was a bit weak in this area. I tried my level best to take into account various sectors using tyres. I also kept in mind the general rule of a case study to interact with the interviewee and explain my assumptions. I was quite happy with my interview. But to my surprise I wasn't selected for the next round. I solved that case study by myself after that and realized I missed an important point of replacement of tyres so my rejection was justified as you can’t afford to do such a blunder

College Name: IIT KANPUR
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