Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai

Chennai, Tamil Nadu

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai Placement Interview Questions

Updated 4 Dec 2024

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user image Anonymous

posted on 29 Jun 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Problem on Probability and Optimization
  • Q2. Questions based on Data Analysis, General Awareness and Resume-based questions
  • Q3. Basic HR Questions such as 'Tell me abour yourself.' and a few random questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was basic 12th class maths such as probability, permutation andcombination and things,  and stuff such as data sufficiency where a question is provided with some data and you will be asked whether you will able to solve it or not with the help of given data.
Overall good experience, About 40 students were selected.
Tips: Prepare well the part of quantitative and analytical analysis in CAT's syllabus.

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: It was a good round with questions mainly focused on probability and statistics, and optimization.
Tips: Basic knowledge of probability and statistics will do.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The round was a long one, with questions on data analysis and about current economic affairs in the world.
They also discussed about things mentioned in resume in detail.
Tips: 1. Be through with your resume with explanation for each point in mind.
2. Gather the knowledge about current affairs. Try to read newspapers such as The Economic Times for at least 2 months prior to interview.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Questions were asked on ourselves to judge the personality and a few random questions as per HR.
Tips: Be prepared with questions such as:
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Strengths and Weaknesses.
3. Why this company?
4. Why should you be hired?
And a few more of typical questions. Keep your mind open for anything.

General Tips: 1. Read newspapers such as The Economic Times for at least two months prior to interview.
2. Prepare well on basic maths especially topics covered in CAT.
3. Be through with points mentioned in resume with a ready explanation for each.
Skill Tips: Basic knowledge will do. Try to practice more.
And read more stuff.
Skills: Knowledge in Probability and Statistics, Basics in Operation Research (Optimization)., Quantitative aptitude.
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Vidisha Rastogi

posted on 29 Jun 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Two papers were held for aptitude and were easy enough for a person with good logical and reasoning skills.In the coding section, programs like string reversing were asked. easy enough for a good programmer to bang on!If you have a superb grammar and vocabulary, this section will not be hard enough to fry your brains consequently.
Tips: A good presence of mind and  apt time management will help in scoring well.
Duration: 180 minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: This was a 10 minute round, where few questions on the previous tests held, coding and questions on aero courses were asked.
Tips: Knowledge definitely pays!

Round: HR Interview
Experience: A person should be witty enough in answering questions asked. A great presence of mind will act as a bonus.

General Tips: Right knowledge and understanding regarding coding or any programming language that you are confident enough about will be of great help.
Skill Tips: If the basics of programming are very fluent,then zero problem will arise in encoding or decoding programs.Extra curricular activities weren't given much of any importance.Going through case studies given on the company's website will increment your knowledge.
Skills: Coding, Aptitude
College Name: IIT MADRAS
Motivation: Presence of mind, knowledge and fine observation are the three key ingredients that will make you pass!
Funny Moments: I was sincere enough and on my best behavior, to cause any nerdy moments!
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Interview Questions

user image Uday Kumar

posted on 29 Jun 2015

4 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: There are 3 sections in this round.
1) Verbal AbilityIn the verbal ability section, a paragraph will be given and the first 10 questions will be based on the paragraph. There will be questions on grammatical error an jumbled sentences. Students are expected to correct the sentences. There will be few fill in the blacks questions and synonyms and antonyms will be asked in this section.

2) ReasoningThere are questions based on data sufficiency, notations and symbol, questions on Venn diagrams, arrangement and blood relations.
 A. Look at the series: 22, 21, 23, 22, 24, 23, ... What number should come next?

 B. If Suresh is brother of Tanya; Tanya is sister of Ram; and Ram is father of Sonia; How is Sonia related to Suresh?

 C. Amita, Priya, Ritu, Wasim, Sima and Zarin are sitting in a row. Sima and Zarin are in the centre. Amita and Priya are at the ends. Ritu is sitting to the left of Amita. Who is to the right of Priya ?

3) Quantitative ApptitudeQuestions are asked on simple and compound interest. They are also asked on speed and distance, variations, simplification, profit and loss, linear equations and ratio proportion.
A. There are 5 red chilies, 4 green chilies. If one draw randomly a chilly what is the probability of getting a red chilly. 

B. Ram can fill a tank in 30 mins and Suraj can fill it in 28 mins. If 3/4th of the tank is filled by Suraj alone and both are opened, how much time is required by both of them to fill the tank completely ?

C. The cost of an umbrella is Rs 120. If the profit is 10% over selling price what is the selling price of the umbrella ?

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The topics of group discussion were:
A. In commercials should celebrities participate.

B. Is cricket a national obsession and detriment to other sports

C.  Is Press invading our privacy.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: In this round, the HR of the company measures the students leadership, interpersonal, communication, decision making skills and the ability to work under pressure and stress.

The student is expected to introduce him/herself. He/she is asked about the academic project. The students attitude is evaluated by the HR and are also asked if they are ready to relocate and if they are ready to sign bond with the company.

College Name: IIT MADRAS
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user image Anonymous

posted on 21 May 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. India- Market Entry Strategy for a Greentech company with focus on Solar Energy

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Based on a cut off of 7.5

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: 5-7 minutes.Abstract topic, so open ended. Within logical boundaries you could be as creative as possible. The discussion went from  importance of binary system to philosophical bearings of "its all relative".  We had to sum up key points discussed towards the end of GD with positives and negatives of "life without zero".
Tips: Don'ts:Never look at the moderator while making your point, always engage your colleagues.Never interrupt other person midway, if the moderator is sensible enough, everyone would get chance to make their point.Dos:You don't always have to jump to start the GD, but try to put across your points articulately when your turn comes.Always bring a pen and Paper to GD (In case they don't provide) to note down your point of view on the topic.If possible, try to set the tone of the GD in the beginning by pointing out different aspects that can be discussed. (You might get brownie points for that)

Round: Case Study Interview
Experience: This round was lasted for around half an hour. I had interned in a Private Equity Research firm focusing on greentech. So they picked up a case from my resume. (This might happen, so be thorough with your internships). They will look for you ability to break-down a problem statement to smaller streams, multidimensional  approach and clarity in thought process.
Tips: 1. Reiterate the problem statement before you start solving the case 2. Think out loud with possible approaches, solutions, etc and pros and cons for each one3. Summarize at the end

Round: HR Interview
Experience: Lasted for almost an hour.Typical questions like1. Tell me something about yourself2. Why consulting and KPMG3. Long term goals and how KPMG fits in 4. 3 things you feel you need to improve upon
Tips: "Tell me something about yourself" sets the tone for this round so be prepared with a quick 2-3 minutes response to steer the discussion towards the points you want to highlight from your resume. 
A few stress interview questions. Make sure you take your time to answer without panicking.

General Tips: 1. Be clear on what type of companies you want to apply (Core, Consult, Fin, etc) and why2. Don't fall pray to peer pressure. Company-candidate fit is the most important thing from long term perspective.
3. Be thorough with your resume and story line4. Practice HR questions with your wing mates
Skills: Problem Solving
College Name: IIT MADRAS
Motivation: I was interested working in consult to begin my career, as it gives you good exposure across companies, sectors, you get to interact with different kinds of people and yea you get to travel.
Funny Moments: One of the consultant who had come down for tech rounds interacted with me outside the room and we had a chat on Saarang and Cricket for a while. Helped me settle down quickly during the interview.
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user image Vijay Prasad

posted on 17 Apr 2015

6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: You are shortlisted based on your application & resume. I feel more importance is given to the application. You are asked to list out and briefly explain your internships, projects, extra/co-curricular activities and any Positions of responsibilities you have held. You also have to give in a couple of short essays highlighting your short and long term objectives, achievements and an instance where you applied your mind over matter.
Tips: You are rated on five different aspects - CGPA, Internships, Projects, Extra/Co-curricular activities and PORs. Be sure to bring out your strengths in a clear and concise manner.

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: The GD happened in groups of six and was for 30 minutes which included the five minutes of prep time. We were presented with five different energy sources available in a hypothetical region. The objective was to come up with a consensus the best alternative to solve the energy crisis in the region.
We came up with a couple of key parameters and  rated each of the projects based on those. We weren't able to reach a conclusion.
Tips: The moderator looks for a structure in your analysis and the manner in which you present it to the team. It'll be great if everyone agrees with your point which reflects your natural leadership skills. Your body language counts a lot. Stay attentive and look engaged and passionate about the discussion. You get points for starting a GD but do so only if you have a good point in mind. Never put any disagreement to a vote - try reaching a consensus.
Duration: 30 min minutes

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: The first round went on for about 45 minutes. The first few questions were a set of typical HR introductory questions. Next the questions were primarily about my interships and projects. I found this round pretty fast paced and rapid. They would randomly pick something from my resume (So be through with everything on your resume!) and would ask me to briefly explain it. Then there were tons of follow up questions, for example, why did you use this pump, why did you limit your model to these inputs etc. There were also a few HR questions which were behavioral in nature - wherein you would be asked to give an instance from your life that illustrated a competency like people skills conflict resolution etc.
Tips: Make sure you are able to speak constructively about every line in your resume. Have a clear understanding of every project/internship. Revise all your courses from a practical standpoint. I would highly recommend going through the Lab experiments and their respective chapters in McCabe & Smith.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: The second interview was reasonably laid back and chilled out. I was interviewed by the CEO and MDs of the ITC Printing and Packaging division. The interview went on for about 20 minutes and was HR based.
Tips: Interviews are nothing but a story telling competition. Pick a unifying theme and prepare a story for yourself. This should come out in the first two/three minutes of the interview. Make sure you have a rationale behind having done everything you have put in your resume. The interviewers look at your resume in its totality and not as bunch of independent spikes.

DO NOT mug up answers to standard HR questions. You'll sound unnatural and fake and won't strike a chord with the interviewer. Have a set of bullet points ready and go over them in a way you would, when you meet someone on a train.

Skills: Technical Knowlegde, Communication, Confidence and ability to deal with stress, Leadership skills, Taking initiatives , Ability to deliver on a project, Team skills, innovating
College Name: IIT Madras
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user image Sunil Roger

posted on 7 Apr 2015

5 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: It was a normal test to evaluate the students on how they would react to various situations in a corporate environment.
Tips: Keep your thoughts straight and answer the questions honestly. It should be a piece of cake.
Duration: 90 minutes

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: A total of 7 words were given and we were told to make out whatever we could out of them. Every other candidate connected the words with Vodafone since the last word that was given was 4G (LTE Technology), but i chose to connect them with IPL. I was the first one to be selected along with two other guys, who also made their points well.
Tips: They look for ideas that are novel and out-of-the-box. They are looking for individuals who can stand out from the group and also make valid points. You shouldn't join the bandwagon and talk about the same thing everyone else is talking nor should you go completely off-track making it sound gibberish. Have a strong idea or a point and go for the attack. Also do not try to intimidate others or get intimidated. Respect everyone's opinion and make sure your opinion counts.
Duration: 25 minutes

Round: Behavioural Interview
Experience: The whole interview centered around whatever I have done in my four years of college. I was told to explain about my projects, my coordinator roles and various other activities that I have done. They also want to make sure that you are up for challenges if you're put out of your comfort zones (that's how the job is gonna be).
Tips: Be confident. That is the biggest tip that can be given. Explain yourself well, make sure you let them know that you're interested in working for them and try to show them that you are capable for technical as well as leadership roles. Make sure to show yourself as a well-rounded individual with a passion for learning.

General Tips: Stay confident and motivated through the whole process, so that you would send a positive vibe in the GD and Interviews. That goes a long way, more than your other skills.
Skills: Able To Speak With Perception, Confidence, Leadership Skills
College Name: IIT MADRAS
Motivation: Techno-managerial profile. Vodafone brand value. Interesting work culture.
Funny Moments: I didn't start talking in the GD until 5 people have made their points and my close friend, who was also sitting next to me during the GD nudged me to start talking or else everyone would ignore me. When i did start talking and started connecting the words with IPL, everyone were puzzled and that moment I thought I screwed up. But when I had completed talking I knew that I had nailed it. :)
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6 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Tips: 1 or 2 page Resume. Stress on your positions of responsibilities, internships and your academic projects. Try to highlight the mathematical values about your project (eg: 50 lakh investment, 20 lakh returns, 20% efficiency increase etc etc)

Round: Group Discussion
Experience: Some story with different characters and their involvement in the situation was given. The story revolves around work ethics and maintenance of confidential information about the company. At the end we need to discuss and come to a conclusion as to who is main culprit or the person responsible for causing the problem in the company.
Tips: Don't be too demanding or too easy going in the GD. If you don't know how to start just wait so that someone will catch up and u can definitely join in. It's good if you can start first but make sure you have enough content to be put up bcoz u started first. Don't try to cut other's while they speak but try to remain in the conversation as much as you can. Try to give a proper conclusion from your end as much as possible because I feel that the reviewers will be very attentive towards the end than in the middle. Even if your GD doesn't go well don't worry bcoz there are points both for your application and GD so if you have a strong application then you can easily be shortlisted.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I had an internship in P&G. ITC being an FMCG too most of my interview revolved around the work I did in P&G. It was easy for me bcoz I just had to explain all the stuff which I already did. They asked a bit about my POR's and sports and I explained them briefly..that's it :)
Tips: be thorough with ur resume. They will mostly be asking points from ur resume itself so if you are thorough with ur resume points you can easily get through this round. Prepare some basic core questions from your subjects like thermodynamics, strength of materials etc bcoz they are definitely going to ask you questions about them.

Round: HR Interview
Experience: This interview is mainly to understand whether u r a right fit to ITC or not. They will ask u questions as I stated above. Try to be honest as possible but make sure u don't say anything which is not in line with the company (For eg: When they say about factory work say them that u like it ..if u r honest and say u dont like factory work then there are high chances that u wont be selected bcoz they are mainly looking for people to work in factories in supply chain profile)
Tips: When they questions about other interviews (and if u r actually attending other company interviews) be honest and say them the truth. Don't say that u r not attending others bcoz they will have the list of all companies u r shortlisted on Day-1..
As you know ITC is an Indian FMCG so try not to focus on other things abroad. They might ask some trap questions like ..Do u like working in foreign countries u should not say no but yes either..try to put in a good way which favour them the most. (u can say that India is a developing country and there is a lot of potential which can be tapped here so focusing in India can definitely be good in the future..something like that..:P)
Finally I want to say that its not about ITC or any other company whenever u attend any interview try to be yourself and use your words properly which will give a positive impact to the interviewer that you can actually profit the company a lot than anyone else.
Hope it helps :)

Skill Tips: GPA (good if u have 8.0+)
Skills: Internship work, Positions of responsibility , Leadership skills, team work
College Name: IIT MADRAS
Motivation: Good FMCG..great growth (if u work straight for 15 yrs in ITC u can easily reach the top positions of the company)..nice pay :P
good hours of work like may be max 10hrs per day...
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

  • Q1. Take one product you like. And, tell me why you like it
  • Q2. If you are the manager of the app, how will you create a metric system to keep track of progress?

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Resume Shortlist
Experience: Start-up experience counts.
Tips: Try to look and present everything from a product perspective.

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I took Ola Cabs app. Explained why it adds value to our lives.
Tips: Try looking at things from a user perspective and from a designer perspective .

Skill Tips: Understanding of existing systems (user/ consumer, customer,services, products, values, maker)
Skills: Creativity, Articulation, Break down analysis, , , , ,
College Name: IIT MADRAS
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4 Interview Rounds

Interview Questions

Interview Preparation Tips

Round: Test
Experience: Arithmetic was easy but as far as technical is concerned I got no clue.
Tips: Refer thermodynaics, rac
Duration: 30 minutes
Total Questions: 40

Round: Technical Interview
Experience: I'm unprepared. I'm tensed. But the panel is cool so in 30 seconds or so I got settled and answered them just like that.
Tips: Make them believe that you are a died hard fan of Mfg. industry but don't do too much over-action! A positive minded friend will be a lot of help.

General Tips: A good night sleep.
Skill Tips: If you had a proper interview for coordship, It will be of great help. If there is a chance say something where you demonstrated Ownership mindset, Excellence, Customer Value, One Team and Integrity.
Skills: Analytical, Commitment
College Name: IIT MADRAS
Motivation: I want to get into a core company.
Funny Moments: I used the washroom for 20 times during the interview! A hug helped me to reduce my tensions.
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2 Interview Rounds

Interview Preparation Tips

Experience: I am thereby explaining my experiences at internship. Work was decent. Intern location was at Mysore.Knowledge acquired at IIT was sufficiently enough to complete the internship. Most of the work was on shopfloor and not infront of computer. Had to stay most of the time with machines to understand their functioning in the manufacture of CFLs.

College Name: Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Motivation: I always wished to work in a core company , at shopfloor instead of infront of computer. This company fulfilled my wishes. So I accepted the PPO
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