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Verbal Ability
Read the Following Idioms/Phrases and choose the option which expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
To cut the Gordian Knot
To perform a difficult task
To act unreliably
To avoid difficulties
To cut a lot of threads
Answer: Option A.
To keep the wolf away from the door
To keep away from extreme poverty
To keep off an unwanted and undesirable person
To keep alive
To hold the difficulties and dangers in check
Answer: Option 1
Gift of the gab
The ability to speak in an impressive manner
Absence from work
A triumph to one’s credit
Answer: Option 2.
To make clean breast of
To gain Prominence
To praise onself
To confess without of reserve
To destory before it blooms
To keeps one's temper
To become hungry
To hold back anger
To Preserve ones energy
To be aloof from
To take a leaf out of somebody’s book
To take him as model
To steal something valuable
To follow the dictates of someone
To conform to others standards
To leave someone in the lurch
To come to compromise with someone
constant source of annoyance to someone
To put someone at ease
None of these
It makes no odds
Come to a compromise
Quite certain
To cause no intrest
It is not important
At one's wit's end
Clean up
At one's fingertips
To take revenge
Matter of shame
Complete knowledge
None of the above
Example: All formula's of quantitative aptitude are at his fingertips.
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