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In a school, there were five teachers.A and B were teaching Hindi and English.C and D were teaching English and Geography.D and A were teaching Mathematics and HindiE and B were teaching History and French.
More than two teachers were teaching which subject ?
Answer: Option 2
Above information can be analysed as below:
Hence, Three teachers were teaching Hindi -- A, B and C.
D, B and A were teaching which of the following subjects ?
English only
Hindi and English
Hindi only
English and Geography
Answer : Option 2
Hence, D, B and A were teaching Hindi
A farmer told his labourer to pick 896,809 apples and pack them into as few boxes as possible, each having the same number of apples. How many boxes did he use?
947 X 947
933 X 933
957 X 957
943 X 943
Ans: 947 X 947 Apples
= 896,809 Apples
A man has 53 socks in his drawer: 21 identical blue, 15 identical black and 17 identical red. The lights are fused and he is completely in the dark. How many socks must he take out to make 100 per cent certain he has a pair of black socks?
Answer: Option 3, (40 socks)
Explanation.If he takes out 38 socks, although it is very unlikely, it is possible they could all be blue and red. To make 100 percent certain that he also has a pair of black socks he must take out a further two socks.
In a party of 35 people there are twice as many women as children and twice as many children as men. How many of each are there?
Answer: 5 men, 10 children and 20 women.
Explanation.IF x = the number of men,then x + 2x + 4x = 35.Therefore 7x = 35.So X = 5.
A card player holds 13 cards of four suits, of which seven are black and six are red. There are twice as many hearts as clubs and twice as many diamonds as hearts. How many spades does he hold?
Answer: 6.
Explanation.The player holds 1 club, 2 hearts and 4 diamonds.As he holds 13 cards (or seven black cards), it follows that there must be 6 spades.
A B C D E F G HWhat letter comes two to the right of the letter which is immediately to the left of the letter that comes three to the right of the letter that comes midway between the letter two to the left of the letter C and the letter immediately to the right of the letter F?
A train moving at 49 mph meets and is passed by a train moving at 63 mph. A passenger in the first train noted that the second train took AS seconds to pass him. How long is the second train?
You have 59 cubic blocks. What is the minimum number that needs to be taken away in order to construct a solid cube with none left over?
The next cube number below 64(4 ×4 ×4) is 27(3 ×3 ×3).In order to construct a solid cube, therefore, with none left over,59 – 27 = 32 blocks need to be taken away
A blind man had only black or white socks. In his drawer he had 4 socks. He went to the drawer and took out 2 socks. The chances that he had a pair of white socks was 1/2. What were the chances that he had drawn out a pair of black socks?
Answer: Option 1
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