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At college, 70% of the students studied Maths, 75% studied English, 85% studied French and 80% studied German. What percentage at least must have studied all 4?
Solution is 10
Every station on the railway system sells tickets to every other station. Some new stations were added. 46 sets of additional sets of tickets were required. How many new stations have been added? How many stations were there originally?
2 New Stations
1 New Station
0 New Station
3 New Stations
New Stations-2
Original Stations-11
You have 59 cubic blocks. What is the minimum number that needs to be taken away in order to construct a solid cube with none left over?
The next cube number below 64(4 ×4 ×4) is 27(3 ×3 ×3). In order to construct a solid cube, therefore, with none left over, 59 – 27 = 32 blocks need to be taken away.
5 friends live in the same road A, B, C, D, E. The numbers of B, C, D when multiplied together equals 1260. The numbers B,C, D when added equal twice E’s number, and is even. A’s number is half as much again as E’s. The road numbers run from 2 to 222. What are the 5 house numbers?
A 26, B 31, C 9, D 41, E 9
A 21, B 22, C 10, D19 ,E 9
A 24, B 4, C 35, D 36, E9
A 36, B 4, C 9, D 35, E 24.
A 36 B 4 C 9 D 35 E 24
How many cases do you need if you have to pack 112 pairs of shoes into cases that each hold 28 shoes?
112 pairs of shoes = 224 shoes.= 224 ÷ 28 = 8.
On taking delivery of a consignment of eggs the market stall owner was furious to find that several were cracked. In fact, on counting them up in order to assess the damage he found that 72 were cracked, which was 12 per cent of the total consignment. How many eggs in total were in the consignment?
= 72 ÷ 12 × 100 = 600.
Gordon is twice as old as Tony was when Gordon was as old as Tony is now. The combined age of Gordon and Tony is 112 years. How old are Gordon and Tony now?
Gordon 64, Tony 48
Gordon 48, Tony 64
Gordon 64, Tony 64
Gordon 48, Tony 48
When Gordon was 48, Tony was 32(ie half the age Gordon is now).
A factory was cutting rolls of cloth into 1 metre lengths,from a 200 metre roll. How long would it take for the machine to cut the roll if each cut took 4 secs?
13.37 Minutes
13.27 Minutes
13.57 Minutes
13.87 Minutes
200m would only take 199 cuts not 200
199 × 4 sec = 13.27 mins.
A photograph measuring 8.5 by 7.5 cm is to be enlarged. If the enlargement of the longer side is 13.6 cm,what is the length of the smaller side?
12 cm
13 cm
10 cm
11 cm
= (13.6 ÷ 8.5) × 7.5 = 12 cm.
A bag of potatoes weighs 50 lbs divided by half of its weight. How much does the bag of potatoes weigh?
10 Lb
15 Lb
8 Lb
7 Lb
50÷5 = 10.
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