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A man used to rob the computers and He is active only for quarter of a year. He robs three computers Vayu, Tejas and Agni. January was unfortunate month for Tejas. Vayu was stolen in March. Now he used three tools Pliers, Screwdriver and Hook to rob all the parts from the computer and Make His own computer. He Rob Monitor from Tejas but Does not use hook. He robs Printer from Vayu and Use Pliers. And from Third Computer he robs Keyboard. i) In which month was Agni stolen? ii) Which tool was used for Tejas?
February, Hook
January, Screwdriver
February, Screwdriver
March, Pliers
January was unfortunate for Tejas, means Tejas was stolen in January.Vayu was stolen in March. So, Agni was stolen in February.He robs Printer from Vayu, uses Pliers. Hook was not used for Tejas for Screwdriver was used to rob Tejas.
A Z B Y D W G T ? ?Which two letters come next?
Answer: Option 1
Explanation.There are two alternate sequence. Starting at A, ABcDefGhijK; starting at Z, ZYxWvuTsrqP
What comes next in this series?
Answer: Option 4Explanation:There are three separate series.Starting with the first letter and taking every third letter there after – ITALY.Starting with the second letter and taking every third letter there after – SPAIN, from the third letter – INDIA.
Complete this sequence?2 3 4 9 16 81 256
×1, ×2, ×3, ×4
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