100% of satisfaction can not be achieved at any point of time least 10% people will have difference of opinion but at woodbriar nearly 90% of people will be in dissatisfaction. Its not the place for people to start are carry their carrier
work culture is poor and accounting people and concept of maintaining ledgers are horrible, Freshers please don't start your carrier at woodbriar because people here have a thinking that if we follow some concept which is wrong for long time it will be considered correct if we prove they will say we are following this method from starting. Its time for the DGM of finance and VP to understand that their foolish concepts and cheap politics at this age (these two are at extention after their retirement both are 60+).The firm is perfectly at decline stage at this stage.Director of the firm if you come across this make this a alarm call to know the fact of your all your estates are making huge loss on manure and fertilizers which you approve for consumption at your estates. Already there are many thefts at your properties and get ready for further more if you keep silent