...19. March 24 knockdown held April 1st they thrown out 75% staff from the school. Normally our salary date is 13 to 17 of every month. In this covid-19 pandemic condition they given us salary on 20th day of every month that too half salary from the month of April it self. But they collected full fee for academic year 19-20. For academic year 20-21 they collected full fee from day scholars and 75% fee from borders. They conducted online classes for foundation only not for academic subjects. They didn't provided any thing to teach class. Everything was arranged by the teacher only. In this condition also due to bad weather or due to any phone problem when they find poor signal to our phones then they strictly instructed that if you want to save your job then get internet connection immediately other wise you will be out of the job. The parents who is unable to pay fee they forcefully stopped to attend classes. To collect the fee they threatened parents. Students writen online exams depending on that results they given promotion ( to the better section)
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