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Saudi Electricity Company QA QC Engineer salaries in India (Updated 2025)

Annual salary range
10 - 14 years exp.
₹18 Lakhs - ₹25 Lakhs
Low Confidence
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Low confidence means that this average salary is based on data that was reported by very few people.
Salary of majority employees
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307% more than the average QA QC Engineer Salary in Power Companies for 10 - 14 years of experience

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Salaries in different departments

Engineering - Software & QA
QA QC Engineer Salary
13 - 14 years exp. (AmbitionBox Estimate)

₹16.2 L/yr - ₹19.8 L/yr

Construction & Site Engineering
QA QC Engineer Salary
10 - 11 years exp. (AmbitionBox Estimate)

₹22.5 L/yr - ₹27.5 L/yr

Quality Assurance
QA QC Engineer Salary
12 years exp. (AmbitionBox Estimate)

₹22.5 L/yr - ₹27.5 L/yr

Last Updated: 17 Jan 2025

Companies similar to Saudi Electricity Company for QA QC Engineer

Company name Avg Annual Salary Open Jobs
NTPC QA QC Engineer Salary

3 - 6 years exp. (6 salaries)

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₹2.7 L/yr - ₹6 L/yr

arrow icon 74% less
Adani Power QA QC Engineer Salary

2 - 5 years exp. (5 salaries)

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₹4 L/yr - ₹11 L/yr

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BHEL QA QC Engineer Salary

5 - 15 years exp. (7 salaries)

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₹3 L/yr - ₹10 L/yr

arrow icon 74% less
Torrent Power QA QC Engineer Salary

4 - 7 years exp. (5 salaries)

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₹2.4 L/yr - ₹4.7 L/yr

arrow icon 83% less
Siemens Energy QA QC Engineer Salary

4 - 7 years exp. (5 salaries)

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₹3.9 L/yr - ₹4.4 L/yr

arrow icon 82% less
Dhoot Transmission QA QC Engineer Salary

2 - 4 years exp. (5 salaries)

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₹1.8 L/yr - ₹3.5 L/yr

arrow icon 89% less

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QA QC Engineer salary at Saudi Electricity Company ranges between ₹18 Lakhs to ₹25 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 10 years to 14 years. Salary estimates are based on 5 latest salaries received from various employees of Saudi Electricity Company.

Latest annual salaries shared by Saudi Electricity Company QA QC Engineer

3d ago
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12 years exp.
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14 years exp.
1y ago
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11 years exp.
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10 years exp.
1y ago
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13 years exp.

Experience wise Saudi Electricity Company QA QC Engineer salaries

Last Updated: 17 Jan 2025

Experience Avg Annual Salary
10 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹25 L/yr - ₹25 L/yr
11 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹9.8 L/yr - ₹25 L/yr
12 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹8.9 L/yr - ₹25 L/yr
13 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹18 L/yr - ₹36.2 L/yr
14 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹18 L/yr - ₹18 L/yr

Similar Designation salaries in Saudi Electricity Company

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₹20 L/yr - ₹30 L/yr
Quality Engineer Salary
(AmbitionBox Estimate)
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₹11 L/yr - ₹14 L/yr
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₹8.1 L/yr - ₹10.4 L/yr
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₹30 L/yr - ₹36 L/yr
Chemist Salary
(3 salaries)
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₹12 L/yr - ₹13 L/yr
Supervisor Salary
(AmbitionBox Estimate)
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₹0.3 L/yr - ₹0.3 L/yr

Salary related reviews for Saudi Electricity Company


Rated by 1 employees for salary & benefits

Quality Assurance Department

  •  posted on 25 Oct 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


Given handsome salary with responsible and excellent job. Working hard with goal achievement.

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  • Salary - Excellent
  • +6 more


Compansation is decent.work is fast.work pressure light.i have worked only eight hours.manager valuable behavior.

Research & Development Department

  •  posted on 20 Jul 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


It has good and clear job description, good Work system.

  • Salary - Good
  • +1 more


... from outsider (especially from higher like king or princes coming for saudis) Some times there are royal gifts like salary of month/s given only to saudis. Supervisory and management only for saudis. The salary of saudi employee in the same grade is much more than the others.

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  • Promotions - Poor
  • +1 more

Engineering - Software & QA Department

  •  posted on 21 May 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


I am an Expatriate. This company is only for Saudi's. Officially, expatriates have lower scale of pay. Officially, expatriates cannot become Managers. Officially, expatriates cannot go for training, business travel and etc.

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  • Work-life balance - Good



  • Salary - Bad
  • +5 more

Other Department

  •  posted on 11 Nov 2021

 for  Salary and Benefits


U get salary on time. U get bonus and other benefits. U can get loan easily from any bank. Good work atmosphere. Good training they will provide. After age 50yrs no job guarantee like happened to me. Because of saudisatiion.

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  • Salary - Excellent
  • +4 more


I don't have any nagativity about this company.

  • Job security - Poor

Engineering - Software & QA Department

  •  posted on 13 Mar 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


...any is only for Saudi Arabian Nationals. Other nationals cannot become Managers. Other Nationals has a different pay scale (lesser). Other nationals has less benefits such as travel, increment and etc., What ever I said above are written official rules. And above this there is discrimination. If you are anyone other than Saudi Arabian national, please do not apply to this company.

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  • Salary - Good
  • +1 more


Employees other than Saudi Arabian Nationals, do not have benefits (officially).

  • Promotions - Bad
  • +2 more
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Saudi Electricity Company QA QC Engineer Salary FAQs

What is the salary of QA QC Engineer at Saudi Electricity Company?
QA QC Engineer salary at Saudi Electricity Company in India ranges between ₹18.0 Lakhs to ₹25.0 Lakhs for experience between 10 years to 14 years. According to our estimates it is 307% more than the average QA QC Engineer Salary in India. Salary estimates are based on 5 latest salaries received from various employees of Saudi Electricity Company India.
How does the salary of a QA QC Engineer at Saudi Electricity Company India compare with the average salary range for this job?
The average salary of a QA QC Engineer at Saudi Electricity Company is 307% more than the average salary of a QA QC Engineer in India. To know exact salary insights, login to view.
What is the salary of a QA QC Engineer in companies similar to Saudi Electricity Company in India?
  • Adani Power QA QC Engineer Salary - ₹4.0 Lakhs to ₹11.0 Lakhs per year
  • BHEL QA QC Engineer Salary - ₹3.0 Lakhs to ₹10.0 Lakhs per year
  • NTPC QA QC Engineer Salary - ₹2.7 Lakhs to ₹6.0 Lakhs per year
  • Siemens Energy QA QC Engineer Salary - ₹3.9 Lakhs to ₹4.4 Lakhs per year
  • Torrent Power QA QC Engineer Salary - ₹2.4 Lakhs to ₹4.7 Lakhs per year
What is the estimated take home salary of a QA QC Engineer at Saudi Electricity Company in India?
The estimated take-home salary of a QA QC Engineer at Saudi Electricity Company ranges between ₹1,42,099 per month to ₹1,47,388 per month in India. The take-home salary calculation is based on the average Saudi Electricity Company QA QC Engineer salary in India which ranges between ₹18.0 Lakhs to ₹25.0 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 10 years to 14 years. Check how did we calculate take home salary?
What is the notice period for QA QC Engineer at Saudi Electricity Company?
According to AmbitionBox, 75% of the Saudi Electricity Company QA QC Engineers reported a notice period of 1 Month, 25% reported a notice period of 15 days or less.This is based on 4 responses on AmbitionBox in last 2 years.

Tell us how to improve this page.

Saudi Electricity Company QA QC Engineer salary in India ranges between ₹18 Lakhs to ₹25 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹unlock blur. Salary estimates are based on 5 Saudi Electricity Company latest salaries received from various employees of Saudi Electricity Company.