Operator are in direct link with COO and COO prefer to listen them instead of management person and completly depends on them whether they are taking company in loss for their own profit (Blind believe on operators)
Once COO hires you he will start torturing you from first week and force you to resign
6-7 Production managers hired in last 3 year and everyone had to leave the job in bad condition (we all are just entertainment for him)
No job stabilty (Motherson system and name no where visible in organization and no involvement of corporate in company making COO to do whatever he wants)
Old staff is not doing his job and not answerable like scm not arranging material,HR is not able to provide manpower, store condition is pathetic but all questions to be asked from production manager
They will make you believe that you don't know anything about manufacturing
No respect wrt learning and experience gained in previous organisation
In 2024 company is running like 1980's era