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Metro One Operation Senior Shift Supervisor salaries in India

Annual salary range
7 - 14 years exp.
₹5.2 Lakhs - ₹6.5 Lakhs
Low Confidence
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Low confidence means that this average salary is based on data that was reported by very few people.
Salary of majority employees
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14% more than the average Senior Shift Supervisor Salary in Urban Transport Companies for 7 - 14 years of experience

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Salaries in different departments

Marketing & Communication
Senior Shift Supervisor Salary
14 years exp. (AmbitionBox Estimate)

₹5.9 L/yr - ₹7.2 L/yr

Sales & Business Development
Senior Shift Supervisor Salary
7 years exp. (AmbitionBox Estimate)

₹4.9 L/yr - ₹5.9 L/yr

Aviation & Aerospace
Senior Shift Supervisor Salary
12 years exp. (AmbitionBox Estimate)

₹5.6 L/yr - ₹6.8 L/yr

Last Updated: 22 May 2023

Companies similar to Metro One Operation for Senior Shift Supervisor

Company name Avg Annual Salary Open Jobs
Mumbai Metro One Senior Shift Supervisor Salary

10 - 19 years exp. (14 salaries)

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₹5.2 L/yr - ₹7.3 L/yr

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Chaayos Senior Shift Supervisor Salary

1 - 3 years exp. (4 salaries)

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₹2.6 L/yr - ₹4.3 L/yr

arrow icon 44% less
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₹9 L/yr - ₹11.5 L/yr

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₹3.8 L/yr - ₹4.2 L/yr

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₹2.7 L/yr - ₹3.5 L/yr

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Senior Shift Supervisor salary at Metro One Operation ranges between ₹5.2 Lakhs to ₹6.5 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 7 years to 14 years. Salary estimates are based on 4 latest salaries received from various employees of Metro One Operation.

Latest annual salaries shared by Metro One Operation Senior Shift Supervisor

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14 years exp.
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7 years exp.
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12 years exp.

Experience wise Metro One Operation Senior Shift Supervisor salaries

Last Updated: 22 May 2023

Experience Avg Annual Salary
7 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹5.2 L/yr - ₹5.4 L/yr
8 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹4.9 L/yr - ₹6.3 L/yr
9 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹5.1 L/yr - ₹6.5 L/yr
10 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹5.2 L/yr - ₹6.7 L/yr
11 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹5.4 L/yr - ₹6.9 L/yr
View all

Similar Designation salaries in Metro One Operation

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₹4.5 L/yr - ₹6.5 L/yr
Technician Salary
(AmbitionBox Estimate)
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₹3.9 L/yr - ₹4.9 L/yr
Operations Engineer Salary
(AmbitionBox Estimate)
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₹5.4 L/yr - ₹6.9 L/yr
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₹18 L/yr - ₹23 L/yr
Safety Executive Salary
(AmbitionBox Estimate)
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₹5.4 L/yr - ₹6.9 L/yr

Salary related reviews for Metro One Operation

Sales & Business Development Department

  •  posted on 28 Mar 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


It's a very good company that give great opportunity. The Managment is very good. The salary is good and the appraisal are done regularly work environment is also good and its a great place to work. I have got many opportunity.

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  • Salary - Excellent
  • +5 more


The only think that i dont like about metro one operation is there is only on week off. So it become very dificult to give time to family members

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operations Department

  •  posted on 03 Apr 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


Working in Project phase with good knowledgeable and supportive management. Quality standards are maintained as per required norms under ISO and OHSAS certification. Safety is monitored by station staff at paramount.

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...ances. Trainings are conducted for completing the formalities. No career Growth. no transparency in appraisal and salary varies on huge note for even if the employee is working on same cadre with same year of experience. Shifts working for station employees are without sufficient rest. HR processes are very weak and no disciplinary standards maintained.

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  • Salary - Bad
  • +6 more

Other Department

  •  posted on 26 Mar 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


The company is open to innovation and readily adopts latest technology. I love the fact that I am a part of a team that markets reliable, high-quality products and has a global client base. As a result, I get to travel abroad, especially to the US and Canada. But on-site travel is completely dependent on your project and client’s location. Mine is a US based client and they have some offices in Toronto, hence I got a B1 visa quickly. Another plus point is that my colleagues come from various cultural backgrounds, and we work happily in collaboration. I also like the employee re-hire policy here.

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  • Salary - Excellent
  • +6 more


Compensation is decent, but growth is slow. The work pressure is very high. Sometimes, I have to work 14-18 hours straight in a day as I have to attend client calls in the evening and sometimes late into the night. Managers do not value an individuals’ unique strengths, which is why I have to take back my suggestions most of the times. I do receive appreciation emails from my client, but they mostly go unnoticed during my mid-year appraisals. Also, there is no on-job training for freshers, hence senior folks like me have to guide them step-by-step, which is a pain sometimes.

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Project & Program Management Department

  •  posted on 27 Feb 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


A very good team of HR,Finance and all other related fellow with readiness of helping to each others,Timely promotions and good increase in salary.Table politics is almost nil.feeling a tension free environment work culture.

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  • Salary - Excellent
  • +6 more


Limitations for promotions.

Administration & Facilities Department

  •  posted on 16 Feb 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


Mumbai Metro one operation nice public transport company.working in this organization has been wonderful enriching experience.

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  • Salary - Good
  • +6 more


I have shared a unique type of camaraderie which i hope will continue in the years to come even through I shall be here with the company. "The company every success in all its future endeavors"

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Metro One Operation Senior Shift Supervisor Salary FAQs

What is the salary of Senior Shift Supervisor at Metro One Operation?
Senior Shift Supervisor salary at Metro One Operation in India ranges between ₹5.2 Lakhs to ₹6.5 Lakhs for experience between 7 years to 14 years. According to our estimates it is 14% more than the average Senior Shift Supervisor Salary in India. Salary estimates are based on 4 latest salaries received from various employees of Metro One Operation India.
How does the salary of a Senior Shift Supervisor at Metro One Operation India compare with the average salary range for this job?
The average salary of a Senior Shift Supervisor at Metro One Operation is 14% more than the average salary of a Senior Shift Supervisor in India. To know exact salary insights, login to view.
Which similar companies are paying more than Metro One Operation to a Senior Shift Supervisor in India?
  • Supreme Petrochem Senior Shift Supervisor Salary - ₹9.0 Lakhs to ₹11.5 Lakhs per year
  • Mumbai Metro One Senior Shift Supervisor Salary - ₹5.2 Lakhs to ₹7.3 Lakhs per year
What is the salary of a Senior Shift Supervisor in companies similar to Metro One Operation in India?
  • Eurecat India Catalyst Services Senior Shift Supervisor Salary - ₹3.8 Lakhs to ₹4.2 Lakhs per year
  • Chaayos Senior Shift Supervisor Salary - ₹2.6 Lakhs to ₹4.3 Lakhs per year
  • Deedy Chemicals Senior Shift Supervisor Salary - ₹2.7 Lakhs to ₹3.5 Lakhs per year
What is the estimated take home salary of a Senior Shift Supervisor at Metro One Operation in India?
The estimated take-home salary of a Senior Shift Supervisor at Metro One Operation ranges between ₹44,869 per month to ₹45,961 per month in India. The take-home salary calculation is based on the average Metro One Operation Senior Shift Supervisor salary in India which ranges between ₹5.2 Lakhs to ₹6.5 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 7 years to 14 years. Check how did we calculate take home salary?
What is the notice period for Senior Shift Supervisor at Metro One Operation?
According to AmbitionBox, 100% of the Metro One Operation Senior Shift Supervisors reported a notice period of 3 Months.This is based on 2 responses on AmbitionBox in last 2 years.

Tell us how to improve this page.

Metro One Operation Senior Shift Supervisor salary in India ranges between ₹5.2 Lakhs to ₹6.5 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹unlock blur. Salary estimates are based on 4 Metro One Operation latest salaries received from various employees of Metro One Operation.