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Mayur Uniquoters Marketing Manager salaries in India

Annual salary range
10 - 18 years exp.
₹6.5 Lakhs - ₹11.9 Lakhs
Low Confidence
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Low confidence means that this average salary is based on data that was reported by very few people.
Salary of majority employees
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25% less than the average Marketing Manager Salary in Leather Companies for 10 - 18 years of experience

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Last Updated: 23 Nov 2023

Companies similar to Mayur Uniquoters for Marketing Manager

Company name Avg Annual Salary Open Jobs
UNO Minda Marketing Manager Salary

10 - 19 years exp. (13 salaries)

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₹14.5 L/yr - ₹27 L/yr

arrow icon 137% more
Endurance Technologies Marketing Manager Salary

10 - 16 years exp. (4 salaries)

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₹13 L/yr - ₹19 L/yr

arrow icon 75% more
Varroc Group Marketing Manager Salary

10 - 15 years exp. (4 salaries)

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₹4 L/yr - ₹21.4 L/yr

arrow icon 36% more
unlock blur

₹14.1 L/yr - ₹27 L/yr

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Bosch Marketing Manager Salary

3 - 14 years exp. (15 salaries)

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₹9 L/yr - ₹33 L/yr

arrow icon 111% more
1 job opening
Best Sellers Marketing Manager Salary

10 years exp. (12 salaries)

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₹12.9 L/yr - ₹18.3 L/yr

arrow icon 87% more
Denave Marketing Manager Salary

4 - 14 years exp. (7 salaries)

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₹6.3 L/yr - ₹16 L/yr

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NIIT Marketing Manager Salary

9 - 11 years exp. (7 salaries)

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₹6.4 L/yr - ₹18.2 L/yr

arrow icon 21% more
Subex Marketing Manager Salary

6 - 15 years exp. (6 salaries)

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₹21 L/yr - ₹22.3 L/yr

arrow icon 128% more
Markets and Markets Marketing Manager Salary

0 - 5 years exp. (4 salaries)

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₹0.4 L/yr - ₹3.7 L/yr

arrow icon 72% less
Superhouse Marketing Manager Salary

8 - 15 years exp. (4 salaries)

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₹5.4 L/yr - ₹5.9 L/yr

arrow icon 40% less
VA Tech Wabag Marketing Manager Salary

7 - 16 years exp. (3 salaries)

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₹16 L/yr - ₹20 L/yr

arrow icon 94% more
Sterling & Wilson Marketing Manager Salary

11 - 12 years exp. (3 salaries)

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₹8.8 L/yr - ₹13.8 L/yr

arrow icon 22% more

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Marketing Manager salary at Mayur Uniquoters ranges between ₹6.5 Lakhs to ₹11.9 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 10 years to 18 years. Salary estimates are based on 5 latest salaries received from various employees of Mayur Uniquoters.

Latest annual salaries shared by Mayur Uniquoters Marketing Manager

1y ago
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18 years exp.
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Experience wise Mayur Uniquoters Marketing Manager salaries

Last Updated: 23 Nov 2023

Experience Avg Annual Salary
10 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹6.5 L/yr - ₹11.9 L/yr
11 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹7.3 L/yr - ₹13.2 L/yr
12 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹7.2 L/yr - ₹9.3 L/yr
13 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹7.9 L/yr - ₹10.1 L/yr
14 years (AmbitionBox Estimate)

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₹8.5 L/yr - ₹10.9 L/yr
View all

Similar Designation salaries in Mayur Uniquoters

Senior Marketing Manager Salary
(AmbitionBox Estimate)
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₹21.6 L/yr - ₹27.6 L/yr
Sales Manager Salary
(AmbitionBox Estimate)
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₹4.5 L/yr - ₹5.8 L/yr
Deputy Manager Salary
(19 salaries)
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₹7.5 L/yr - ₹10 L/yr
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₹3 L/yr - ₹4.8 L/yr
Assistant Sales Manager Salary
(AmbitionBox Estimate)
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₹6.8 L/yr - ₹8.7 L/yr
Business Development Manager Salary
(AmbitionBox Estimate)
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₹11.3 L/yr - ₹14.4 L/yr

Top skills at Mayur Uniquoters for Marketing Manager

English Language Business Development German Language Sales Marketing

Salary related reviews for Mayur Uniquoters

Research & Development Department

  •  posted on 04 May 2018

 for  Salary and Benefits


Good environment of company, transportation facility, good infrastructure, comparative collage.


No canteen facility, poor politics, less salary growth, poor salary of fresher. Less yeary bonous. Less educated employee on higher post have much salary and more educated employee on less salary....I mean gadhe ghode ek saman kr rkhe hai.

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  • Salary - Bad
  • +4 more

Full Time


Quality Assurance Department

  •  posted on 14 Jun 2023

 for  Salary and Benefits


There very good for life balance and working culture. All top management very supportive for any time . Also good focus on skill training.

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  • Salary - Good
  • +5 more


Low interface management on worker . Like absent but no action against it.

Full Time


Quality Assurance Department

  •  posted on 03 Nov 2022

 for  Salary and Benefits


There is no Job security as of now.....you could be thrown out without any performance issue. Any new higher person will come and without knowing about you will say that you are zero and not doing any value adding work

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  • Work satisfaction - Good


A lot of politics and in that you are not having any value of work

  • Salary - Poor
  • +3 more

Full Time


Administration & Facilities Department

  •  posted on 26 Sep 2023

 for  Salary and Benefits


If you want to change your job profile join mayur because they are select you for as your experience but they gives you different work.

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Only those persons get promoted who only taking advantage of your work

  • Salary - Poor
  • +5 more

Full Time


Finance & Accounting Department

  •  posted on 16 Dec 2024

 for  Salary and Benefits


Good place learn the basic level of things

  • Skill development - Good


HR is sitting they don't have any involvement in any of the problem.people like Hanuman Jat are abusing everyone.If you are responsible or not but he will abuse and can eat your job anytime

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  • Salary - Poor
  • +4 more
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Mayur Uniquoters Marketing Manager Salary FAQs

What is the salary of Marketing Manager at Mayur Uniquoters?
Marketing Manager salary at Mayur Uniquoters in India ranges between ₹6.5 Lakhs to ₹11.9 Lakhs for experience between 10 years to 18 years. According to our estimates it is 25% less than the average Marketing Manager Salary in India. Salary estimates are based on 5 latest salaries received from various employees of Mayur Uniquoters India.
How does the salary of a Marketing Manager at Mayur Uniquoters India compare with the average salary range for this job?
The average salary of a Marketing Manager at Mayur Uniquoters is 25% less than the average salary of a Marketing Manager in India. To know exact salary insights, login to view.
What are the top skills required to work as a Marketing Manager at Mayur Uniquoters?
English Language, Business Development, German Language, Sales and Marketing are some of the popular skills required to work as a Marketing Manager at Mayur Uniquoters India.
Which similar companies are paying more than Mayur Uniquoters to a Marketing Manager in India?
  • UNO Minda Marketing Manager Salary - ₹14.5 Lakhs to ₹27.0 Lakhs per year
  • Subex Marketing Manager Salary - ₹21.0 Lakhs to ₹22.3 Lakhs per year
  • Bosch Marketing Manager Salary - ₹9.0 Lakhs to ₹33.0 Lakhs per year
  • Samvardhana Motherson Group Marketing Manager Salary - ₹14.1 Lakhs to ₹27.0 Lakhs per year
  • VA Tech Wabag Marketing Manager Salary - ₹16.0 Lakhs to ₹20.0 Lakhs per year
What is the salary of a Marketing Manager in companies similar to Mayur Uniquoters in India?
  • Best Sellers Marketing Manager Salary - ₹12.9 Lakhs to ₹18.3 Lakhs per year
  • Endurance Technologies Marketing Manager Salary - ₹13.0 Lakhs to ₹19.0 Lakhs per year
  • Varroc Group Marketing Manager Salary - ₹4.0 Lakhs to ₹21.4 Lakhs per year
  • Denave Marketing Manager Salary - ₹6.3 Lakhs to ₹16.0 Lakhs per year
  • Sterling & Wilson Marketing Manager Salary - ₹8.8 Lakhs to ₹13.8 Lakhs per year
What is the estimated take home salary of a Marketing Manager at Mayur Uniquoters in India?
The estimated take-home salary of a Marketing Manager at Mayur Uniquoters ranges between ₹68,420 per month to ₹70,175 per month in India. The take-home salary calculation is based on the average Mayur Uniquoters Marketing Manager salary in India which ranges between ₹6.5 Lakhs to ₹11.9 Lakhs per year for employees with experience between 10 years to 18 years. Check how did we calculate take home salary?
What is the notice period for Marketing Manager at Mayur Uniquoters?
According to AmbitionBox, 33% of the Mayur Uniquoters Marketing Managers reported a notice period of 15 days or less, 34% reported a notice period of 1 Month and the remaining reported other notice period durations. This is based on 3 responses on AmbitionBox in last 2 years.

Tell us how to improve this page.

Mayur Uniquoters Marketing Manager salary in India ranges between ₹6.5 Lakhs to ₹11.9 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹unlock blur. Salary estimates are based on 5 Mayur Uniquoters latest salaries received from various employees of Mayur Uniquoters.