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Luxury Connect Fresher Salary in India

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Salary related reviews for Luxury Connect

marketing Department

  •  posted on 12 Mar 2019

 for  Salary and Benefits


the owner of the company is a renowned personality in the luxury industry and has good contacts but they don't leverage it to the fullest.

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...omments and judgements amongst the people working(especially female employees) . Salary never came on time due to fund shortage in the company, they would give the salary cheque and request to submit it 3-4 days later because there weren't enough funds to pay the salary. ONLY THE NAME OF THE COMPNAY IS LUXURY CONNECT. NOTHING ABOUT THE COMAPNY IS LUXURY I was on probation and I put down my reign, they stopped my cheque payment that I had already submitted and I was told I'll get the payment as full and final after 45 days where as the offer letter said within 6 month probation one can leave within one day notice. Hence salary shouldn't be stopped. I had to regularly follow up and even then after 45days i was paid only a part of the payment and told the rest will be paid once the year will end. I had troubled unnecessarily for a payment that I duely deserved.

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